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published in(发表于) 2014/9/20 11:06:31
Kunming flight failed in flight, ground flight attendants cried

Kunming flight failed in flight stewardess cry | after aircraft fault | crash _ landing news

"The faults found during the flight, erratically tossed cabins no one could speak again, face was stiff. "Recently, some netizens posting about his flying experiences panic scene. 15th he was flying en route from Kunming to Xuzhou flights experienced aircraft fault, the plane returned to Kunming Changli water aerodrome. After you arrive at the airport, passengers in discomfort was taken by ambulance.

Yesterday, the reporter contacted airline officials involved, confirmed that the faults found during the flight in the flight back to base. But because the event handler without injuries from happening. After the plane returned, said his heart sick, was rushed to the hospital to check there's no big deal.

  Netizens about air fright

Recently, the one known online as "HiSoft" of friends in an online posting, described his own water from Kunming airport en route to Xuzhou, encounter aircraft fault, staged a psycho scene.

The Netizen said on September 15, he and his friends over a 6-day tour of Yunnan, 5:20 A.M. ride to water of Kunming airport, take the morning flight from Kunming to Xuzhou, a. During the flight, aircraft accident fault, pitched in the air constantly, wafting the smell of diesel in the cabin. Finally, the flights were canceled, and flew back to the airport again.

The netizens said, "as the aircraft climbs to thousands of meters into the cruise stage, flight attendant notified started breakfast. Then the pilot came to the cabin, took a look at both sides of the aircraft engine position, after a few minutes, the aircraft made a harsh sound, and still others smell of diesel fumes. Cabin attendant's voice: due to aircraft failure, flight return water of Kunming International Airport, please fasten your seat belts. Then flight attendants back to seat, against the wall and fasten your seat belt. When aircraft came the larger ' chirping ' sound and the plane erratically from bumps. No one speaks anymore at this time in the cabin, we face stiff. ”

  Passengers in discomfort was taken by ambulance from the

The friends on, half an hour after the flight, the plane eventually landed safely in the water airport. "I saw around the runway has been cleared, firefighters wear fire suits, airport security was drawn up in line, several fire engines, ambulances and police cars are prepared. There are a dozen vehicles parked in a different location, they're our plane 20 meters away form the encirclement. "The friends recalled.

Then the plane more than 20 minutes after landing, flight attendants to advise passengers with baggage from the aircraft door to evacuate before and after. After getting off the plane, the passengers would be relieved, and under arrangements of the staff at the airport, were bussed to the departure hall to rest.

At rest, the users see, "came out two ambulances, medical personnel carrying medical equipment, oxygen bags, also came to the Terminal, now there are because of the shock body problems, heart attacks, high blood pressure, medical staff after their initial treatment on ambulances sent to the hospital for medical treatment. Then a stewardess said, working for years is the first time I met this failure. "The netizens also said that when passengers after the flight attendants were scared and cried.

Finally, in 11:15 A.M., the passengers before boarding again after almost 3 hours of flight and eventually safely landed at the Xuzhou Guanyin airport.

  Airline: ill passengers rushed to hospital without due

Yesterday, the reporter after liaised with the airline concerned and confirmed that the flight is indeed found in the flight failed to return home, but due to the event-handling time, injuries does not happen. The staff, the flight after flight crew found the aircraft fault lights. In accordance with the relevant provisions, in order to prevent potentially dangerous, the flight decided to return to troubleshoot. In front of the long water land, in order to reduce the weight of aircraft, fuel consumption measures in the air, then landed safely at 9:14.

After the plane landed safely long water of Kunming airport, airlines and airports to do the emergency treatment, appeared unwell passengers were taken to hospital for an examination. After returning, airline passengers were arranged in a timely manner to apply in the afternoon, most of the passengers on the flight were already taking change a flight, successfully arriving in Xuzhou Guanyin airport. A total of 123 passengers on the plane, returning process, passengers with physical discomfort after the plane was sent to hospital for treatment.

"After you arrive at the airport, passengers said their heart discomfort, request sent to the hospital, so we promptly paying passengers to the hospital. "The staff, after a careful examination, rushed to the hospital to check passengers and no big deal. Fault causes of flight, the staff member said, airlines now have organized the investigators investigate, failure is temporarily not suitable for release.

  Return before landing to "drain" the safety

According to airline sources, before and after takeoff, will conduct a comprehensive inspection, only can take off after indicators are all qualified. "The aircraft structure is complex, cannot be completely ruled out malfunction during flights, so as long as the failure led is lit, while in flight and cannot be resolved, you must select the return or the nearest landing. ”

On the return voyage before landing, aircraft air oil/fuel consumption measures will be taken, "the aim is to reduce the weight of aircraft, preventing the accidents occurred during the landing. "There are two options: one for the direct transfer of fuel emissions into the air high in the sky; the second is hovering in the air continue to roundabout, until the fuel consumption volume. "Major security failure, requiring immediate landing, will choose to direct oil emissions into the air. Common faults, select fuel consumption measure. "(Reporter Yuan Haiyi)

10:20 on September 19, 2014
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