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published in(发表于) 2016/4/25 8:39:26
From the panoramic camera to build the Internet, what does he want? ,



From the panoramic camera to build the Internet, what does he want? -Facebook, Zuckerberg-IT information

On April 13, shares from software to hardware, open source, from a 360-degree panoramic camera to build their own Internet, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has shown unparalleled in the prospective talent, which is unknown to the majority of the direction of development of the Internet. Recently United States of Wired magazine to Mark Zuckerberg's development concept is analyzed in detail, interpretation of an idealistic Zuckerberg.

Are to be compiled is as follows:

When Mark Zuckerberg as a child begin to learn to walk, and his parents in a classic Handbook of infant development written these days. Many years later, when a cousin when he walked for the first time, their parents use their cameras to record the moment. Recently, when his niece learn to walk, his sister filmed the video.

Now, he has his daughter, Max, the Facebook founder and Chief Executive, plans to be the shooting experience improve a level. He hopes with 17 shots of 3D stereoscopic cameras 360 degrees video. He said: "when Max started to learn to walk, we will be able to shoot video, rather than, as before, write down the date, or taking pictures or shooting 2D video. The ones we want to share this technology can achieve, they can experience such moments. ”

Today, Facebook held annual F8 Developers Conference in San Francisco, Zuckerberg and Facebook to show the participants of his company spent nearly a year to develop 360-degree panoramic camera-Zuckerberg called Facebook Surround360. Zuckerberg plans to install one at home for Max to record growth of four-month-old daughter dribs and drabs. Of course, he developed such devices not only for myself. Facebook plans to share it with the world free of equipment design, which not only includes its hardware schematic, also included, 360-degree panoramic image mosaic processing complex software applications.

Indeed, Facebook has developed the 360-degree panoramic camera and its open source. Zuckerberg has been committed to making the Internet more than words, pictures and video, to create a new way of interacting, plans on the panoramic camera was only part of his work. This effort starts with a 360-degree panoramic video, Zuckerberg want to extend it to the virtual reality of the Oculus of the company. Zuckerberg told Wired magazine, "with the constant over time, people will have a variety of tools to communicate, to express their concerns. So what's next? Obviously the user will experience from real-world scene as a whole, whether the scene is a 360-degree panoramic camera, or computer-generated, like games. ”

Other companies also share the same vision. Established handset makers Nokia and United States Jaunt virtual reality technology company has developed its own 360-degree panoramic camera. Like Facebook, Google and other Internet companies in Silicon Valley is also working through its vast online business-driven stereo video and virtual reality business development. But the difference is, Facebook is its 360 degree panoramic photography open source without hesitation, said communities will be held this summer in open source projects on Github about devices and other technical documentation, which makes Facebook from pushing the 360-degree panoramic video and a bunch of virtual reality technology in high-tech companies stand out. Perhaps for Facebook, the social networking giant, open source panorama camera is a strange move, because after all, its not a hardware manufacturer. But Zuckerberg's example of this open source as Facebook achieve its core mission. The mission is "connecting the world".

Zuckerberg pointed out that most companies are accustomed to positioning themselves through a skill, such as with the world's best animated feature film, design and manufacture the best products in the world, or solve the most difficult engineering problems. However, in his view, the company also has another way to establish a good, is to focus on a goal to set up the company.

And Facebook objectives, we had heard from Zuckerberg and other senior executives, which is together with everyone in the world, connecting tool for everyone, so that everyone "can naturally share the expectations of anyone and expect anything." If you set a goal for the company, will be on a different development path, although how much some roads appear to be irrelevant or out of the ordinary. Zuckerberg emphasized, "but in fact they are means to achieving mission do not have to be small". It is not difficult to understand why Facebook will own much of the technology to social sharing. Zuckerberg said, "our real goal is to build a community. In many cases, promoting technological progress in communities, the best way is to let it run. ”

This is Zuckerberg's F8 Developer Conference hopes that all technologies are on display to the public expression of ideas, is Facebook for years every effort in the first place. This idea may seem wild and aggressive, self-centered, too idealistic, but it has great power. The idea that not only determines the development of Facebook, also guided the development direction in future of the Internet as a whole.

Share all

Shared technologies is a new strategy for Facebook. Five years ago, Facebook started to open source most of the software in its possession, including Cassandra, Hadoop database cleanup tools, analysis tools is shared, these tools are used to drive the growth of its online business tool. Subsequently, Facebook began to share its hardware design, including computer servers, network devices, or even an entire data center, the cornerstone of the hardware architecture also supports Facebook Empire. Recently, Facebook announced that it would share all their hardware technologies, as not yet networked, providing access to the world's ways, which includes the UAVs, optical communications and wireless antenna intervention techniques.

For the uninitiated, these moves seem strange. Facebook making its own servers and network devices? Facebook manufacturing can provide network access to remote areas of drones? It fully shared the design and completely free? However, Zuckerberg and his company through a series of attempts to promote all efforts in the same direction. Facebook made the server, because the use of commercial equipment is too expensive and difficult. If Facebook can drive other people using the same hardware design, then it can further reduce the manufacturing cost of the equipment. If Facebook push through drones, satellite or laser communication technologies, growing popularity of the Internet, so it can continue to expand the reach of Facebook business.

Similarly, this also applies to its 360-degree panoramic camera application strategies. Zuckerberg wants in on the Facebook platform to promote 360-degree panoramic video and virtual reality. He thought it would help to attract people back to social networks and turn them into a new social network in the future. Promote 360-degree panoramic video universal panoramic camera as much as possible is the best way. Currently Facebook Surround360 panoramic camera is for developers and other professionals to build, but in the future, Zuckerberg wants everyone to have a panoramic camera.

Meanwhile, panoramic camera is not Facebook sharing technology in the end. This morning, Zuckerberg said, connected in the company laboratory (Connectivity Lab), supported by Facebook to develop two different wireless antenna Terragraph and ARIES, to improve the Internet service in the city and region. Although Zuckerberg did not reveal too many details, but there is no doubt that Facebook will eventually design open source, encourages telecommunications companies and Internet service providers support these antennas, use the new antenna in the world set up a new Internet. This is Facebook push for Telecom Infrastructure Project of the non-profit project starting point, Facebook share technology, promoting technical popularization efforts around the world, this project is one of them.


In spite of all this appears to be so generous, it was pointed out, Facebook may not be able to promote the development of each of its technology. Some in the industry think, such as 360-degree panoramic camera and Terragraph wireless antenna projects are Facebook ventured into the field of technology, and other companies have set foot in it. Wireless communications giant Ericsson's Vice President of technology strategy ailike·aikudeng (Erik Ekudden) pointed out that the "Ericsson and other companies are already the world into a new era of wireless communications. ”

But it can be said that when Facebook started on servers and network devices, it is promoting the industry as a whole have a significant change. Mr Zuckerberg said his firm is manufacturing new equipment, because other companies would not make the equipment needed. He said, "we need technologies that already exist in the world, we use these technologies to manufacture new equipment. We do not sell servers, camera or Internet services. But if there is no manufacture of the equipment we need, we need to manufacture their own. ”

Bring the technology to the extreme, or, more importantly, bring these technologies to the real world, is not a simple matter. Jaunt hardware VP virtual reality technology company Qiao·jiadena (Koji Gardner), systems that can seamlessly integrated 360 degree panoramic images is very difficult. But over the years, Facebook has shown that not only does it have the capacity to develop such high technology, but also has expertise in creating markets for the technology. Create the market is often the key idea of the power of open source--a sudden plunge may speed up technological progress. Compared to Facebook, open source, Google also develop 360-degree panoramic camera and can provide network access from the stratosphere to the surface of the balloon, but it's not open source sharing of related technology.

The Internet ideal

Of course, Facebook strategy might fail. Facebook email product from failure to success. The company's Facebook Home failed to move the operating system market. Meanwhile, free Free to provide developing countries with limited network service Basics in India because of government restrictions on abortion. If you want to try new things, some are doomed to failure, and Zuckerberg knows this. 360-degree panoramic camera, wireless antennas and other projects are likely to fail. Chat robot is currently Facebook future world technological development stakes.

But he firmly believes that those bets worth trying, they not only extend Facebook's business and improve its starting point. More importantly, this kind of bet to make the world a better place. Zuckerberg explained that "since the last century, the world more and more closely link, multiple reasons prove this beneficial close ties. "Zuckerberg made this point repeatedly over the years, he thinks this sentence is particularly important today.

"Now this close relationship is developing, is being further extended. But political speeches and decisions of the world against this trend of close contact, such as refugee crises, attempt to close borders or increase the intensity of censorship. "While not directly referring to presidential candidate Donald Trump (Donald Trump), but Zuckerberg is referred to the views on the closure.

This is typical of Zuckerberg's idealism. For the Internet and its role in society, he always hold the idealistic view. He always thinks that the network to free young people from the extremist Zhi Hao. He said, "I clearly see that many major world issues, but through active communication between people, to give them a chance, these problems can be addressed. ”

But he also acknowledged that network to bring up Donald Trump's supporters, also breeding ground for terrorists. Zuckerberg believes that over time, more interconnected world will make us closer. "This is a process," he said, "with more trade and greater understanding, people will gradually understand each other's views, we will progress towards a better world for everyone. ”

Interconnection to the world is the power of an ideal, which dates back to the dawn of the Internet. But this dynamic is fraught with uncertainty. Professor of philosophy at the University of Connecticut, and Michael d. Lynch, author of the The Internet of Us (Michael Lynch) stated that "as long as the Internet is ideas and knowledge of the market, then it is a good thing. But what the Internet to promote and encourage the kind of knowledge? It is difficult to determine. Social networking site for the free flow of ideas help? Sometimes Yes, but sometimes the flow of ideas will social media way. "Trump is a typical example.

But Lynch says, Zuckerberg's idealism is not without basis. In his view, the open source network is still useful. But in any case need to be the role of the Internet as a whole, Facebook is just one part of it. At present, Zuckerberg has shown unparalleled in the prospective talent, which is unknown to the majority of the direction of development of the Internet. He would repeat such action, he may put a 360-degree panoramic camera in your home.

从全景摄像机到自建互联网络,扎克伯格想干嘛? - Facebook,扎克伯格 - IT资讯





今天,在旧金山举行的Facebook一年一度的F8开发者大会上,扎克伯格及他的Facebook向与会者展示了公司花费近一年时间所开发的360度全景摄像机——扎克伯格称之为Facebook Surround360。扎克伯格计划在家中为麦克斯安装一部,用以记录四个月大女儿成长的点点滴滴。当然,他开发这种设备不仅仅是为自己。Facebook计划与全世界免费共享该设备的设计,其中不仅包括其硬件原理图,也包括图像拼接、360度全景处理等复杂的软件应用。









同样,这也适用于其在360度全景摄像机上应用的策略。扎克伯格希望在Facebook平台上推广360度全景视频和虚拟现实内容。他认为这将有助于吸引人们回归社交网络,进而将他们推向新的社交网络为主的未来。推广360度全景视频的最好方法就是尽可能地普及全景摄像机。目前Facebook Surround360全景摄像机是为开发者等专业人士打造的,但在未来,扎克伯格希望人人都拥有一部全景摄像机。

同时,全景摄像机并不是Facebook共享技术的终点。今天早上,扎克伯格还表示,在公司连通实验室(Connectivity Lab)的支持下,Facebook研发出两种不同性能的无线天线Terragraph及ARIES,用于改善城市以及地区的互联网服务。尽管扎克伯格没有透露过多细节,但毋庸置疑,最终Facebook肯定会将相关设计开源,鼓励电信公司和网络服务商支持这些天线,使用新的天线在世界上建立新的互联网络。这就是Facebook力推非营利项目Telecom Infrastructure Project的出发点,在Facebook共享技术、推动技术普及到全世界的努力中,这个项目也是其中之一。


尽管这一切看起来是如此的慷慨,但有人指出,Facebook未必能推动其每一项技术的发展。一些业内人士认为,诸如360度全景摄像机以及Terragraph无线天线等项目都是Facebook冒险进入的技术领域,而早已有其他公司涉足。无线通信巨头爱立信公司技术战略副总裁埃里克·艾库登(Erik Ekudden)指出,“爱立信和其他公司早已经推动世界进入无线通信新时代。”


将这些技术推向极端,或者更重要的,将这些技术推向现实世界,并不是一件简单的事情。虚拟现实技术公司Jaunt硬件业务副总裁乔·加德纳(Koji Gardner),研发能无缝融合360度全景图像的系统非常困难。但多年以来,Facebook已经显示,它不仅具备研发此类高水平科技的能力,更具备为技术创造市场的专长。创造市场的关键往往是开源的力量——一个突然切入的想法就可能加速技术的进步。相比于Facebook的开源,谷歌虽然也研发出360度全景相机以及可以从同温层向地面提供网络接入的气球,但它尚未将相关技术开源共享。


当然,Facebook的大策略也可能会失败。Facebook的电子邮件产品从未能成功。而该公司移动操作系统Facebook Home也未能市场化。同时,为发展中国家提供有限网络服务的免费项目Free Basics在印度因政府限制而流产。如果你想尝试新事物,有些注定会失败,扎克伯格深谙此道。360度全景摄像机、无线天线等项目都有可能失败。而聊天机器人目前也是Facebook对未来世界科技发展的赌注。


“现在这种紧密联系正在发展,正在进一步扩展。但政治言论和世界各国的决策开始反对这种紧密联系的趋势,比如难民危机、意图关闭边境或加大网络审查力度等。”虽然并未直接提及总统竞选人唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump),但扎克伯格还是提到了对关闭边境的看法。



互联对世界的动力是一种理想,这种理想可以追溯至互联网诞生之初。但这种动力却又充满了不确定性。康涅狄格大学哲学教授、《The Internet of Us》作者迈克尔·林奇(Michael Lynch)指出,“只要互联网还是思想和知识的市场,那么它就是好事。可是互联网到底在推广和鼓励什么样的知识?却很难确定。社交网站对于思想自由流通有帮助吗?有时候的确如此,但有时候思想流通反而会被社交媒体阻碍。”特朗普就是一个典型的例子。


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