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The author:(作者)aaa
published in(发表于) 2013/12/12 9:25:29
China’s Defense Ministry denied the army headquarters and withdraw additional troops in Hong Kong and Macao

Defense Ministry denies army headquarters and withdraw additional troops in Hong Kong and Macao | mod | | army troops stationed in Hong Kong _ news

Department of Defense News release yesterday, network of military system reform related information a few days ago, to Headquarters departments consult was informed that circulating on the Internet in the near future all kinds of information relating to adjustment of personnel system reform in the army are speculative. According to the party's 18 plenary session strategic decision on deepening the reform of national defense and the army, headquarters departments are actively planning to deploy, study follow-up measures and actively promoting the reform of national defense and the army mandates.

According to "China army network reporter channel" of micro-Bo publishing of message, online spread of "Army institutional prepared reform programme" including will additional army headquarters, revoked PLA stationed in Hong Kong forces, and stationed in o forces, will original people armed police forces (including police border forces), and the province military, and military, and garrison and the Xia's forces integration for people armed guard forces, PLA art college additional, and adapted big proportion of full-time Sergeant performances Department,. The people of

(Original title: Defense Ministry denies army headquarters and withdraw additional troops in Hong Kong and Macao)

(Edit: SN095)
December 11, 2013 Southeast express


  据“中国军网记者频道”的微博发布的消息,网上流传的“军队体制编制改革方案”包括将增设陆军总部,撤销中国人民解放军驻港部队、驻澳部队,将原中国人民武装警察部队(包括公安边防部队)、各省军区、军分区、警备区及下辖部队整编为中国人民武装警备部队,解放军艺术学院增设、改编大比例的全日制士官表演系等。 人民



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