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136146 特斯拉太阳能屋顶有价无市,或步黄金版苹果AppleWatch后尘 - 特斯拉 186 0
136091 PayPal to enter the United States, supported by the 4 million US businesses shoulder to pay Apple,(支付宝进军美国,获美400万商户支持比肩苹果支付,) 183 0
136080 Apple’s market value of $800 billion, most happy is OPPO, VIVO employees,(苹果市值8000亿美元,最开心的却是OPPO、vivo员工,) 246 0
135665 Four indicators tell you: China’s domestic mobile phone how far is it to catch up with Apple,(四个指标告诉你:中国国产手机离赶超苹果还有多远,) 176 0
135336 Mossberg criticism of Apple, Google and other Silicon Valley Giants: hindering innovation,(莫博士批评苹果、谷歌等硅谷巨头:阻碍创新,) 177 0
134950 The age old business: sold 30,000 pounds of apples a year,(半百老人做电商:一年卖出3万斤苹果,) 220 0
134844 Trump took office one month, how technology giants such as Apple, Google and Microsoft?(特朗普上任一个月,苹果、谷歌、微软等科技巨头表现如何?) 208 0
134833 Foreign media comment: as rival Apple’s biggest problem is there is no God,(外媒评论:苹果最大的问题是没有神一样的对手,) 242 0
134759 被扫码支付虐了:Apple Pay入华一年水土不服 - Apple Pay,每日经济新闻 163 0
134680 AI Media Advisory: only 9.2% developers choose to continue developing an applet,(艾媒咨询:仅9.2%开发者选择继续开发微信小程序,) 149 0
134224 Trump immigration deal unpopular: Microsoft, Apple, Google, Facebook, against(特朗普移民新政不得人心:微软、苹果、谷歌、脸书一齐反对) 247 0
133405 Micro applet profit focus: Group plugin(微信小程序盈利热点:群插件,) 238 0
132940 Trump Science Guy Summit less than 12: Microsoft Nadela, Apple Cook columns(特朗普科技大佬峰会不足12人:微软纳德拉、苹果库克在列) 197 0
132934 Hangzhou women sit about lost Apple iPhone6s,Plus network driver: with me once, you(杭州女子坐网约车遗失苹果iPhone6s,Plus,司机:陪我一次就还你,) 214 0
132856 Allow applets to fit different system platforms, the app is doing,(让小程序能够适配不同系统平台,微信是这样做的,) 238 0
132425 Foreign Media: the applet wants to kill the app store, ruled China market(外媒:微信小程序欲干掉应用商店,统治中国市场,) 175 0
132203 Zhang Xiaolong exposure app screenshot applet: can be started directly from the desktop,(张小龙曝光微信小程序截图:可直接从桌面启动,) 210 0
132200 Micro applet lurk Zhang Xiaolong how scenario planning,(微信小程序,暗藏着张小龙怎样的情景规划,) 186 0
131905 United States White House set up a special group, supporting Intel, Qualcomm, Apple chips companies to foreign competition(美国白宫成立特别组,扶持Intel、高通、苹果芯片企业应对海外竞争) 233 0
131855 China-made mobile phone United States dreams: bringing down Apple Samsung too difficult,(中国国产手机的美国梦:让华人放下苹果三星太困难,) 227 0
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