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published in(发表于) 2013/12/9 13:36:59
Harvard Professor: Chinese second generation wealthy always forget you are actually lucky

Harvard Professor: China rich second generation identity is actually Professor | | China rich second generation are lucky | _ news

Lofty South reporter correspondent Zheng Mengjie "every time I come to China before, many weibo told me to come to Guangzhou, finally. "Yesterday, to teach philosophy courses" just "bodacious---maikeer·sangdeer, a professor at Harvard University, carrying new book, against the perfect first visit to Guangzhou and opened his week-long trip to China.

  "Humans desperately need to find better values"

How much money and live a happy, there is a huge difference between the two, he seems such a clear sense of values is on the line. It turns out that we use as a tool to market economy for our benefit, but now that money has dominated our education, love, and legal aspects. In his view, humans there is an urgent need to find a way, find the money, better social values.

"Who may be the teacher generally make a 1000 times, but that doesn't mean they've done 1000 times of good teachers." Sandel was first mentioned yesterday "just" Word. In his view, if you are using a word definition, justice is the remuneration received by an individual and his balance of social work, or achieve a reasonable proportion between the two. As a result, rent-seeking and corruption of senior officials, it is important to combat, one cannot take the hands of the privileged, erosion of social public good.

When I first heard about constant after a rapid rise through the bulk purchase of foreign aid, he said with a smile, the same all over the world, "m Oney ball" has permeated every aspect of society. As a baseball fan, he was a Boston Red Sox fan, and core teams and rivals the New York Yankees last week signed a big contract, said he also will hurt.

  "Get rich first should help the weak"

"Successful people always think they're all on your own success", he again yesterday rejected the view. He said everyone's success, in addition to their own efforts, while also help with social groups, and possible ancestor to soothe. Which is why, he said, have become rich first should help the weak, they bear the responsibility.

China's problems in the second generation, second generation, he felt the only solution only by parents ' education, and cultivation of their child values are very important. Sandel said, those golden key in his mouth who grew up, tend to have a habit of always forget you are actually lucky. And because they depend on luck, they should be fed back to the community.

General public for wealthy and famous you can avoid many problems by wealth, and emotions are normal. He said that many people give up having children because of poor, in fact, the best that should not be the case. "Decided a life much less should not be about how much money money is the key to a child's feelings and love". Sandel said.

(Edit: SN098)
December 08, 2013 The Southern Metropolis daily

  南都讯 记者高远 通讯员郑梦婕 “之前每次来中国,不少微博粉丝都叫我来广州,这次终于如了愿。”昨日,以教授哲学公开课“公正”而风靡全球的哈佛大学教授———迈克尔·桑德尔,携新书《反对完美》首次到访广州,并开启他为期一周的中国之行。




  当第一次听闻恒大通过大量购入内外援而迅速崛起后,桑德尔笑着说,全世界都一个样,“m oney ball”已经渗透到了社会方方面面。作为一个棒球迷,桑德尔是波士顿红袜队的球迷,而在上周球队核心与死敌纽约洋基签署了一份大合同,他说自己也不好受。






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