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published in(发表于) 2013/12/22 18:56:10
The billionaire bodyguard: security combine shopping with the kids

The billionaire bodyguard: guarantee security to combine shopping with the kids | bodyguards | occupation | security _ news

In China, the explosion of private wealth contributed to the development of the private security industry.

Han Le aged 23 and Wang Hao was a billionaire's personal bodyguard. Their day-to-day work is for employers who provided security guarantees various social activities, and also responsible for the care of family, pick up the kids.

  Regal around danger

34 years old, Mr Yong is a billionaire, industries involving finance, real estate, professional racing, and other fields, with thousands of employees. Not long ago, one circle of friends, kidnapping and extortion were killed, and he himself had received many anonymous extortion calls. The crisis around, so he had to think about how to protect their personal safety.

When his father used to drive alone, because eyes can't be careful not to have another car, chasing forced stops by other vehicles, and was wounded. In order to be able to protect himself and his family, professional combat training by friends from the Club looking for a few good at boxing and Sanda players serving as bodyguards. But before long, he had to check and return them. "Quality is not high, just shooting, easy to create a crisis, but do give yourself a lot of trouble. "Mr Yong said.

Company security guards are stationed for security companies, is responsible only for keeping security functions such as monitoring, the station gates and patrol, unable to provide personal escorts.

In a study abroad trip, learned many foreign entrepreneurs will employ integrated and highly qualified professional bodyguard to take charge of their own security. After returning home, he began looking for the professional security personnel.

Starting this September, a bodyguard at home 20 professional bodyguard school as one after another, with his wife, parents, and important members of the family, as well as all companies of his security advisers.

Professional bodyguard jobs

Han Le aged 23 and Wang Hao was elected as a bodyguard. They are responsible for a safety on various occasions, such as business negotiations, means of social occasions, for an outing, grocery shopping, taking children to school, etc.

Han Le and Wang Hao lived in Villa. At home, Wang Hao is responsible for raising their children, Han Le storekeeper, who was the family's help.

At first, Han Le and Wang Hao's family were against them in the career of bodyguards, family "bodyguard" awareness of those still stuck in the film for their employers at risk stuff.

In fact, the real professional bodyguard more often plays a security adviser role, they need to use professional judgement, to do security work at the front, to avoid a crisis, or to defuse the crisis in peace. Personal safeguard the security of the employer, in fact, only 3% per cent of all professional bodyguard work. Professional bodyguard needs into an employer's life, then lived and worked to identify security vulnerabilities, design strategies, and finally into their weaknesses and "safety valve".

How to find a sense of propriety is a professional bodyguard's most challenging places. When they work, to do not let employers and the family is nervous, so they feel comfortable in the psychological stability. If sudden crises, they can maximize covers safe transfer. They also own professional secrecy must be externally can only be described as the boss's Secretary and driver.

The maximum difference is a professional bodyguard and general security service. Professional bodyguard income is relatively high, more than million a month.

Bodyguard professional road

As Chinese companies abroad and the wealthy to develop industry, related to the protection of surge in China's enterprise security requirements, past Chinese guards not involved firearms training mode does not meet international demands. Some Chinese security companies, began to cooperate with the foreign companies, and officials were sent abroad to firearms skills training, to communicate with the world.

Professional bodyguard trainer Chen Yongqing, China said that the significant activities in China to invite foreign dignitaries and the departure of superstar, Regal, officials will not provide personal security services, which provides professional bodyguard with a market. Domestic professional bodyguard mainly by war veterans, retired professional athlete and staffed with people with expertise. Yongqing Chen says, but more professional bodyguard industry in China started late, far from meeting demand, domestic or lack of professional bodyguard industry standardization system and the rule of law, it is needs to be improved.

Beijing News reporter Chen Jie photo report

(Original title: Regal bodyguard private customized)

(Edit: SN091)
December 22, 2013 The Beijing News



















  新京报记者 陈杰 摄影报道



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