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published in(发表于) 2013/12/16 0:39:42
Media 2013 Sina micro-blog forum participant is introduced: Li Wanqiang

2013 Sina microblog Forum introduced the media: Li Wanqiang | medium | Sina weibo | guests _ news

Li Wanqiang were millet, head of mobile marketing. Powerword served as General Manager in July 2000, XI ' an engineering school of industrial design graduate, entered the famous software company kingsoft software interface design. While in kingsoft, participate in kingsoft, kingsoft, WPS Office and many different versions of the well-known software project development, the main creative work to complete its interaction and interface design. Successive Jinshan Jinshan software design, human-computer interface design, Chief Architect, design Director, Internet Director, has repeatedly been invited to exchange of software design lecture to colleges and universities, was one of the earliest professionals engaged in human-computer interface design.

(Edit: SN080) December 13, 2013

  黎万强是小米手机营销负责人。曾任金山词霸总经理,2000年7月西安科技工程学院工业设计专业毕业,进入国内知名软件公司金山软件的人机界面设计部。在金山软件期间,参与了金山毒霸、金山词霸、WPS Office等多个知名软件项目的不同版本开发,主力完成其交互及界面设计的创作工作。历任金山人机界面设计部首席设计师、金山软件设计中心设计总监、互联网内容总监,曾多次受邀到各地高校进行软件设计的讲课交流,是国内最早从事人机界面设计的专业人员之一。


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