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published in(发表于) 2014/8/21 9:01:16
Discipline Inspection Commission of Guangzhou: 80% cadres and corruption occur in traditional festivals

Discipline Inspection Commission of Guangzhou: 80% cadres and corruption occurs during traditional festivals | Festival officials taking bribes _ news

Xinhua people's daily, August 20 (Liu Yuan) this afternoon, on the Guangzhou Commission for discipline inspection held regular press briefings, Guangzhou Mei Heqing, spokesman for discipline Inspection Commission Standing Committee, to answer people's daily reporter on "holiday corruption" related problems. Mei Heqing, Guangzhou City Commission for discipline inspection will be in strict accordance with the requirements of Central and provincial Commission for discipline inspection, strengthen the efforts to prevent and punish corruption around mid-Autumn Festival, discipline, organization and economic punishment measures, increase the intensity of treatment and the exposure of the combat holiday gifts were rampant.

  Corruption quotes: corruption among low? New year cleansing unclean? See Festival

According to reports, the Guangzhou Commission for discipline inspection investigated cases of violations, 80% focuses on bribery of leading cadres during the traditional festivals. Corruption among low? New year cleansing unclean? The feast. Spring Festival has become a litmus test of party members and cadres are clean. Mei Heqing analyzes the causes of corruption especially during the festive season. Judging from anti-corruption investigation, human society is a hotbed of corruption, folk has alienated some who favor an important means of enrichment.

  China's cadre of human culture taking a toll and the integrity of

Mei Heqing analysis of China's relevant feature of human society, analyzing the Festival reason of corruption. He said that family is more important than ritual law, is the basic feature of world order of human society is still utilitarian features, based on blood ties, Xiang, learning, business margins these four circles, is the basis of popular favor. This favor of customs and habits, and bribe some officials confused the ceremony, moral and legal boundaries, cadres and the integrity of customs taking a toll. This is China's anti-corruption work reason why goes harder than Western countries.

Victory against corruption, is honest and clean culture and decadent culture of the contest. Therefore, Mei Heqing particularly stressed the need to seize the opportunity for Festival, enhance the honesty education of cadres, stop to give and receive gifts during the holiday season gift abuses, breaking some officials take heart, honesty and self-discipline as a lifestyle.

  Simultaneous development of countermeasures to corruption investigation Festival Welcome to the masses

According to reports, the Guangzhou Commission for discipline inspection will strengthen efforts to prevent and punish corruption around mid-Autumn Festival, enlarge the investigations seriously investigate and deal with cases.

Gifts on public funds, will adhere to the disciplinary action, to deal with and economic punishment simultaneously, increase the intensity of processing and exposure.

On problems found, found similar phenomena such as purchase gifts of public funds will be in Guangzhou, the mass education bureaucracy exposure units exposure, as well as at a regular monthly, to strict discipline and accountability of those responsible.

In addition, issues related to discipline Committee welcomes the masses of Guangzhou, through letters and visits, call 12388 hotline, landing the disciplinary inspection and supervision complaints plate website, Guangzhou JIU Feng network, micro-methods such as complaints, complaints about masses reflected cadres violating the Central "eight rules" mental cases, discipline Inspection Commission of Guangzhou will adhere to the nuclear, fast find fast, timely return.

20:45 on August 20, 2014
People's daily online

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