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published in(发表于) 2013/12/16 0:35:59
Fuzhou, Jiangxi fireworks factory explosion-induced 1 killed and 1 wounded

Fuzhou, Jiangxi fireworks factory blast 1 killed and 1 wounded by Jiangxi Fuzhou | | | fireworks factory explosions _ news

    "Qinghua University took place in a fireworks factory explosion killed 1 killed and 1 wounded" today about 10:30, Qili gang Linchuan District of Fuzhou City in Jiangxi huanyu flower burst explosion at fireworks factory production lines, accidents killed 1 wounded, 1 dead. Current local fire, police, medical personnel and other departments have rushed to the scene to search and rescue, the cause of the accident under investigation. (CCTV reporter Yin Yiyuan)

    (Edit: SN028) December 14, 2013

        【江西抚州一烟花爆竹厂发生爆炸 造成1死1伤】今天10点30分左右,江西抚州市临川区七里岗乡环宇花爆厂烟花生产线发生爆炸,事故造成1人受伤,1人死亡。目前当地消防、公安、医疗救助等部门已赶到现场进行人员搜索和医救,事故原因在调查中。(央视记者殷一元)


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