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published in(发表于) 2016/4/27 6:23:42
Ali joined the international coalition against false, efforts are still being questioned,



Ali joined the international coalition against false, efforts are still being questioned-Alibaba, Jack Ma, fake-IT information

Alibaba joined the international coalition against the false on two weeks ago, Bloomberg News reported on April 25, its impact still in doubt, solve piracy violations a long way to go. When Ma anti-piracy Summit in next month's Florida speech, he may mention the Duncan Clark (Duncan Clark) personal biography--for his new novel, the Ali Baba: Foundation of Ma (Alibaba, the House that Jack built), focuses on how he's going to Alibaba to create the world's largest online retailer.

Three years ago, MA in the United States the first public offering, had described the pirates as "must get rid of cancer". Subsequently, the Alibaba international puppet Union cooperation, the establishment of "safety" project (Market Safe program), to boycott the counterfeit infringing product. IACC's official website wrote: "through quick mechanism to help IACC member to identify and quickly removed Taobao, cat on the platform of the infringing goods. ”

Two weeks ago, Alibaba announced formally joined the international coalition against the pseudo, became members of the international organization's first e-commerce. IACC's members include Apple/21st Century Fox/Harley (Harley Davidson), and other international well-known brand in the field. Former Apple Executive, company director Matthew Beausol current intellectual property protection (Matthew Bassiur) said: "every home appliance companies face with pirating and infringement issues, but the most fundamental is whether the company can try to crackdown. ”

Now, the company has more than 400 million active users, and purchase merchandise from books to a luxury all-inclusive. Huge domestic changes the trend of weaker companies, making its fourth-quarter revenue rose 32%, and Ma has billions of assets.

阿里加入国际反伪联盟,打击力度仍遭质疑 - 阿里巴巴,马云,假货 - IT资讯

阿里巴巴于两周前正式加入国际反伪联盟,但据彭博社4月25日报道,其打假力度仍遭到质疑,解决电商盗版侵权问题任重道远。当马云在下个月的佛罗里达反盗版峰会上演讲时,他可能会提到邓肯·克拉克(Duncan Clark)为其新作的个人传记——《阿里巴巴:马云的基业》(Alibaba, the house that Jack built),主要讲述他如何将阿里巴巴造就成为世界最大的在线零售商。

三年前,马云在美国第一次公开募股时曾将盗版形容为“必须除掉的毒瘤”。随后,阿里巴巴与国际反伪联盟合作,建立“安全市场”项目(Market Safe program),来抵制假冒侵权产品。IACC官网上写道:“双方通过快速下架机制,帮助IACC成员识别并快速撤下淘宝、天猫平台上的侵权商品。”

两周前,阿里巴巴宣布正式加入国际反伪联盟,成为该国际组织的首位电商成员。IACC旗下成员还包括苹果/21世纪福克斯/哈雷·戴维森(Harley Davidson)等各领域的国际知名品牌。苹果前高管,阿里巴巴现任知识产权保护主管马修·博索尔(Matthew Bassiur)说:“每一家电商公司都会遇到盗版侵权的问题,但是最根本的是公司能否尽力去打假维权。”


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