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published in(发表于) 2016/5/4 3:50:47
Silicon Valley sells fixed table tennis table, predicted that technology companies to finish,



Silicon Valley sells fixed table tennis table, predicted that technology companies to run Yahoo, Google, Twitter, ping pong table-IT information

Introduction : foreign media published an article this week that, recently, Silicon Valley tennis table sales are declining, perhaps reflecting the trend of Silicon Valley tech bubble. In the Silicon Valley technology industry, playing table tennis is considered to be one of the employee's entitlement.

For the main content of the article below:

Twitter-quarter released last week made many investors worried. However, if they are concerned about another important indicator, then you can advance to the plight of Twitter. By the end of 2014, Twitter periodically Billiard Wholesale orders from San Jose, California store table tennis table. But all of a sudden, Twitter stopped ordering.

The shop owner ximeng·Wu (Simon Ng) believes that this is either due to Twitter's Office has no place, or because the company is experiencing problems.

Recent slow growth in the number of users of Twitter, this led to the failure of many analysts. Last week's results show, Twitter's revenue growth. On Twitter why not buy ping-pong tables, a spokesman for the company jimu·puluose (Jim Prosser) said: "I feel like the tables we are strong. "While a spokesman Natali·Miyake (Natalie Miyake) said that Twitter is more like an indoor basketball.

Bubbles are burst in technology? Answers are given in table tennis.

Ximeng·Wu said the first quarter of last year, purchasing business is very hot at the table tennis table. In his view, the table tennis table sales reflected technology economy. The current "development of industry as a whole is slowing down."

The first quarter of 2016, Simon Wu ping-pong tables for the enterprise sales fell by 50%. According to Dow Jones VentureSource data, during this period, United States 25% less start-up financing.

▲ VC deal count and positively related to table tennis table sale

Table tennis invade Silicon Valley culture

Table tennis has become part of the culture of Silicon Valley. It can be said that playing table tennis in the company by employees, considered to be "sacred and inviolable rights".

Old Jinshan software startup Lithium Technologies Chief Technology Officer sunier·lajiasaike (Sunil Rajasekar) said: "If there is no table tennis table, then you're not a technology company. ”

Venture company FutureAdvisor last December to buy a ping-pong table, and placed in free lunch area. Here was the place where employees parked the bike. The company has recently acquired by private equity giant BlackRock.

? Sports shop sold table tennis table to the Silicon Valley company boss Simon Ng

The company's 30-year old Marketing Director qiaoyi·faer (Joe Fahr) $ 100 buy Butterfly card racket in a dedicated storage bag, also while he was working with his pet dog, which Yoshimoto, is a Belgium shaggy Retriever. In the company, his table tennis victories ranked second. He said ping-pong table to break the concept of hierarchy in the company.

Shidifu·bulangke (Steve Blank) had installed in his own game company founded by table tennis tables, and now he is at Stanford University and the University of California at Berkeley entrepreneurship courses offered. He said: "for the founders and employees, psychological description, we no longer are my fathers company. This is also equivalent to saying, ' we don't have to wear a suit to work. ’”

Old Jinshan software company Pivotal 8 table tennis tables. Table tennis table, equipped with the protective net of the company, so as to avoid flying table tennis. Company spokesman Michael Lee (Michael Lee) said the ping pong table is designed to help programmers to relax. "Our CEO selected after considering this motion, which is conducive to their eyesight. ”

There are also many ping-pong tables in the large technology company, and Bay area groups the number of table tennis. June annual SaaS table tennis tournament held in Pivotal, many SaaS providers such as Oracle and Dropbox team up.

Venture capitalists, one of the organizers of the event maikeer·kadameng (Michael Cardamone) approved venture capital companies with access to the buying of table tennis tables. He said: "you should do this. This is part of the corporate culture. ”

Attention Silicon Valley think tank economic Joint Venture Silicon Valley CEO lasaier·hankaoke (Rusell Hancock): table tennis table ordering "is closely related to leasing office space with a startup." At the time of renting office space, startups will go to buying first ping pong table.

Sales declined

San Francisco Sports Authority sales team leader Dawei·fannata (David Vannatta) see table tennis table sales slide. He said the store's table tennis tables of customers in many technology companies, since Christmas last year, however, sales on the decline.

Ximeng·Wu, 38 years old, and his car was a Porsche Boxster, and his business, including table tennis, table football and billiards, major clients are technology companies. In February this year, when within a year when the NASDAQ fell to a new low, he said, sales at its table tennis table in 2014, its lowest level since data tracking. NASDAQ stocks have a number of large companies

How about Yahoo? Ximeng·Wu said: "they had not bought for a long, long time. "He showed a purple (Yahoo logo color) table football pictures, this is the last one he sold to Yahoo. Recently, the revenue decline is causing serious impact to Yahoo.

Intel's situation is? He said Intel stopped purchasing a year ago. Last month, Intel announced the layoff of 12,000 people.

Google it? He says Google is still buying a lot of equipment. Google Alphabet of parent company results failed to meet Wall Street expectations, but revenues and profits in the first quarter still maintained a healthy growth rate.

? Facebook headquarters of the New York table tennis table

A Yahoo spokeswoman Carolyn Clark (Carolyn Clark) said that although the corporate headquarters did not buy ping-pong tables in the near future, but the rest of the Office of procurement. "I can assure you that Yahoo employees will still be playing table tennis. ”

A Google spokesman luoya·suoleimani (Roya Soleimani) said that table tennis table "are part of our real estate, is also part of our workplace services budget." Intel did not comment on this.

Ximeng·Wu said he would not make investment decisions based on the ping pong table sale. "I think that sales data tracking the trend, rather than anticipate trends. ”

Make·kalaisi, a professor at the University of San Francisco (Mark Cannice) prepare a quarterly VC confidence index. He said: "relative to the ping pong table sale, I also believe that the venture capitalist's view and confidence. ”

Venture capitalists yuesefu·fuluoyide (Joseph Floyd) said, "or you can go to track the sale of Odwalla juice. "The juice is very popular in Silicon Valley science and technology circles. Bronk said: "I think this is a kind of index of table football. "Table football." com bubble "period is very popular, but is also common in Silicon Valley.

? Google employees were playing table tennis

Asset value difference

In the bubble of 2000, Billiards is a relatively popular table games. The view was expressed that modified playing ping pong shows that entrepreneurs are now more pragmatic. Table tennis table, lower prices, and play both sides of the need to face to face.

However, when companies facing adverse situation, ping pong table will also be disadvantages. If the company needs to sell assets to raise funds, or to return funds to investors and lenders, the table tennis table sale price is often very low.

Ximeng·Wu said the venture company purchased a high-end Butterfly table tennis table takes $ 2300, but he never could collect a ping-pong table. Because if scratches appear on the table, then it almost worthless.

Bankruptcy auctions in Silicon Valley companies business the co-President of Sherwood Partners ? Pi Qinsen Martin (Martin Pichinson) that billiard is easy to sell, but second-hand table tennis table is usually only sold $ 5 to $ 10. Sherwood would normally have these ping-pong table for the Church. "If the banks want, that also can give them. ”

乒乓球桌硅谷卖不动,预言:科技公司要完 - 雅虎,谷歌,Twitter,乒乓球桌 - IT资讯



Twitter上周发布的季度财报令许多投资者忧心。不过,如果他们关注另一项重要指标,那么就可以提前预料到Twitter的困境。在2014年底之前,Twitter会定期从加州圣何塞的商店Billiard Wholesale订购乒乓球桌。但突然之间,Twitter就停止了订购。

这家商店的老板西蒙·吴(Simon Ng)认为,这要么是由于Twitter的办公室里已经没有地方,要么是由于公司遇到了问题。

Twitter近期的用户数增速很慢,这导致了许多分析师的看衰。上周的财报还显示,Twitter的营收增长乏力。关于Twitter为何不再购买乒乓球桌,该公司发言人吉姆·普罗瑟(Jim Prosser)表示:“我感觉,我们买的桌子都很牢固。”而另一名发言人娜塔莉·米亚克(Natalie Miyake)则表示,Twitter内部目前更喜欢室内篮球。







旧金山软件创业公司Lithium Technologies首席技术官苏尼尔·拉加塞克(Sunil Rajasekar)表示:“如果没有乒乓球桌,那么你就算不得一家科技公司。”


▲向硅谷公司出售乒乓球桌的体育商店老板Simon Ng

该公司30岁的营销总监乔伊·法尔(Joe Fahr)将100美元买来的蝴蝶牌球拍放在专用收纳包里,他在工作时还会带着自己的宠物犬,这是一只名为吉基的比利时粗毛猎犬。在公司里,他的乒乓球战绩排名第二。他表示,乒乓球桌打破了公司里的层级观念。

史蒂夫·布朗克(Steve Blank)曾在自己创立的游戏公司里安装了乒乓球桌,而目前他正在斯坦福大学和加州大学伯克利分校开设创业相关的课程。他表示:“对创始人和员工来说,这从心理上说明了,我们不再是父辈们的公司。这也相当于说,‘我们上班不必穿西装。’”

旧金山软件公司Pivotal拥有8张乒乓球桌。该公司在乒乓球桌旁边装了防护网,以免乒乓球乱飞。该公司发言人迈克尔·李(Michael Lee)表示,这些乒乓球桌是为了帮助程序员放松。“我们的CEO在考虑后挑选了这种运动,这有利于他们保护视力。”


赛事的组织者之一、风险投资人迈克尔·卡达蒙(Michael Cardamone)也批准创业公司们用获得的投资购买乒乓球桌。他表示:“你完全应该这样做。这是企业文化建设的一部分。”

关注经济走向的硅谷智库Joint Venture Silicon Valley CEO拉塞尔·汉考克(Rusell Hancock)表示:乒乓球桌的订购“与创业公司租赁办公场所的活动密切相关”。在租下办公场地时,创业公司都会去购买第一张乒乓球桌。


旧金山Sports Authority的销售团队负责人大卫·范纳塔(David Vannatta)也看到了乒乓球桌销售的滑坡。他表示,这家商店的乒乓球桌客户中有许多科技公司,然而自去年圣诞节以来,销量就在走下坡路。






雅虎发言人卡洛琳·克拉克(Carolyn Clark)表示,尽管公司总部近期没有买过乒乓球桌,但其他地方的办公室有过采购。“我可以向你保证,雅虎的员工仍会打乒乓球。”

谷歌发言人罗亚·索雷玛尼(Roya Soleimani)则表示,乒乓球桌“是我们不动产的一部分,也是我们工作场地服务预算中的一部分”。英特尔没有对此置评。


旧金山大学教授马克·卡莱斯(Mark Cannice)编制了季度的风投信心指数。他表示:“相对于乒乓球桌销售,我更相信风险投资人的观点和信心。”

风险投资人约瑟夫·弗洛伊德(Joseph Floyd)表示:“或许你也可以去追踪Odwalla果汁的销售。”这种果汁在硅谷科技圈很流行。布朗克也表示:“我认为,这就是一种桌上足球指数。”桌上足球在“.com泡沫”期间非常流行,而目前在硅谷也很常见。






从事硅谷公司破产拍卖业务的Sherwood Partners联席总裁马丁·皮钦森(Martin Pichinson)表示,二手台球桌很容易出手,但二手乒乓球桌通常只能卖出5美元到10美元。Sherwood通常会将这些乒乓球桌捐给教堂。但“如果银行想要,那也可以给他们。”

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