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published in(发表于) 2013/12/16 0:43:58
Shanyang County, Shaanxi Province denied education and body assessments teachers buying lottery tickets

Shanyang County, Shaanxi Province denied education and body assessment teacher | teacher | the lottery _ Lottery | Shaanxi news

Authorities wide nets of XI ' an, December 14 (reporter Liu Tao), "primary and secondary school teachers is assessed by the shanyang County, Shaanxi Province to buy sports lottery", a Shaanxi Provincial Sports Lottery administrative center responded, said opposition "against his will, to force a way or huge sales Lottery", arrangements have been made responsible to local understanding of the current situation.

After media disclosures, shanyang County, Shaanxi Province the Township school teachers receive 3,000 yuan Lottery assessed by the superior task, shanyang County Education Board in an interview, said that lottery tickets are purchased by the collective contributions of people in love, aims to support social welfare undertakings, did not give the teacher assessed sports lottery sales. Currently, shanyang County Education Board and Supervisory Board has set up a joint investigation team, and the matter was being investigated.

(Original title: in shanyang County, Shaanxi Province were accused requiring teachers to Lottery officials denied)

(Edit: SN098)
December 14, 2013 China broadcast network

  央广网西安12月14日消息(记者刘涛) 针对“陕西省山阳县多所中小学教师被摊派购买体育彩票”一事,陕西省体育彩票管理中心做出回应,称反对“违背当事人意愿,以强制或摊派的方式销售彩票”,目前已安排相关负责人赴当地了解情况。


(原标题:陕西山阳县被指要求教师买彩票 官方否认)


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