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The author:(作者)aaa
published in(发表于) 2013/12/13 10:14:27
To find a new encryption method, Microsoft joined FIDO Union camp,

To find a new encryption method, Microsoft join FIDO Alliance camp,-FIDO, Microsoft, security encryption-IT information To find a new encryption method, Microsoft joined FIDO Union camp

Microsoft recently announced that FIDO alliance dedicated to the drafting of industrial-grade encryption standards, reduce the current combination, advocate a new encryption methods, enhance your current network security issues and Microsoft join, again putting focus on our day-to-day work with traditional password security question.

▲ Pupil, fingerprint, voice, PIN code new encryption methods

FIDO Union founded in 2012, is an acronym for Fast full IDentity Online, who looks forward to applying special security encryption device and browser plug-in method Alliance, the coalition has also been constantly develop new encryption software and hardware for network security devices.

For a new method of encryption, as well as numerous hardware and software partners to join, as of now, the Union has brought together, for example Google, eyes, large companies such as Lenovo, LG Alliance members, this time again Microsoft in Silicon Valley.

Have already started to use authentication hardware and software, and to develop relevant protocols and clients. FIDO Union hopes for the early introduction of a standardized authentication technologies, such as emerging and innovative biometric, PIN code (personal information verification number) as well as other accessibility validation technology.

Because of existing online services using traditional user name and password is easy to leak or even password combination can guess, so computer experts want to introduce a new method of encryption to protect users ' personal Internet security.

Now FIDO uses public key cryptography to authenticate users of information, without having to install third-party software, browsers that support the mainstream use. The initiative can more easily from a browser to access the Web application.

Mobile devices such as the Android Terminal, FIDO researchers are preparing to feature user authentication, soon will introduce a Windows Tablet and Apple iPhone, andiPad devices.

Users to use FIDO service, uses an online service without the need for registration of biometric technology and personal information steps to really navigate the online world.


为寻求新加密方法,微软加入FIDO联盟阵营 - FIDO,微软,安全加密 - IT资讯



FIDO联盟成立于2012年,是Fast IDentity Online全称的缩写,一家期望采用特殊的安全加密设备以及浏览器插件的方式的联盟,该联盟也一直为网络安全不断研发新的加密软硬件设备。





在移动设备例如Android终端, FIDO研究人员正在准备用户验证的新功能,不久后也将引入到Windows平板和苹果iPhoneiPad设备中。



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