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published in(发表于) 2013/12/17 8:35:02
Counting Microsoft 2013: that was a bad year,

Counting Microsoft 2013: that was a bad year-Win8,Windows8,WP,Windows Phone, Tablet PC, Microsoft-IT news Counting Microsoft 2013: that was a bad year

2013 is relatively tough year for Microsoft, restructuring, the structure of the company CEO Steve Ballmer (Steve Ballmer), announced his retirement plans,the Windows8 fading, and Surface the Tablet market is flat,Windows Phone is constantly suppressed ... ... These signs make people feel if the software giant was finished.

The President of The Marks Group, a technology consultant, Forbes Magazine columnist Jien·makesi (Gene Marks) has written for 2013, Microsoft had counted, he was Microsoft's performance this year has "very bad" evaluation, the following is the subject of the article.

I'm a die-hard fans of Microsoft, is that many of Microsoft's products and services, users, I hope Microsoft can do better, but it is unfortunate, in 2013, Microsoft did a very bad, as evidenced in the following 6 areas:

Windows 8 fading

In recent years, PC sales shrinking year by year, this trend is particularly evident in this year's first, which directly affects the Microsoft Windows 8 released at the end of 2012. After the release of the system, frequent Bug Let the majority of Windows users and the technical forum's response to its very cold, their enthusiasm is far below that year's Windows 7, even Microsoft's hardware partners Samsung freely that Windows 8 is a "not competitive platform."

Microsoft released Windows 8.1 in quickly under the strong pressure, some outstanding problems in a previous version was repaired and joined the cry "Start menu", however Windows 8 has lost the best market cut into the time that until now were not widely recognized by the consumers.

Surface plate flat

Surface Tablet sales in July this year, ugly, even the major media were publishing articles dedicated to areas in which the Surface than the Apple iPad, which can be considered a relatively rare phenomenon in the IT industry. Subsequent updates Microsoft Surface plate, and promises to bring a better experience for the user. So far, sales of the new Surface was poor, but it is still far behind compared with the iPad.

Windows Phone has been continuously suppressed

In 2013, Microsoft Windows Phone in the Smartphone market, which continues to be both Android and iOS competition constantly suppressed, and "it takes two" BlackBerry, the market share is shrinking. Microsoft "was surrounded by heavily armed" cases for $ 7.3 billion acquisition of Nokia's mobile business unit, hoping to come to integrate the resources, so as to face the competition with Google and Apple. But the move has failed to get the support of investors, followed by Microsoft's stock collapsed, the company lost $ 15 billion dollar market in a short time. And the end of Microsoft is now considered Google's practice of the year, launched a free version of Windows Phone to seize more market.

Reorganizing corporate structures

PC market of yearly atrophy, and Windows 8 market reaction cold and smart phone Shang of lurched retreat let Ballmer pain determined on Microsoft of company structure for restructuring, this restructuring around "a Microsoft (One Microsoft)" concept for, highlight "equipment and service" of company positioning, Ballmer in restructuring process in the almost on each one executives of duties are for adjustment, and will zhiqian of 8 a products sector restructuring for 4 a new sector. Although this practice is "remedial measures" is suspected, but has been recognized by most analysts, except that in 2013 in all things bad for so much of the company the "operation", timing of Ballmer is debatable.

Ballmer is about to retire

Ballmer announced in August this year will be retiring in the coming years, "it's hard to find a perfect retirement spot, but now is a good time," Ballmer said, he pointed out that his original idea was in company restructuring medium-term exit toward the equipment and service companies, and Microsoft needs one led the company to the new direction of the CEO for a long time. Over the past 32 years, Ballmer of Microsoft's leadership had different departments, including operations, operating systems development, sales and technical support. In 1998, he was promoted to company President, has overall responsibility for the day-to-day operations of Microsoft, and in 2000 and served as CEO of Microsoft. Ballmer, Microsoft, faced criticism from investors led by, who thinks the rise of mobile devices and Internet services has formed a lethal threat to the IBM PC, but Microsoft's response to this has been fairly dense.

Lack of novelty

Founded in 1975, Microsoft has now entered its 38th year, continues to surprise people before Google, Apple and Amazon, Microsoft is an old gentleman dressed in vintage clothing, so awesome, but sadly lacking freshness. As a software enterprise once and feel that Microsoft should not be like this old, although in many areas are very difficult to make people satisfied with the performance, but should at least give consumers the courage and confidence sees you are willing to change, so that people continue to look to in the future, Microsoft will comeback, for more great products to the world.


Although Microsoft at this year's awful, but I'm personally optimistic about Microsoft's future is. First Microsoft this year of shares came to has near 13 years of Supreme points, Shang quarter of revenues reached 5.2 billion dollars, in wealth under rankings Shang ranked 35 name, row in Apple zhihou Google zhiqian; second just listed of Xbox One get general players of sought after, this also indicates that year Ballmer by do of decided also is comparison wise of; Furthermore, while WP in market share Shang far Miss Android, but Microsoft hands of patent technology is let Google annually obediently pulled out 2 billion dollars of patent using fee. To sum up, Microsoft can just choice soon to Prime's CEO, and by now has become visible in the company's development strategy, believe Microsoft will rebound in the year 2014, again played an important role in the global IT industry.


盘点微软2013:真是无比糟糕的一年 - Win8,Windows8,WP,Windows Phone,平板电脑,微软 - IT资讯

2013年对于微软来说是比较难熬的一年,公司结构进行重组、CEO史蒂夫·鲍尔默(Steve Ballmer)宣布退休计划、Windows8出师不利、Surface平板电脑市场表现平平、Windows Phone被不断打压……这些迹象都让人感觉这家软件巨头是不是已经日薄西山了。

科技咨询公司The Marks Group的总裁、《福布斯》杂志专栏作家吉恩·马克斯(Gene Marks)日前撰文对2013年的微软进行了盘点,他就微软在今年的表现给出了“无比糟糕”的评价,以下是文章的主要内容。


Windows 8出师不利

近几年来,PC销量逐年萎缩,这种态势在今年表现得尤为明显,这也直接影响到微软在2012年年底发布的Windows 8。该系统在发布之后,频频出现的Bug让广大的Windows用户和各大技术论坛对其的反应非常冷淡,其热情度远远低于当年的Windows 7,就连微软的硬件合作伙伴三星也毫不客气地表示Windows 8是个“毫无竞争力的平台”。

微软在强大的压力之下迅速发布了Windows 8.1,对此前版本中的一些突出问题进行了修复,并且加入了呼声最高的“开始菜单”,但是Windows 8已经失去了最佳的市场切入时机,以至于到现在都没能得到消费者的广泛认可。



Windows Phone被不断打压

2013年,微软的Windows Phone在智能手机市场上仍然被Android和iOS两大劲敌不断打压,与“难兄难弟”的黑莓一样,市场份额不断萎缩。微软也在“被重兵围困”的情形下斥资73亿美元收购了诺基亚的移动业务部门,希望借此来对优势资源进行深入整合,从而直面与谷歌和苹果的竞争。但是这一举措却没能得到投资者的支持,随后微软股票出现暴跌,公司市值在短时间内蒸发了150亿美元。而穷途末路的微软目前正在考虑借鉴谷歌当年的做法,推出免费版本的Windows Phone来抢占更多的市场。


PC市场的逐年萎缩、Windows 8市场反应冷淡以及智能手机上的节节败退让鲍尔默痛下决心对微软的公司结构进行重组,此次重组围绕“一个微软(One Microsoft)”理念进行,突出“设备和服务”的公司定位,鲍尔默在重组过程中几乎对每一名高管的职责都进行调整,并将之前的8个产品部门重组为4个新部门。虽然这种做法有“亡羊补牢”之嫌,但还是得到了多数分析师的认可,只不过在诸事不顺的2013年对公司进行如此大的“手术”,鲍尔默所选择的时机有待商榷。






虽然微软在今年的表现相当糟糕,但我个人对微软的未来还是持乐观态度的。首先微软今年的股价来到了近13年的最高点,上季度的营收达到52亿美元,在《财富》排行榜上位列35名,排在苹果之后谷歌之前;其次刚刚上市的Xbox One得到广大玩家的追捧,这也表明当年鲍尔默所做的决定还是比较英明的;再者,虽然WP在市场份额上远远赶不上Android,但是微软手中的专利技术却让谷歌每年乖乖掏出20亿美元的专利使用费。综上所述,微软只要能够在不久择选到一位年富力强的CEO,再加上如今已经逐渐明晰的公司发展策略,相信微软能在2014年实现反弹,重新在全球IT产业中扮演举足轻重的角色。


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