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published in(发表于) 2013/12/22 18:56:05
Super 70% said Chinese property measure success, is too realistic

Super 70% said Chinese property measuring success is too real-| | property | success _ the Chinese news


Modern Chinese practical? France market research company Ipsos (Ipsos) a wealth survey survey covering 20 countries around the world, Chinese respondents with assets ratio to measure the success of tops, is more than twice times the world average.

71% per cent of Chinese respondents agreed "I what we as criteria for measuring success" this proposition, far above the East Asian neighbours. Agree with this assertion of Korea who account for 45%, Japanese 22%. In addition, just over 20% of Americans and Canada people, just 7% of Sweden agreed to this view.

"I feel under a lot of pressure to make money and the success of" this proposition, China have the highest proportion of respondents agreed, to 68%. In line, followed by the South Africa and Russia (both 66%), then was India (60%). Agree with this view of American 46%, consistent with the world average.

The survey also found that, although the Chinese people see the potential for their own country than in many other countries people are more optimistic, but optimism for future Chinese ranking below the world average. According to the New York Times

(Edit: SN091)
December 22, 2013 Southern Metropolis daily
调查称超七成中国人用财产衡量成功 被指太现实|中国人|成功|财产_新闻资讯







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