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published in(发表于) 2016/3/9 10:20:42
Jobs, Cook’s helper: behind the Apple top 10 beauties,



Jobs, Cook′s helper: 10 beauty behind the Apple-Steve Cook, Apple-IT information

Our girls have just spent yesterday "Goddess", and turn to Western countries, women began to celebrate. At this time, women are more concerned than usual, especially science and technology company of women. So, today we understand women who contribute to Apple (in no particular order).

Joanna Hoffman

Joanna Hoffman in 1980 when he joined Apple, Apple history, is the 15th employee. She prepared for the Mac user interface design specifications and guidance on how to bring computers to the field of education. Joanna Hoffman in the company has a good reputation, she dares to argue with jobs.

Deborah Coleman

She is the second to join Apple′s women team, Coleman has served Apple 11 years of financial and operations chief. This is just one of her list of accomplishments, she also has a doctorate in VC as a Vice President of the company, but also is a Board member of several technology companies.

She has great respect for Joanna Hoffman, she said: "Joanna Hoffman was the representative of all of us, let us learn how to argue with Steve person. ”

Susan Barnes

Susan Barnes was once head of Apple Macintosh computers, is also a founder of the NeXT one. Once upon a time, Susan Barnes were sent to partner with Apple on the cooperation project, the partner company of Japan, President tells her that men in business, women go out to buy pearls.

Then he sent a terse fax, fax read: this round of talks, Barnes make a decision.

Susan Kare

Her design of Apple′s first batch of icons, including system icons, brushes, mini stop watch as well as the famous dog cow icon, and so on. These visual icons of the success helps Apple built Mac products.

She is now in designs, Kare Design Studio design company was established.

She said: "I really like the design of those meaningful, and icons that can be remembered. ”

Angela Ahrendts

Reports that Angela Ahrendts boosted Apple′s retail team loyalty. Moreover, the former CEO of Apple Watch are also deeply involved in fashion management.

In fact, these are not enough to express Angela Ahrendts impact on Apple. Although she′s only woman in the senior management team.

Katie Cotton

Katie Cotton, Apple′s ex-Vice President of communications, she is an indispensable assistant jobs. She developed and implemented strategies for successful communication from Apple.

In 2014, Katie Cotton away from Apple. She said leaving the really tough, because they are part of her heart.

Apple spokesman Steve Dowling said: "over the past 18 years, she devoted herself to the company. We′re really going to miss her. ”

Rita Lane

Rita Lane in 2008 was under Cook to Merle, oversees the iPad and Mac′s supply chain. United States Air Force begins recruiting female talent when she was one of the first members.

In the United States air force for 5 years, she grew up to become a Chief Executive. Later, she joined IBM and Motorola, are also responsible for supply chain management.

In addition, she also worked to support the minority within IT, such as gays, women, minorities and veterans.

In 2014, she announced her retirement. She said: "I found to be involved in the supply chain Conference for 5 years, I have seen a technical female executives. If I could become a role model. I hope that I can encourage more women and minorities into the field of engineering, I would like to give it a try. ”

Kim Vorrath

She joined Apple in 1987, Vice President of project management, her job is to ensure the regular testing of software, scheduled for release. She did not allow the team′s finish date beyond the final deadline, or goes bad reports. She had closed office door too hard and cause themselves to be locked up in the House.

Denise Young Smith

She is now Vice President of global human resources, reporting directly to the Cook. She joined Apple in 1997, helped to establish a retail team. She is now responsible for the recruitment and maintenance of Apple′s top talents, avoiding working engineers, designers and other professionals to other technology companies.

Her voice in the video of Apple′s recent diversification, in her view, the company focused on differentiation is important. Things you cannot do only one dimension.

Lisa Jackson

Lisa Jackson is the Apple Vice President, environment, Foreign Affairs and social activities, reporting directly to the Cook. She also was appointed by Barack Obama United States environmental protection agency Administrator.

She joined Apple in 2013 to help Apple′s efforts to contribute to environmental protection, to minimize the environmental impact of Apple′s business.

Recently, she said, if we really want to give future generations a better world, we need to invest and plan ahead. Lisa Jackson take control of Apple′s $ 1.5 billion environmental fund, mainly for Apple′s clean energy projects.

Above is only a part of Apple′s many outstanding women who have been or are involved in creating a better Apple. Hope that more women will participate in the future of Apple, to join the science and technology sector.

At present, other than Apple, and other major technology companies are slowly increasing the proportion of female employees, this is a good change.

Last year, Apple CEO Tim Cook (Tim Cook) said in an open letter about Apple′s employee diversity this year Apple′s United States District has more than 2,200 black employees, up 50% from last year. On a global scale, Apple employs 11,000 women, compared to the number of female employees hired last year grew by 65%.

In addition, in 2015, Denise Young Smith, Director of human resources and in an interview with Fortune magazine has revealed that Apple′s progress in terms of employee diversity. She said Apple′s current staff 35% for females. By contrast, in 2014, all Apple employees 7:3 of men and women.

乔布斯、库克好帮手:苹果背后的10大美女 - 乔布斯,库克,苹果 - IT资讯


Joanna Hoffman

Joanna Hoffman在1980年的时候就加入苹果,是苹果历史上的第15位员工。她为Mac起草了用户界面设计规范,并指导如何将电脑带到教育领域。Joanna Hoffman在苹果公司声誉很好,她勇于和乔布斯争论。

Deborah Coleman


她非常尊敬Joanna Hoffman,她说:“Joanna Hoffman是那个代表我们所有人,也让我们学会如何与乔布斯争论的人。”

Susan Barnes

Susan Barnes曾经是苹果麦金塔电脑部门主管,同时还是NeXT的创始人之一。曾经有一次,Susan Barnes被派去和苹果合作伙伴谈合作项目,那家合作伙伴公司的日本总裁告诉她,男人做生意时,女人出去玩,去买珍珠。


Susan Kare


她现在还在做设计,成立了Kare Design Studio设计公司。


Angela Ahrendts

有报道称,Angela Ahrendts提升了苹果零售团队的忠诚度。而且,这名前时尚CEO还深度参与了Apple Watch的经营管理。

其实,这些都还不足以表达Angela Ahrendts对苹果的影响力。虽然,她只是高级管理团队中唯一一名女性。

Katie Cotton

Katie Cotton苹果前沟通副总裁,她是乔布斯必不可少的助手。她制定并执行了成功的苹果公司沟通策略。

2014年,Katie Cotton离开苹果。她表示,离开真的很艰难,因为苹果是她内心的一部分。

苹果发言人Steve Dowling说:“过去18年,她将自己奉献给了这家公司。我们真的会想念她。”

Rita Lane

Rita Lane于2008年被库克招至靡下,负责监管iPad和Mac的供应链。美国空军开始招收女性人才的时候,她是第一批成员。




Kim Vorrath


Denise Young Smith



Lisa Jackson

Lisa Jackson是苹果环境、外交和社会活动副总裁,直接向库克汇报工作。她还被奥巴马任命为美国国家环境保护局行政官。


近期,她表示,如果我们真的要给后人留下一个更好的世界,我们就需要各方位投资,未雨绸缪。Lisa Jackson掌控者苹果15亿美元的环保基金,主要用于苹果清洁能源项目。



上一年,苹果CEO蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)在一封谈论苹果员工多样性的公开信中称,今年苹果的美国区员工有超过2200名为黑人,这比去年增长了50%。在全球范围内,苹果新雇佣了11000名女性,这相比去年雇佣的女性员工数量增长了65%。

另外,2015年,人力资源的主管Denise Young Smith在和《财富》杂志的采访中已经透露了苹果目前在员工多样性方面的进度。她表示苹果目前的员工有35%为女性。作为对比,2014年苹果所有员工的男女比例为7:3。

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