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published in(发表于) 2016/5/9 4:30:32
Lenovo, phone wars India? Hang open peoples isn’t so easy to lie to...,



Lenovo, phone wars India? Open hanging people was not so easy to cheat ...-phone, mobile phone-IT news

Streets are very narrow, motorcycles and cars crowded with jostling, see familiar buildings in big cities, walking in the streets of Bangalore, and unaware of this is India's "Silicon Valley". The city, since the software industry developed, has been China's Geography textbook about India get to where when.

India's sixth-largest city, has India's "Silicon Valley" of Bangalore, rush hour, motorcycles, tricycles, cars in the intersection traffic lights.

Like five or six lines in China town, this is India gives the overall impression of the city. Although backward, it has been an increasing number of Chinese mobile phone makers targeting.

"Open link" is about India's overall impression .

Because of the domestic mobile phone market fight is fierce, and becoming more and more saturated, millet, OPPO, VIVO, Jin Li and other Chinese-made mobile phones has declared India. In India in sales of mobile phones, in addition to these domestic Smartphone, Samsung, Apple, as well as local brands Micromax, Intex, Lava, and so on, the entire market is still a mess.

As the first to enter the India of Chinese companies and associations from the PC era, has been in India with roots in many years. In 2012, Lenovo Smartphone to enter India in 2014, after the acquisition of Motorola's mobile phone business, Lenovo started in India scale layout. Missed mobile phone popularity surges in China, Lenovo mobile is wanted in India pulled one back. It's not that simple.

India is not the dumb money

According to the statistics of the World Bank, 2014, India population have to 1.267 billion, 15-60 years of age accounted for more than 60% of the population. Compared with the huge population base, India only 400 million Internet users, which also includes mobile Web users.

Population, is still in the popularity of mobile phones, India became the rival manufacturers great places of attraction. According to the data of several research institutions, in the context of continued weakness in the global smart phone sales, India bucked up, has become the second-largest mobile phone market after China and grew at an annual rate of 30%. Because of the huge space, domestic mobile phone manufacturers will be India next contested battleground.

▲ Street can see 4G information

Outlook is good, India the "fat" is not easy to eat. Like India as less developed traffic, India's network in universal stage. Lenovo India Rahul Agarwal, Managing Director and Chief Executive of the company said, at present, the whole India 4G covers just over 30%, broadband penetration levels are roughly equivalent. In India's technology hub, Bangalore, reporters in the course of visits, carry roaming treasure often encounter no signal problem.

▲ In Bangalore and Chennai in several cities, with WiFi artifact with no signals were common.

In addition to infrastructure, Chinese-built into the India market is more of a challenge in that they. "India no entertainment of ordinary people, just enough to feed and clothe", guides in charge of the visits, Sanger told reporters. This means that, when it comes to buying mobile phones, India consumers are cautious, "the pursuit of value, both for computers and mobile phones", Rahul Agarwal says.

" In addition to high-end users prefer Apple Samsung, India consumer mobile phone brand there is little loyalty, Rahul Agarwal says, especially after China's entry, the price war has reached a white-hot stage ." Because local phone cost of value, some days ago India's even announced a few dollar phone.

In this context, India competition is getting fierce local firms and manufacturers in China. According to the Association's data, at the moment, India market share still is dominated by Samsung, then Micromax, the third is Lenovo, followed by a local manufacturer. Extreme knowledge of the local consumer habits and price/performance advantages, was made by local mobile phone manufacturers entering India's powerful rival. However, with the entry of more and more Chinese mobile phone manufacturer, the current market landscape will change, "because India there is still a large part of the functionality users, Chinese manufacturers will be hit, but they will not die", Sudhin Mathur, Executive Director of Lenovo mobile business group said.

The phone in the store, Lenovo and oppo promotional shirt shopping guide.

High contention for the channel. With the increasing popularity of the Internet, more and more India began to purchase cell phones over the Internet. Millet entered India, at home on the main line. Sudhin Mathur said phone sales online are already more than Association. By contrast, OPPO, major manufacturers in such as VIVO good offline. Reporters visiting the phone store, located in the center of Bangalore district, is the best selling mobile phone shop near, in addition to selling outside of Apple, Sony, Samsung, LG, selling Lenovo, OPPO cell phones. Lenovo's phone booth opposite the OPPO on the cell phone and order placement are provided in detail. Meanwhile, road in Bangalore, a phone stores often sell multiple brands and products, covered with all kinds of mobile phone sign at the gate, including the India local manufacturers, also no lack of Association, Jin, OPPO, VIVO, cell phone shop owner know about Chinese brands such as cool.

Lenovo India draw

As earlier Chinese companies internationalize, Lenovo's acquisition of IBM's PC business, has India base. In India Pondicherry in the southeast of the Lenovo PC factory, producing 1.3 million desktop and notebook computers, run already for more than 15 years. In July 2015, Lenovo partnership with Flextronics, India Chennai Lenovo mobile, and MOTO phones some models, annual production could reach 6 million units.

Lenovo in 2005 from IBM won this India southeast of town (Pondicherry) the PC plant. The factory currently employs about 300 people.

Compared with the simple import from China Mobile, Lenovo mobile phones in India produced locally, and would significantly reduce costs. India Government's "India" made plans, impose high tariffs on foreign electronic products, a cell phone in India manufacturing and cost about one-fourth. Meanwhile, India's labor cost is very low, Lenovo computer factory, for example, plant in Pondicherry, a suitable skilled workers a monthly salary of just over 9000 rupees, about 900 Yuan. Flextronics manufacturing factory, Le lemon, one associate K4 Note prices equivalent to 1180 Yuan, and same configuration requires more than 1500 Yuan.

Lenovo India mobile phone OEM production by Flextronics. Flextronics in India have no rivals.

Reduce costs, improve value for money at the same time, Lenovo, Samsung impact occupy the high end of the market. Sudhin Mathur, Executive Director of the mobile business group says, in 2014, after the acquisition of Motorola's mobile phone business, Lenovo India performs a two-brand strategy, with Lenovo to specialize in low-end, Motorola focus on the high-end market.

The advantage of accumulated in the PC era, and also benefit the Lenovo mobile. In the fierce competition in the channel, Lenovo is India's computer store are modified, to the simultaneous sale of computers and mobile phones. Stores in downtown Bangalore Lenovo mobile phones are placed in a central location close to the main entrance. According to the Association's data, 2015 Association in India sold 10 million phones, two-thirds by stores selling offline mobile phone store is home to more than 800, secure the cooperation of third parties to sell more than 10,000. The remaining one-third, Associate selling through cooperation with the Amazon, such as flipkart, e-commerce sales ratio may expand in the future.

Bangalore Central District Association stores, selling Lenovo computers and mobile phone products, sold about 75 per month.

In addition to production and channel advantage, the Lenovo brand in India is not so strange. In Bangalore and Chennai, the reporter say about Lenovo to the waiter in the restaurant three times, they all say: "oh,Lenovo,I konw". Buy Motorola mobile phone business, Lenovo mobile can get rid of patent issues, Chinese-built in India and other emerging market leaders. In contrast, millet, entering India zhihou, facing Ericsson patent attacks, the trial still to no avail.

Lenovo India sailed through doesn't mean the next will be a bigger success, "India is a complex market, economic level, consumption habits, government regulation, and other factors are affecting the next phase of development, but go down step by step the most important," Rahul Agarwal says.

Some analysts said earlier, India smartphone at this stage of development equivalent to around 2011, China , is in a popular outlet. After 2011, domestic smart phone Giants millet, Huawei. Lenovo mobile phones in India's layout, with millet, OPPO and other mobile phone manufacturers in the domestic game. "But India is clearly more complicated," a long-term observation of cell phone industry media, told reporters that "India's infrastructure and people's spending power could not reach the level of China in 2010, copy the practices in the country, timing and effect will also need to continue to watch."

In China, Lenovo missed the mobile Internet. In India, Lenovo seems to be trying to seize the opportunity. Future India hands will have Smartphones that Lenovo mobile should have a different future.

联想、小米手机征战印度?开挂民族也没那么好骗… - 小米手机,国产手机 - IT资讯











前景虽好,印度这块“肥肉”也不容易吃。像印度不太发达的交通一样,印度的网络还在普及阶段。联想印度公司总经理兼首席执行官Rahul Agarwal透露,目前,整个印度的4G覆盖刚刚超过30%,宽带网络的普及水平也大致相当。在印度的科技中心班加罗尔,记者在探访过程中,随身携带的漫游宝也经常遭遇无信号的困扰。


除了基础设施,国产机进入印度市场更大的挑战在于人。“印度普通人没什么娱乐活动,收入只够吃饱穿暖”,负责本次探访行程的导游桑格告诉记者。这意味着,一旦要买手机,印度消费者都特别谨慎,“追求性价比,不管是对电脑还是手机”,Rahul Agarwal说。

除了高端用户偏爱三星苹果,印度消费者对手机品牌几乎没有忠诚度,Rahul Agarwal表示,特别是中国厂商进入之后,价格战已经到了白热化的阶段”。由于本地人对手机性价比的看重,前些日子印度厂商甚至宣布推出几美元手机

在这样的背景下,印度本土厂商和中国厂商的竞争越发激烈。根据联想透露的数据,在目前,印度市场份额第一还是被三星牢牢占据,其次是Micromax,第三是联想,接下来又是一家本土厂商。对本地消费习惯的极度了解和性价比优势,让本土手机厂商成为国产机进入印度的强大对手。但是,随着越来越多中国手机厂商的进入,目前的市场格局会有所改变,“由于印度还有很大一部分功能机用户,中国厂商会造成冲击,但它们不会消亡”,联想移动业务集团执行理事Sudhin Mathur认为。

the phone store里,有穿着联想和oppo宣传衫的导购员。

争夺激烈的还有渠道。随着互联网逐渐普及,越来越多的印度人开始网购手机小米进入印度,跟在国内一样主攻线上。Sudhin Mathur称,小米手机目前在线上的销售势头已经超过了联想。相比之下,OPPO、VIVO等厂商则主攻擅长的线下。在记者探访的the phone store,位于班加罗尔中心区,是附近销量最好的手机店,除了出售三星苹果、索尼、LG之外,还出售联想、OPPO手机。在联想的手机展台对面,OPPO对手机摆放位置和顺序都做了详细规定。同时,在班加罗尔路边,一家手机店往往同时销售多个品牌产品,门口挂满了各种各样的手机招牌,其中包括印度本土厂商,也不乏联想、金立、OPPO、vivo等,手机店的老板对酷派等中国品牌都有了解。




与单纯从中国进口手机相比,联想将手机在印度本地生产,有助于大幅降低成本。因为印度政府推行的“印度制造”计划,对国外电子产品征收了较高关税,一部手机在印度制造,能便宜约四分之一。同时,印度的人力资源成本很低,以联想电脑工厂为例,在本地治里的工厂,一个合适的熟练工人,月薪刚刚超过9000卢比,只约合人民币900元。在伟创力代工的工厂,一部联想乐檬K4 Note的售价折合人民币1180元,而国内同等配置的需要1500元以上。


降低成本,提升性价比的同时,联想也在冲击三星占据的高端市场。移动业务集团执行理事Sudhin Mathur称,在2014年收购摩托罗拉手机业务之后,联想在印度了执行双品牌战略,用Lenovo专攻中低端,Motorola主攻高端市场。



除了生产和渠道优势,联想品牌在印度也并不会让人陌生。在班加罗尔和金奈,记者三次跟餐馆里的服务员谈起Lenovo,他们都表示:“oh,Lenovo,I konw”。收购了Motorola手机业务,联想手机可以摆脱专利问题,成为国产机在印度等新兴市场的领头羊。而反观小米,在进入印度之后,就面临爱立信的专利狙击,审判至今依然没有结果。

联想在印度顺风顺水,不意味着接下来会取得更大的成功,“印度市场非常复杂,其中经济水平、消费习惯、政府监管等因素都影响着下一步的发展,但是踏踏实实一步一步走最重要”,Rahul Agarwal说。



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