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published in(发表于) 2014/7/27 17:47:34
Water Park ban visitors plus diet, before attending mandatory search packages

Waterpark takeout food ban visitors outside the required mandatory search packages search | _ news

CNS, Changzhou, July 27 (reporters Tang Juan and Tian Wen)-summer season, Waterpark popularity skyrocketed. 27th, Lee reflects the public says, Changzhou, Jiangsu, liyang Tian Mu Lake Park prior to admission must be "searched" as visitors is allowed in packaged foods, fruits, beverages, found to be carrying to be confiscated, hungry and thirsty would be forced to buy big-ticket items in the Park. Visitors questioned the provision, saying the move violated their rights.

On July 27, the reporters as ordinary consumers to tianmu Lake Park, gate erected in conspicuous "security tips" warning sign saying all luggage backpacks admission subject to security checks, all packaged foods, fruits, beverages declined admission. In front of the wicket as well as a security channel, Hatch's staff for every backpack-carrying tourists, check out of the package, attracted tourists complained.

When asked why they want to search packages, staff said the "package tourists to bring their own refreshments to bring their own food to stay outside of the Park." Refuse admission requirements for packaged foods beverages, staff explained that the domestic water projects operate like this.

Reporter immediately called fellow water water world amusement park in Suzhou on telephone counselling, Suzhou world staff said, as long as visitors carrying cans or bottles, all snacks and beverages can be brought into the Park to eat.

Reporters found after admission, the Park snack bars, commodity prices far higher than the normal market price. For example, a supermarket sells for one or two bottle of mineral water, the Park asked for 8 Yuan; a bowl of noodles of the vineyard sold up to 4-5 Yuan, Park asked for 18 million. Many visitors, but said during the time hungry, thirsty, were forced to select only premium food and beverages provided by the Zoo, and to express doubt and discontent.

Practice of tianmuhu Lake Park, Jiangsu xinzheng lawyer Wu 昳 explained that consumers enter the Waterpark on the consumption is primarily aimed at water entertainment, both consumer contracts should be considered "entertainment" rather than "food consumption." As long as visitors without prejudice to the public interest, have the right to choose food with purchase of any enterprise. While paradise force consumers to buy expensive food inside the park for monopolies, had allegedly violated consumers ' right to choose and the right to fair trade.

Visitors can only enter by security at "search", said Wu 昳, the law regulates the right of citizens is inviolable, in addition to national law enforcement authorities in accordance with the relevant statutory procedures, right to the body or belongings of citizens making the necessary searches, inspections, and any other entity or individual has the right to.

25th article of the Consumer Protection Act also stipulates that operators may not insult, not consumer search consumer bodies and their belongings, shall not be violated personal freedom of consumers. Therefore, liyang Tian Mu Lake Park to "refuse to packaged foods" for park visitors on the "search" acts, has violated the personal rights of the consumer. (End)

(Original title: Jiangsu tianmu Lake Park band diet Park "searched package" cited criticism)

(Edit: SN123)
July 27, 2014, at 20:32 China News Network

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