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The author:(作者)aaa
published in(发表于) 2013/12/18 8:44:35
Phone to download the software will be careful, possession of dangerous drugs,

Phone to download the software will be careful, may possession-mobile phone viruses, mobile malware, city of parkour, talking Tom cat-IT information Phone to download the software will be careful, possession of dangerous drugs

China Internet Association anti-spam Center and 12,321 network information reporting reception center, announced a few days ago has been reported up to cell phone software, including the city of parkour, talking Tom cat, Root kit V1.1.7 (Android2.0+) 10

They may be implanted virus, charges for stealing, theft of information, damage your system!


手机下载这些软件须当心,可能藏毒 - 手机病毒,手机恶意软件,城市跑酷,会说话的汤姆猫 - IT资讯




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