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The author:(作者)aaa
published in(发表于) 2013/12/16 0:43:54
Shanxi coal chemical pattern will be formed of the leading industry, fine chemical characteristics

Shanxi coal chemical pattern will be formed of the leading industry of fine chemicals | feature | pattern, coal chemical industry new material _ | news

The newspaper News (trainee newspaper reporter Li Meihua) of coal chemical industry in recent years, the province focused on nurturing the development of one of the pillar industries. On December 11, the reporter learned from Shanxi provincial science and Technology Department, at present, the Shanxi coal chemical industry and achieved success by stages, "key technologies and demonstrate modern coal chemical industry" as Shanxi province "Twelve-Five" Science and technology major projects has proceeded smoothly, "Twelve-Five" at the end, led by the coal chemical industry of Shanxi formation, fine chemicals, chemical materials will become the characteristics of industry structure.

It is understood that the "key technologies and demonstrate modern coal chemical industry" project since its launch in 2011, projects focusing on the combination of innovation development, and achieved a number of results. Among them, borne by the Shanxi University "methanol, benzene-based fine chemicals and raw materials industry in the chain of catalysts and catalytic processes technology industrialization" project, has successfully developed a 3,000 ton/year of continuous production of succinic anhydride of maleic anhydride by catalytic hydrogenation process of co-production of succinic acid, and has been implemented in the enterprise on a horse. This project made me completely mastered succinic anhydride maleic anhydride by catalytic hydrogenation of continuous production of large complete sets of production technology. Also, Shanxi Yang Meifeng HI (Group) company bear of "water coal pulp water-cooled wall gasification furnace technology development" project, has completed world first sets can using water coal pulp gasification of water-cooled wall gasification furnace of continuous stable run, effective to settlement has I province "three high" gas of hard of problem, makes my autonomous research of water coal pulp water-cooled wall coal gasification technology among to has world advanced ranks. "Twelve-Five" during, Shanxi province technology major special--"modern coal chemical key technology and the model" special of smooth implementation, not only accelerated has I province shift economic development way, also for Shanxi province efforts building to coal for base, and multi development of modern industry new system, promoting high carbon resources low carbon development, and black coal green development of strategy type shift provides has strong of technology support.

(Original title: Shanxi "Twelve-Five" status of coal chemical industry as the leading industry in the late formation)

December 13, 2013 News Network-San Jin city of Shanxi province
山西煤化工主导产业格局将形成 精细化工成特色|产业格局|,煤化工|新材料_新闻资讯

  本报讯(见习记者 李美华)煤化工产业是近年来我省重点培育发展的支柱产业之一。12月11日,记者从山西省科技厅了解到,目前,山西省煤化工产业取得阶段性成果,“现代煤化工关键技术及示范”作为山西省“十二五”科技重大专项进展顺利,到“十二五”末,山西以煤化工为主导的产业格局将形成,精细化工、化工新材料将成为产业格局特色。


(原标题:山西“十二五”末 煤化工为主导的产业格局将形成)


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