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published in(发表于) 2016/5/7 5:52:29
Key figures Jeppesen leaving Facebook virtual reality,



Key figures Jeppesen left-Facebook Facebook virtual reality, virtual reality-IT information

On May 6, according to technology website CNET reports, social networking giant Facebook Engineering Department Director, virtual reality company owned Oculus display technology department head Mali·Luo·jiepusen (MaryLou Jepsen), on Thursday in Santa Clara, California's "woman of the year award for insight" (Women of Vision Awards) announced at the awards ceremony, she will resign from Facebook and Oculus, And try to use wearable technology to help cure the disease.

Jeppesen says she is turning their attention to consumer wearable forms of MRI imaging technique to cure the disease. She said: "I found a new direction. I have never given up the dream, including how to create a wearable device with our exchange of ideas, I would like to transfer this technology to every doctor in the world. ”

Jeppesen is an important figure in the Facebook virtual reality program, but Facebook is ambitiously preparing for in the field of virtual reality rumble. Jeppesen's departure could hit Facebook. Virtual reality is an emerging field, wearing a virtual reality helmet users are immersed in a computer-generated virtual worlds, such as floating in outer space or walking with dinosaurs. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg (Mark Zuckerberg) have greater vision for virtual reality. In his view, the future of virtual reality can be applied to education, communications, and entertainment industries.

Jeppesen joined Facebook in March 2015, has acquired virtual reality 2 years Oculus startups, she was previously head of Google Labs Google x displayed its. While working in the company, Jeppesen has participated in the Lab 2 "moonshot" project directly to the Google co-founder Sergey Brin (Sergey Brin) reported. Jeppesen is the non-profit organization "One Laptop per Child", co-founder of one of the objectives of this organization is to provide cheap laptops to children in developing countries.

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Facebook虚拟现实关键人物杰普森离职 - Facebook,虚拟现实 - IT资讯

5月6日消息,据科技网站CNET报道,社交网络巨头Facebook工程技术部主管、旗下虚拟现实公司Oculus显示技术部门主管玛丽·洛·杰普森(MaryLou Jepsen),周四在加州圣克拉拉市的“年度女性洞察力奖”(Women of Vision Awards)颁奖典礼上宣布,她将从Facebook和Oculus辞职,并尝试利用可穿戴技术帮助治愈疾病。


杰普森是Facebook虚拟现实计划中的重要人物,而Facebook正雄心勃勃地准备在虚拟现实领域大干一场。杰普森的离职可能重创Facebook。虚拟现实是个新兴领域,戴着虚拟现实头盔的用户可以沉浸在计算机生成的虚拟世界中,比如飘浮在外太空或与恐龙漫步等。Facebook首席执行官马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)对虚拟现实有更大愿景。他认为,虚拟现实将来可应用到教育、通信以及娱乐行业等。

杰普森于2015年3月份加盟被Facebook收购了2年的虚拟现实初创企业Oculus,此前她曾是谷歌实验室Google X旗下显示部负责人。在谷歌工作期间,杰普森参加了该实验室2个“moonshot”项目,直接向谷歌联合创始人谢尔盖·布林(Sergey Brin)报告。杰普森还是非营利组织“One Laptop per Child”的联合创始人之一,这个组织的目标是向发展中国家的孩子们提供廉价笔记本电脑。


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