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The author:(作者)aaa
published in(发表于) 2013/12/21 23:23:03
Free than pay more gold,

Free more gold than the paid-Apple app store, App Store-IT news Free than pay more pricing

If you want to profit by developing an app, you and most likely is that by releasing a free, rather than charging procedures to achieve their own goals. As statistics show, App Store the app store application in ten major categories there are seven categories of revenues are mostly derived from the application of free applications in the pay mechanism.

Of course, such judgments are not absolute. For example, in the period January 2013, navigation and the efficiency of such application in the App Store revenues obtained through this model only and 22%.

According to leading market research firm Statista data charts, we can see, the free in-app billing mechanism has been the most applications in the App Store the app store category the most profitable way. Is to be noted that this is particularly evident in the press in such applications, the category application 99.5% application's revenue comes from paid mechanism. Meanwhile, efficiency of navigation and application classes affected had the lowest, because these two types of applications are still mainly paid apps to get profit.


免费应用比付费更吸金 - 苹果应用商店,App Store - IT资讯

如果你希望通过开发一款应用程序获利的话,你最大的可能就是通过发布一款免费,而非收费程序来实现自己的目标。因为根据数据显示,App Store应用商店十大类别中有七个类别的应用营收大多源自免费应用中的应用内付费机制。

当然,这样的判断也并不绝对。比如,在2013年1月至11月期间,App Store中的导航和效率类应用通过这一模式所获得的营收就仅为22%和29%。

根据知名市场调研公司Statista发布的数据图表我们可以发现,在免费应用内置应用内付费机制已经成为了App Store应用商店中大多数应用类别的最主要盈利方式。需要指出的是,这一点在新闻报刊类应用中显的尤为明显,该类别应用99.5%的营收都来自于应用内付费机制。与此同时,导航和效率类应用受此影响则最小,因为这两类应用依然主要通过付费应用来获得盈利。


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