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published in(发表于) 2016/4/8 9:24:18
Samsung to unhorse: shopping spree in emerging markets price wars



Samsung to unhorse: shopping price-Samsung in emerging markets, India, Samsung mobile phones-IT news

On April 8, according to foreign media reports, Korea Samsung Electronics in 2014 and 2015, has lost in China, India and Indonesia after the Smartphone market leader position to learn from its mistakes, is currently striving to win back consumers in these key markets, and the company's strategy is simple and brutal: slashing prices.

New Delhi residents aged 35 xidaerte·xiama (Siddharth Sharma) not before considered buying Samsung phones because India native smart phone Micromax startups the same configuration of product price is only around two-thirds of Samsung Electronics.

But in January this year, shamma found Samsung Galaxy J2 's price is in line with his budget. This phone is Samsung Electronics last September in India released, has longer battery life, faster data processing capabilities and excellent display, the key is price only $ 130. Previously, a Samsung mobile phone prices are usually priced twice times.

Shamma said, compared with previous use of cheap brands, Samsung electronic products the quality is much better.

Samsung Electronics in the low-end market is betting it can with local as well as global competitors to win the game. Chinese mobile phone manufacturer millet in February of this year launched a new flagship Smartphone, Samsung high-end product configuration with the same, but only $ 250. Apple cheaper version of the iPhone was released in March, priced at $ 399. All the signs indicate that the Smartphone industry price wars will continue this year.

Samsung's flagship high-end smartphones in sells for more than $ 600, but since last year, the company began adding new features on a low-end mobile phones, but the phone priced at $ 100 to $ 300.

In India and Indonesia GalaxyJ series of consumer concern the look of the phone is very similar to Samsung's high-end products. These phones ranging in price from $ 100 to $ 250, price is less than half its flagship models, but saves the traffic patterns, which can help users to limit use of data, that consumers in emerging markets is an important feature because these market data plan is usually capped.

Analysts warned that price cuts will hurt Samsung Electronics ' profit margins, it is not reversing the bleak long-term solutions in the Smartphone business. Samsung mobile business operating profit in the fourth quarter of last year to 2.23 trillion won (about US $ 1.85 billion), a dramatic fall in the level of 60% two years ago.

Samsung Electronics on Thursday announced that its company-wide operating profit of 6.6 trillion won in the first quarter of this year, and the biggest driver is released in the first quarter of its new flagship Smartphone Galaxy S7. Although there are strong booster Galaxy S7, but the company's profits may only edged up from the previous year, and same period in 2014 is 22%.

Even if Samsung Electronics in increasing market share in emerging markets had done, but its profit margin will face more pressure. While Samsung Electronics executives vow can return to double-digit profit margins last year, but the company's profit margin is still hovering near 10%. Analysts expect Apple's gross margin was about 40%.

According to market research firm Gartner said Samsung Electronics global smartphones market share fell to 22% last year and 2013 31%. The same period, the company's Mobile Division margin fell from 16.1% to 8.9%.

Samsung Electronics executives say they plan to continue to reduce production costs and reduce mobile phone model to boost profit margins. Last December, acknowledged Gao Dongzhen, head of Samsung Mobile Division (D.J. Koh) said in an interview, cost reduction will take time.

Gao Dongzhen says: "material cost we will not achieve the cuts in a single day. ”

Counterpoint Technology Research Analyst, market research firm Talun·pasake (Tarun Pathak) pointed out that the Samsung cell phone cost 25% more than local competitors, and before the changes the company is higher than 40%.

Pricing strategies for Samsung Electronics, the company declined to comment.

In India, this pricing strategy has helped Samsung Electronics to recapture market share. The company's third quarter of 2015 in India has a market share of 22%, in the fourth quarter was 26%, surpassing India local manufacturers Micromax. According to market research firm Canalys said Micromax's market share in the third quarter of 2015 is 22%, and in the quarter fell to 13%, the company's Chief Executive announced his resignation.

The second quarter of last year, Samsung Electronics mobile phone sales soaring past Indonesia local cheap phone makers Evercoss Indonesia. The third quarter, Samsung Electronics new releases to hold first place in the local market.

Pasacao, an analyst predicted that in 2015 over the first nine months, Samsung Smartphone in Indonesia the average wholesale selling price fell to $ 145, which is also now have access to the latest data, representing a decline of about one-fourth.

The Smartphone market in China, Samsung Electronics lost supremacy for years, last year's market share dropped to sixth place. However, Samsung Electronics released last year, the Galaxy end product in a series of mobile phone, series phone allegedly selling point is to enhance the quality of the front-facing camera.

Samsung mobile Department head Gao Dongzhen says worst is over in China, related data will rebound in the coming months.

Millet, President of Lin, said he was not worried about Samsung's new pricing strategy, because high-cost structure means that the latter only by squeezing profit conducted a price war, this is not a sustainable long-term strategy.

Moor Insights and Strategy, market research firm founder and Chief Analyst of patelike·moerhaide (Patrick Moorhead), said Samsung Electronics faces the risk of price strategy is likely to harm the image of high-end brands, which may hurt more for its future.

三星舍得一身剐:要在新兴市场血拼价格战 - 三星,印度,三星手机 - IT资讯


35岁的新德里居民西达尔特·夏玛(Siddharth Sharma)之前还没有考虑过购买三星电子的手机,因为印度本土智能手机初创企业Micromax相同配置产品的价格只是三星电子的三分之二左右。

不过到了今年1月,夏玛发现了三星电子Galaxy J2的价位正符合他的预算。这款手机三星电子去年9月份在印度发布的,具有较长的续航时间,快速的数据处理能力以及出色的显示屏,关键是价格只有130美元。此前,一款这样的三星电子手机的售价通常是现价位的两倍。






三星电子周四宣布,其预计今年第一季度全公司营业利润为6.6万亿韩元,而最大推动因素则是在第一季度发布的新款旗舰智能手机Galaxy S7。虽然有Galaxy S7的大力助推,但该公司的利润可能只比上年微涨,较2014年同期还是下滑22%。



三星电子高管称,他们计划通过持续降低生产成本以及减少手机产品型号来提振利润率。去年12月临危受命的三星电子移动部门主管高东真(D.J. Koh)在采访中表示,降低成本将需要时间。


市场研究公司Counterpoint Technology Research分析师塔伦·帕萨科(Tarun Pathak)指出,三星电子的手机成本比当地竞争对手高出25%,而在该公司进行转变之前则高出40%。



去年第二季度,三星电子手机总销量刚好超越印度尼西亚本土廉价手机制造商Evercoss Indonesia。第三季度,三星电子的新机发布进一步稳住当地市场第一的位置。


在中国的智能手机市场,三星电子已经失去霸主地位多年,去年的市场份额降至第六位。不过,三星电子去年发布了中端产品Galaxy A系列手机,据称这系列手机卖点在于提升质量的前置摄像头。



市场研究公司Moor Insights and Strategy的创始人兼首席分析师帕特里克·摩尔海德(Patrick Moorhead)表示,三星电子面临的风险在于其降价战略可能有损高端品牌形象,这可能对其未来伤害更大。

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