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published in(发表于) 2016/5/9 4:32:20
PPC, advertising systems: cell phone manufacturers began to “reap profits“ from users,



PPC, advertising systems: cell phone manufacturers began to "reap profits" user-PPC, App Store,MIUI-IT news

PPC, advertising system, smartphone maker harvest users added value to it?

In recent days, according to Bloomberg, head of Apple has assembled a team of Apple iAd tuode·teleixi (Todd Teresi) secret team of about 100 employees under the leadership of the reform programme to explore the App Store, one of the most dramatic change you may be able to join the PPC mechanism , that allows developers to pay its search results ranked in the forefront . And in domestic manufacturers in the, recently millet also low-key online has "millet marketing platform", known as "100 million millet user is looking for you, access millet marketing platform, get MIUI and the millet Department application of quality user and flow"; and this zhiwai, such as Huawei, also in home application store within few of introduced has application advertising promotion , in previously reported in the, has users in Huawei EMUI of pre-installed file management device v7.1 in the found: in "application game" Show featured APP, also displayed in the breakdown "hits" recommended.

This year, careful friends may have found both in the applications you use everyday in the APP, or in the vendor system, have appeared in various forms of advertising are more or less in front of you. Combined with recent Apple and some millet, initiatives, indications, by the manufacturer is deeply involved in PPC and system-level advertising seems to have is a future trend of the development of the industry. Also seems to be declaring: smartphone makers have begun harvesting the user has added value .

A, PPC advertising and system: the manufacturer and launch what they need

For manufacturers, is available for every user to liquidate resources are renewable, Mobile Vault. And why do they have to launch PPC advertising and system? Objective is clear--whether it's PPC advertising system, for the benefit is to increase service revenue improved.

Apple, for example, App Store is not only iPhone and iPad key causes of popular, was one of the sources of revenue profits (though smaller). And its application into policies in the App Store is in sale from 30% into. Data display: 2014 developers through the App Store Gets a US $ 15 billion in revenue, according to 30% of the rules, Apple won the US $ 4.5 billion in revenue. In 2015, the App Store revenues had exceeded 20 billion dollars, according to the percentage, at least brought us $ 6 billion in revenue for Apple. Back home, according to a Reuters report, internal documents show, millet 2015 1 time Internet services revenue growth more than doubling to about $ 564 million .

These data are clearly not a small number, from the current, network service similar to advertising revenue contribution was considerable profits for manufacturers, and from the development of the future, not only to be, is a key element in their stories about the service. Millet has been previously declared millet to implement hardware free service revenue, and from Apple's current development trends in the future enhancing service revenue is also a trend, so manufacturers are promoting a PPC, advertising systems with their inner needs.

As an advertising, its core demands are the least money to maximize advertising exposure and conversion rates . In a Word, to maximize. But realistically, can implement this to maximize the benefits for advertisers, manufacturers is the best choice. Manufacturers rely on their system on the right occupies a dominant position, large users accumulated large amount of data, and its technological strength, to achieve accurate user picture, to put the accurate matching of people to put on the main, accurate delivery, put on the best effects.

Apple rumored to launch PPC, for example, which to a certain extent the current developers on the App Store's biggest problem: how to allow consumers to find their application in the vast expanse of App Store applications. You know, the App Store has over 1.5 million apps. Just imagine, as a developer, want to be found by consumers in 1.5 million apps downloaded is a very difficult thing. So there, in fact, already had the brush list services, to evaluate the application brush so as to achieve a better position in the table. Apple's move, it can be said to some extent in the black market of official, their profits to collect a copy of the application .

Second, advertising system is a win-win but not the virtuous cycle of multilateral win

Manufacturers and put on the main in cooperation to achieve a synergistic, win-win, but this win for consumers is not changeable. Both PPC and the system-level advertising, squeeze consumers added value , but the added value to extract, in many cases, there is no better user experience as a means of compensation, but will hurt the user experience, and downstream consumers, says is unfair.

For hurting the user experience, previous experience has. It can be said that system-level advertising or PPC, is a double-edged sword, bring profits for manufacturers at the same time, also in the subtle hurt "users" the manufacturer a foothold at all. So make use of this double-edged sword appears quite tangled. Personally think that this double-edged sword should be used, because in reality, with profits of powerful attraction, and needs to be explored is how it should be used in order to minimize the damage for the user experience. Change these representations may be quite important.

Third, the vendor should actively search for a new advertising model

We have seen such as the cock man, never thought of this kind of video programs and now many micro-signal to the public, and the large size of the article, which also has a variety of ads, and consumers for their ads, instead of hatred, but popular, sometimes chasing the advertising. Is also advertising, consumers lack the opposite attitude, which contrasts it is worth pondering.

Between the two, the core is the different view of the forms of advertising, is forcing additional passive acceptance is substituted into the sense of active exploration of one of the biggest differences . Which is, unfortunately, current smartphone maker of most of the manpower level advertising is to let consumers be forced to accept. Advertising forms rough, poor advertising pages, affecting the user's natural sense . Admittedly this is the inherent constraints of a scene, but as manufacturers and put on the main, but it should be again before the pain points, and actively explore the presence of advertising, showing those who have a creative, in line with consumer tastes, able to influence consumer user experience with minimal way. Achieve a win-win situation is the future way of development.

Back to the beginning "competitive position, system, advertising, smartphone maker harvest users added value to it? "Doubt, personally, to bring consumers to disturb the still large current, additional value to harvest user, seems a little rushed. In this phase a hardware bottleneck, to attract consumers, should be a good experience, not ads could hurt the user experience.

竞价排名、系统广告:手机厂商开始“宰割”用户 - 竞价排名,App Store,MIUI - IT资讯


近日,据彭博社报道,苹果组建了一支由苹果iAd负责人托德·特雷西(Todd Teresi)领导的约100名员工的秘密团队来探索App Store的改革方案,其中最引人注目的改变则可能是会加入竞价排名机制即允许开发者通过付费方式将其应用的搜索结果排在前列。而在国内厂商中,日前小米也低调上线了“小米营销平台”,号称“一亿小米用户正在寻找你,接入小米营销平台,获得MIUI及小米系应用的优质用户与流量”;而在此之外,诸如华为等也在自家应用商店内少量的引入了应用广告推广,在此前报道中,有网友在华为EMUI的预装文件管理器v7.1中发现:在“应用游戏”中显示有推荐APP,在详细分类中也显示着“热门游戏”推荐。




苹果为例,App Store不仅是iPhone和iPad广受欢迎的关键原因,亦是公司营收利润的来源之一(虽然当前所占比重较小)。而其在App Store的应用分成政策则是在销量中抽取30%的分成。数据显示:2014年开发者通过App Store获取了150亿美元的收入,而根据30%的分成规则,苹果获得了其中45亿美元的收入。而在2015年,App Store的营收就已经突破了200亿美元,而按此分成比例,则至少为苹果公司带来了60亿美元的收入。而回到国内,据路透社报道,内部文件显示,小米2015年的互联网服务营收增长一倍以上达到大约5.64亿美元



苹果传闻推出的竞价排名为例,此举在一定程度上解决了当前开发者们在App Store上的最大的烦恼:如何让消费者在App Store的浩瀚应用中发现自家的应用。要知道,当前App Store已经拥有超150万款应用。试想,作为开发者,想要在这150万款应用中被消费者发现下载是一件多么困难的事情。所以在坊间,其实早已有了应用刷榜服务,对应用进行评价刷榜从而获得更好的推广位置。苹果此举,可以说在某种程度上是在将此前的黑市行为官方化,自己来收取这一份应用推广的利润








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