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published in(发表于) 2013/12/22 18:55:59
Some enterprises pay Provident Fund take double restriction 3,760

Some enterprises pay Provident Fund take double restriction 3,760 housing _ | | Provident Fund enterprises | news

The Beijing News (by staff reporter Wang Shu), the Central enterprises "costly housing accumulation funds" have been the subject of much criticism. Yesterday, the Beijing enterprises's internal Web site, post a notice, in accordance with State regulations, following upon deposit ceiling, extraction will also cap the amount of housing accumulation Fund.

The enterprises published an internal circular titled on the extraction of housing accumulation Fund notice of policy changes. Mentioned in the article, "in recent days, Central State housing management centre informed, since housing Provident Fund deposit after January 1, 2014, extract the amount does not exceed the maximum amount of deposit period (2013 Fund annual cap for 3,760 RMB/month), the housing accumulation Fund paid by December 31, 2013, still according to the original required."

 Determine the maximum amount paid in the year 3,760

The enterprises internal notification referred to in the "2013 Fund annual cap for 3,760 Yuan/month", originated on June 6 this year, Central Housing issued by the management center of the central State organs in 2013, regulation of housing accumulation Fund months ' paid annual notice.

The article clear, "housing Provident Fund deposit the maximum amount for the year of 2013, according to the Beijing Municipal Bureau of statistics announced 2012 year 3 times the average monthly wage of workers in Beijing, respectively multiplied by the 12% unit and employee housing Provident Fund deposit". In accordance with the above-mentioned methodology, 2013 housing accumulation Fund monthly deposit the maximum amount of 3,760.

Extracting maximum amount does not exceed the amount paid in the current period

Provisions in accordance with a previous central State organs made by Center for housing management, purchase, renovation, rent and other reasons, you can extract housing Provident Fund balance. But it moved forcefully to an internal notification stressed that "housing Provident Fund paid after January 1, 2014, extracting maximum amount does not exceed the amount paid in the current period (2013 Fund annual cap for 3,760 Yuan/month)".

"The ceiling of 3,760 Yuan this year, next year even if it raised the ceiling, our high housing Provident Fund now will be no more than" the enterprises one employee told the Beijing News reporter said, "we are very worried, if even after buying a house down payment, cannot introduce full Provident Fund? Ask the HR Director, said what about buying a House, rental, specific details still unclear; asked the China Construction Bank, said received an oral notice requirement above drawing lines, they can only act according to the chapter ".

The worker said that he and his colleagues prepared before the end of December this year, repaid all existing housing Provident Fund balance, "in the future limit the amount of extraction, the Housing Fund would have much, so paid into the standard will change."

Some enterprises workers not yet heard that extract the maximum amount of

Are all Central enterprises will limit the extraction of public accumulation Fund for housing credits? Yesterday afternoon, the Beijing News reporter called central Center for housing management, customer service, and no one answered.

In addition, the Beijing Capital International Airport, with other central State housing management service staff interviewed said that the units do not have to be issued to inform, "ask people, I've never heard such thing as extraction rate ceiling."


"Excessive pay Provident Fund are irregularities"

Housing Management Center will serve central State organs, are divided into a-level Department, a cabinet-level departments and their respective units, and several levels in Beijing. "A level" amounts to 110.

Published "on housing Provident Fund annual adjustment of the amount deposit month notice", Central State organs of the Department of housing management practices, are issued annually.

Notification sent twice a year, once in the year, facing the Chinese people's insurance company, China life insurance (Group) and other units; at the end, organizations directly under the State Council ministries, budget-oriented units.

Is published twice a year, from the central State budget year different. NPC organs, ministries, organizations directly under the State Council, the CPPCC organs, the Supreme Law, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the democratic parties Central and people's organizations in Beijing and the administration of the civil service law unit, budget unit, posted a standard adjustment should be at the end of it.

Therefore, Central Housing Management Centre this year published "informed of this months ' paid annual adjustment of housing accumulation Fund", did not include more than the budget sector. Late last year, and last month, the central housing management centre has published two notices, have confirmed that these budget sector deposited 2013 standards, capped at 3,364; 2014 standard, capped at 3,760.

But different, in the latest issue of notice is paid standard notices issued late last month, Central State organs Center for housing management stressed that for the first time, "according to the disciplinary regulations of allowance subsidies illegal conduct, excess deposit is a violation of housing accumulation Fund. Do not allow months ' paid break months of housing accumulation Fund paid ceiling ".

Earlier, the excess deposit, Central housing management centre uses forms for "in principle not allowed to break through the deposited amount of deposit the maximum amount of housing accumulation Fund".

The Beijing News reporter Wang Shu

Expert analysis


Provident Fund contributed to the implicit benefits

In recent years, exposes "costly housing accumulation Fund" events such as coming out just as the middle of this year, Jilin Provident Fund account of tobacco company executives accounted for more than 14,000 dollars a month, about locally-developed ceiling paid 3 times times higher. Scholars refuted by many experts, "said the hidden welfare state-owned enterprises is not the highest, only better".

Last night, Liu Shangxi, Deputy Director of the Institute of fiscal science, said Li Shi, a professor at Beijing Normal University, standardize housing accumulation Fund, benefit of sky-high housing Provident Fund management, promote the reform of income distribution system.

"On public money, enrich the pockets of individuals", said Liu Shangxi, some State-owned enterprises times income housing common reserve fund equivalent to low-income groups, "housing fair Provident Fund has been involved in problems."

Li Shi long-term research income distribution system reform, he also think, housing provident fund equivalent savings, is income of part, next income distribution system reform will limit monopoly industry of high income, so, must "card" live housing Provident Fund, "if still can through housing Provident Fund this channel, disguised increased employees welfare, so even limit has monopoly industry of income, also up not to income distribution system reform of purpose".

How to cut the increase in benefits in disguised form way? Mr Li said that in recent years, the State had in adjustment of housing accumulation Fund policy, which had been required, deposit the maximum amount of management, excess deposit, through its Department for approval. Provident Fund management in some areas allowed for excess payment.


Provident Fund system proposed to remove

Mr Li said that public accumulation Fund for housing policy is not the problem of how to perfect, but "has completed its historic mission, proposed to abolish and replace them with new policies such as housing subsidies."

Housing accumulation fund system in China began in 1991, when the national housing commercialization reform, but the shortage of funds for housing construction, therefore adopted a provident fund system, extracted from the employee's salary in the cent, subsidies 5%, loans for the construction of housing.

Commercialization of housing reform has ended, provident fund scheme was adopted, but in recent years has been called into question. Such as "robbing the rich", shrinking money lying, there are low-interest accounts several years to remove; provide room for corruption, such as in May this year, Jilin tonghua City Housing Fund Center Party Secretary were found with subordinates involved misappropriation of housing accumulation Fund of 1.125 billion yuan.

"Many private-sector employees have not been paid Housing Fund, which led to many houses, but did not enjoy Provident Fund. Therefore, housing Provident Fund proposal to abolish ".

The Beijing News reporter Wang Shu


Extraction tube Provident Fund policy, no change

Beijing Housing Fund Management Center official said yesterday that, at present, the Provident Fund in Beijing to extract policy has not changed. For purchase of Provident Fund, as long as it is not more than the actual spending on housing.

The official said, and haven't heard of provident fund schemes to extract policy adjustment, the Provident Fund schemes of the pipe to extract policy has not changed.

According to the introduction, under the extraction of the Beijing housing fund scheme, posted workers have 12 such cases can be stored for Provident Fund account balances, including home buyers, housing, retirement, rental, life difficulties.

Due to Beijing's purchase will cost hundreds of millions of dollars or even millions of dollars will be spent, so the total qualified, extraction limits rarely means that workers, as long as the amount does not exceed the buyers on the line. On each fetch, their provident fund accounts within the minimum reservation 10 Yuan.

At present, Beijing introduced Provident Fund deposit ratio is 12%. One of the workers ' monthly salary of 5,000 yuan for example, units and individuals pay Provident Fund every month for a total of 5000x12%X2=1200 Yuan.

But the Fund months there is a cap on the amount of deposit. Last year 300%, city workers ' average monthly salary of Beijing respectively multiplied by proportion and employee housing Provident Fund deposit that year. Implementation period for a Housing Fund, that is, on July 1 of that year to June 30 of the following year. Employee housing Provident Fund deposit the maximum amount each year are published.

Starting from July 1 this year and monthly deposit limits on the amount of the Fund this year to 3,760. In principle do not permit maximum amount paid months ' paid break unit housing fund.

Beijing News reporter-HP

(Original title: some enterprises pay Provident Fund take double restriction 3,760 dollars)

(Edit: SN091)
December 21, 2013 The Beijing News

  新京报讯 (记者王姝) 此前,央企的“天价住房公积金”,一直备受诟病。昨日,北京一央企的内部网站,发布通知称,按照国家规定,继缴存额设上限后,住房公积金的提取额也将设定上限。












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