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published in(发表于) 2013/12/16 0:44:03
Shanyang County, Shaanxi Province was pointing to the teacher assessment task 3,000 yuan to buy a lottery ticket

Shanyang County, Shaanxi Province is to teacher assessments to buy 3,000 yuan Lottery tasks apportioned by the shanyang County, Shaanxi | | | _ news

Authorities wide nets, Sanyo evening peak December 13, according to voice of the News reported that two nights ago, a Tweet like this has aroused extensive attention of netizens. Weibo who is a village in shanyang County, Shaanxi Province Luo Valley nine years of school, a teacher, microblogging, every teacher, including his, would have to buy $ 3,000 worth of sports lottery, which was taught under the Board's mandate, to finish will be criticized. Truth is what? Investigated the reporter went to the local.

The tweet said, the Township, shanyang County school teacher receiving 3,000 yuan Lottery tasks of assessment for education, they have to finish, finish evaluation pass. Twitter with photos you can see, a middle-aged man who is scraping the lottery, and table full of lottery tickets. When the journalists arrived in shanyang County, Luo Valley in towns and villages in nine years of school, where the principal does not recognize this.

Luo Yu in towns and villages in the nine-year school principal Chen: there is no such thing. There are individual teachers like to buy lottery tickets.

Reporters found a photo on Twitter that followed the man Zhou, he also puts it at odds on Twitter:

Reporter: look online there's a photo of me, you have a bunch of lottery tickets.

The Professor: I buy a lottery ticket or a crime? Lottery is the national advocate, is wrong.

Before the Twitter issue, but three or four hours, teachers why and words on Twitter is so different. President Chen's sentence to let reporters think it must be something else.

Professor Chen: this is called, is to contribute to society, said, but did not force who purchased, you must buy.

Why advocate as a mountain school was poorly paid teachers to buy lottery tickets? How the truth? Reporter then arrived in shanyang County Education Board, Shaw, Deputy Director in charge of sports lottery told reporters that they set up a provisional investigation team in last night, after an investigation concluded the result.

In shanyang County, taught body Council Deputy Secretary xiaoxucheng: the school (in the village Los Valley nine years system school) no hard to teachers assessed sports lottery sales business, but this things produces of causes is due to a success people, this year yilai to school has donation has more than 500,000 yuan, which this donation people clear said, inside of 100,000 yuan is for school leadership, made allowance or, so after xiaoweihui research, took out 50,000 yuan purchased has sports lottery, to each teachers issued.

In a subsequent interview, this reporter learned that, in shanyang County parent departments are taught to manage Sports Lottery Board. Teach Board said in March this year, specially introduced a strict notice of issuance of the sports lottery sales, clearly not allowed to assign the task form enables teachers to purchase sports lottery, or who is not allowed to buy sports lottery. Then, once again came to the village in shanyang County, Luo Yu-nine years of school, Principal Chen reversed his earlier allegation at this time:

Professor Chen: (love those) to our school of 100,000, xiaoweihui we said, we don't want money, buy sports lottery money, had to send teachers, you can embody love, and second, you also gave place to contribute.

After several twists and turns, journalists got some media on December 11 in shanyang County, Shaanxi Province to make unannounced visits to several primary and secondary schools video video confirms that requires teachers to buy a lottery ticket is not only a task, it is a chip to school assessment. Can be seen in the video, some teachers are sitting on the steps of the school scratch lottery tickets, while earlier that week in Twitter photo teacher also said that sentence in Twitter: this is a political task.

It is understood that as a rural teacher salary is at best more than more than 3,000 yuan a month or so, we can see from the pictures, these teachers except for helpless scratch lottery, more of a voice not. Luo Yu in towns and villages in the nine-year school kindergarten teacher, told reporters:

Kindergarten teacher: I bought a 1000 dollars.

Reporter: not assessed more than 3,000 more money?

Kindergarten teacher: 3,000 yen is not yet finished.

Reporter: are you thinking of buying one?

Kindergarten teacher: no way.

Reporter: who says, our school rules, right?

Kindergarten teacher: no, like top requirements.

Unannounced visits to video, arrange reporters found that there are two kindergartens, and a primary school teacher admits that teach there next assignment for each teacher to buy 3,000 tickets. Reporter to two towns around three or four primary and secondary schools were surveyed. It seems that this situation has emerged. In the video in a kindergarten, the reporter noted, towns and villages in Central kindergarten teacher per school to buy a lottery ticket number and rating each other, and buying low numbers may also be subject to criticism.

Kindergarten teacher: each of us bought 1200 (lottery).

Reporters asked how much?

Kindergarten teacher: we each requirement is 3,000.

Reporter: did you finish tasks? Is this your first name right?

Kindergarten teacher: we are not, we are the last, we are informed.

(Original title: shanyang County, Shaanxi Province school teacher assessed Lottery task 3,000 yuan per person)

(Edit: SN064)
December 13, 2013 China broadcast network

  央广网山阳12月13日消息 据中国之声《新闻晚高峰》报道,前晚,有这样一条微博,引起了网友的广泛关注。发微博的人,是陕西省山阳县中村镇洛峪九年制学校的一位教师,微博称,包括他在内的每位老师,都必须要购买3000元的体育彩票,这是县教体局下派的任务,完不成会被通报批评。真实情况是什么样呢?记者来到当地进行了调查。













  据了解,作为一名乡村教师每个月工资最多也就是3000多元左右,从画面中我们可以看到,这些刮彩票的教师们除了无奈之外,更多的是敢怒不敢言。中村镇洛峪九年制学校 幼儿园老师这样告诉记者:














(原标题:陕西山阳老师被学校摊派买彩票 每人任务3000元)


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