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published in(发表于) 2016/4/30 5:48:55
See the black God of science and technology, then take a look at the robot went into archaeology,



See the black God of science and technology, then take robots-Black Sea archaeology technology, robots-IT information

Source: IEEE Spectrum.

IROS robotics event in Hamburg last year if you had heard Oussama Khatib's speech, you should say to him "crazy" should still be impressed. After the meeting, we'll of course blocked Oussama: what would you say robotic submarines?! It turns out that this robot known as OceanOne and France cooperation, involved in a top-secret project, now officially declassified, and we can finally see what they got ghosts.

To begin with, OceanOne is not archaeology robots – U.A.E., King Abdullah University of science and technology (KAUST) proposed concept, as a way of monitoring of deep sea corals in the Red Sea. KAUST Christian Voolstra, Assistant Professor of marine sciences at Red Sea Research last year, said in an interview with the sources of this concept:

"People use a technique called ROV (remotely operated vehicles) equipment is made up of two robotic arms with limited flexibility of small submarines. Check fragile delicate coral using the ROV is also problematic. KAUST awareness Khaled Salama, Professor of the school of electronic engineering at Stanford University who may be able to help us create a new robot interaction systems. Our contact with the Stanford team, tell them we for engineering solutions that currently exist such a headache. They said, ' OK, we know how to do the robot ... ... Why not do an underwater robot? ”

OceanOne and traditions of different underwater ROV, ROV was much better on many levels. More small, about is similar to human divers, about 5-foot-high (about 1.5-meter), can be very flexible. Robots have a protection of oil, rather than with air do waterproof, so no compression, the robot can enter a maximum of 2000 meters of depth (! )。 OceanOne specifically designed for precise operation in a narrow space, it has 8 propeller, can automatically flow remained stable. Use the underwater devices, "are used to keep the robot stable most of the time," Dr Voolstra tells IEEE Spectrum, "rather than concentrate on research tasks. ”

Robot's most prominent feature is a pair of soft, elastic arms, apparently on behalf of Meka Robotics final project before its acquisition by Google. Wrist force sensor, the ultimate goal is to join in each finger touch sensor. Full sensor arm, hand and head, OceanOne shape very much like people, which is compared with the existing ROV OceanOne Subversion.

Traditional ROV is something like a giant submarine, and a few can catch's arm. For functions such as oil drilling is good, but for the environment fragile delicate corals and underwater archaeology, preparing you and coral, baby say goodbye, because the machine will get a rude wild crash. And also very unnatural ways of operation, no control and feedback required to treat fragile items.

Photo: Frederic Osada and Teddy Seguin. Photograph DRASSM.

OceanOne represents a new method for underwater robot: remote monitoring. Its design is similar to humans, as this makes it easier to use. OceanOne perspective and you see his arm angle is similar. Because of the use of haptic feedback, to grab does not object and not crush something very simple and natural, even for people who don't have a lot of experience can be.

This generally is the reasons for supporting a humanoid robot, even if it compromises in design, because of the increased complexity and not optimized for a specific task. For example, if you want to ship the wreckage picked up a piece of pottery, have two hands and sense of touch is perfect, as long as we are robots. For a fully automated system that is not necessarily the best way, but for OceanOne (at least in the foreseeable future) runs pretty well.

OceanOne's first task was La Lune, Louis 14 flagship shipping abroad, in 1664 and France 20 miles off the southern coast sank 100 meters deep underwater. 100 meters may sound bad, but us experts said that, if there is no great strength training and a lot of special equipment to help people, it's very difficult to go to the depth. We are pleased to see that robots have no problem. Judging from the press release:

"A team of deep-sea archaeologists studied the site help, Oussama Khatib found a vase the size of grapes. He suspended above a vase in precision, stretch out your hand and feel its shape and weight, and then reached out a finger to hold the vase. He swam to a fixed basket, gently place the vase in, covered with the lid. Then he stood up, with dozens of archaeologists and engineers around him clap. ”

"We are in a very natural, very meaningful ways people in conjunction with robots. Human robots can provide intuitive, professional, and cognitive ability. "Khatib said," brings together a great combination of the two. Man and robot can be dangerous to people working together, at the same time human participation. ”

Pick vase, showed everybody had to let Khatib that psychic powers: when OceaOne to swim through the wreckage stuck in between two cannons. Reverse direction of propeller does not come, so Khatib control arms, makes the robot move, made like push-up motion, OceanOne then managed to get away.

OceanOne is still a prototype, Dr KAUST Voolstra explains, "our plan is to conduct a series of experiments to embody robot hand flexibility and sensitivity. "Once the robot test is successful, Dr Voolstra luminosity in the hope to use it to study the coral reef, location was too deep for human use the diving apparatus. Our understanding of these corals were rare, but with fewer coral in the world, they might be a unique coral reef sanctuary. Voolstra said:

"In particular, we hope to be in situ physiological study of coral. For example, different depths of different coral species in in situ fluorescence measurements, will allow us to understand potential brightness in low light adaptation and propagation of corals. Current research on deep-sea species is the practice of them out of the sea, to the surface to observe, but it means that you take them out of their natural habitat. Until now, we cannot interfere in their natural environment research them. ”

We want to see OceanOne have any potential for future. It represents a new way to deep underwater, looks cool, will not break things. Press release feel, we will see a team of robots to work together in the future and do some serious research, or salvaging underwater Mermaid?

via IEEE Spectrum

看过了黑科技上天,再来看看机器人下海考古 - 黑科技,机器人 - IT资讯

图片来源:IEEE Spectrum。

如果你去年在汉堡IROS机器人盛会听过Oussama Khatib的演讲,你应该对他说的“疯话”应该还有印象。会后,我们立刻当然把Oussama堵住了:你说潜水机器人啥?!原来,这个叫做OceanOne的机器人与法国方面合作,参与了一个绝密项目,现在该项目正式解密了,我们终于可以看看他们搞了什么鬼。

最开始,OceanOne并不是考古机器人——阿联酋的阿卜杜拉国王科技大学(KAUST)提出概念构想,作为一种监测红海中深海珊瑚的方式。KAUST红海研究中心的海洋科学助理教授Christian Voolstra去年在一次采访中说道了这个概念的来源:

“目前人们使用一种叫做ROV(遥控操作车)的设备,是由灵活度有限的两个机器人臂组成的小潜水艇。使用ROV检查脆弱精巧的珊瑚群还是很有问题的。KAUST电子工程学院的Khaled Salama教授认识斯坦福大学的人,可能可以帮助我们创造一种新的机器人交互系统。我们和斯坦福团队的人联系,告诉他们我们对于目前有的工程解决方案非常头疼。他们说‘好,我们知道如何做机器人......何不做一个水下机器人?”

OceanOne和传统的水下ROV不同,从很多层面上都比ROV好多了。它更加小,大约和真人潜水员差不多,大约5英尺高(大约一米五),可以非常灵活。机器人有一层油防护,而不是用空气做防水,这样不用压缩,让机器人最多可以进入2000米的水深(!)。OceanOne专门设计用于在狭窄空间内精确操作,它有8个推进器,可以在水流中自动保持稳定。使用目前的水下设备时,“大部分时间都是用来保持机器人稳定,”Voolstra博士告诉IEEE Spectrum,“而不是专心在研究任务上。”

机器人最突出的特点是一对柔软、有弹性的手臂,明显代表了Meka Robotics在被谷歌收购前最后的项目。手腕里有力量传感器,最终的目标是要在每个手指里都加入触觉传感器。有了装满传感器的手臂、手和脑袋,OceanOne的形状非常像人,这也是与现有的ROV相比OceanOne的颠覆之处。


图:Frederic Osada和Teddy Seguin。图片来源DRASSM。



OceanOne的第一项任务是La Lune,国外路易十四的旗舰大船,在1664年与法国南部海岸外20英里沉入100米深的水底。100米听起来可能不怎么样,但是我们咨询的潜水专家说,如果没有强度很大的训练和许多帮助人生存的特殊设备,人类很难去到这样的深度。我们很高兴地看到,机器人没有出现什么问题。从新闻发布来看:

“在一队研究过遗址的深海考古学家帮助下,Oussama Khatib发现了一个葡萄大小的花瓶。他精准地悬浮在花瓶上空,伸出手、感受到它的形状和重量,然后伸出一根手指来拿住花瓶。他游去一个修复篮,轻轻将花瓶放入,盖上盖子。然后他站起来,与他周围的几十个考古学家和工程师们击掌。”






via IEEE Spectrum

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