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published in(发表于) 2013/12/9 13:37:32
Hunan Health Bureau links to patients under the primary indicators, officials denied

Hunan Health Bureau is referred to grass-roots indicators of patients under official denies | | | base in Hunan province _ Health Board News

"Mental patients only 1 of our village, but required by task, complete 4. "Xinhua County, Shi Xiang Tong Xin Cun village doctor Cao Wenguang introduced Xinhua County, many of the village doctors like him, for how to complete the patient" indicators "to worry about.

In the process of establishing health files, Xinhua County Health Department issued to the Township of mental illness, diabetes and high blood pressure patients the number of tasks, and assign tasks to different villages in township. Because the "tasks" and the provisions of public funding for health services, linked to the year-end performance appraisal, some village doctors ' patients are "substandard" case, had to take the form of false reporting of fraud to deal with examinations. Reporter Zhu Yuanxiang loudi reports

  Village health

  No false finish tasks

One village is a small village in Xinhua County, Shi Xiang, more than 950 people in the village, village health Ministry building, is located in the village. On December 6, for children in the village after an inoculation of village doctor Cao Wenguang told Xinhua that from 2010, as requested by the Township, village clinics every year and gradually established health records for the villagers.

Reporters saw tongxin village resident health records is dominated by the elderly and children, health tables every 3 pages, include basic personal information and health records.

For villagers to establish health records, which is a cumbersome task. However, Cao Wenguang village doctors in the old is more difficult is how to do the top down indicator. "The Township while attending meetings, give us each village health is assigned the number of patients. "Cao Wenguang said township village of concentric task indicators was ordered by the mentally ill 4," but in fact only one person in the village patients. People without mental illness, if I write up will certainly be Maniang. "Cao Wenguang said that, in accordance with the tasks assigned by the superior," did not complete the number of indexes in patients with diabetes and hypertension. ”

Blessing Towne East Village country doctor Liu Xiaodong in Xinhua County township were presented to reporters gave the number of chronic diseases and health examination objectives. Reporters saw the target number, issued to every village in town with target, Donghua village of just more than 800 villages, indicators in diabetic patients was 16, indicators in patients with hypertension is 40.

"If you didn't get the job done, appraisal points deduction. "Xiaodong Liu said, some village doctors only false reporting of number of patients, while building the document forgery.

"If there are so many patients, we are not the sick man of Asia? "Shi Xiang and every initiative to reflect the situation to reporters but would not disclose the names of rural doctors said my patient task indicators finished the work" more disgusted ". "The number of patients is well, indicators not practical! ”

  Rural hospitals

  Mandate under the County to the village

"The filing rate for Township this year has reached 75%. "During the interview, stone township chief Chen Ming (a pseudonym) told reporters, as requested by the County, township residents health record documentation from 2010 on, the village after village doctors fill out a profile sheet, and then consolidated into rural hospitals archives management.

"Mainly for a full picture on the health condition of the masses. "Chen said that in the next few years, township residents filing rate reached 100%.

Building document issued to the village a target of the patient in the process, Chen has not denied. "Because under the County's Health Bureau also gave us the mandate. "Says Chen, target ordered by categories including mental illness, diabetes and high blood pressure," we are based on the number of villages. ”

Chen said that diabetes and high blood pressure, the two groups of patients, "If you do a solid job, the number can be reached. "But he also acknowledges that to complete the task indicators of mental patients" unrealistic ".

"Give us a target of mental patients in the County is about 100, we're all only 33 of the actual number of mental patients. "Chen said that in order to facilitate task completion, Township after the task handed down to village clinics, the work included the year-end performance appraisal, if neither examination score didn't reach completion, village doctors will be penalized.

"Hold and how much money how much is deducted. "Chen said that the Township assessment and above will be allocated for rural doctors of public funding for health services, end of year performance.

  County Health Department

  Deputy Director denies release task indicators

During the interview, Chen told reporters that the Township gave to the village of psychosis, task parameters in patients with diabetes and hypertension, is the total amount issued by the County's Health Bureau, "to finish the task, we will also be penalized. ”

Chen, Deputy Director of the Health Bureau in Xinhua County Zou Kuanxing denied to reporters, "we did not issue the task. ”

However, the authority specifically responsible for residents ' health to build health unit staff working document, confirmed Chen's statement to reporters.

"We are under the township population and percentage of incidence, patient task indicators to the Township. "Xinhua County Health Bureau Health Unit staff Li min (not his real name) said that the content of the public health service on 12, but this time on the residents ' health records are the three kinds of mental illness, diabetes and high blood pressure.

"Mainly because they were afraid the township administration in place, missing, so give the task indicators. "Li min said, the public health service funding is calculated according to the total population, has nothing to do with the number of patients. She also admits that the issue task indicators in patients with small towns to schools is "estimated", "cannot be totally accurate. ”

"If you did not complete the task indicators, assessment is to point. "Li min said.

(Original title: Health Bureau was to give patients at the grassroots level indicator)

(Edit: SN098)
December 08, 2013 The xiaoxiang morning news
湖南新化卫生局被指向基层下病人指标 官方否认|卫生局|湖南|基层_新闻资讯





























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