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published in(发表于) 2016/5/13 7:20:21
The author biography of Steve Jobs: Apple now is missing a “jobs“



The author biography of Steve Jobs: Apple now is missing a "jobs"-Steve Jobs-IT information

Because of a bad earnings report, Apple recently got into trouble. Today, the company has been trapped in an unprecedented missed his emotions inside. Walter Isaacson, author of the official biography of the Steve (Walter Isaacson), said in an interview with CNBC, now Apple is missing is a visionary people like Steve jobs. Steve jobs is alive when no one wanted him to step down .

"Steve is irreplaceable", Isaacson believes that jobs is one of the greatest geniuses, because he was always able to create products suitable for consumer needs. Isaacson also said Tim Cook, he believes the current CEO of Apple was good, and jobs living also has been praised for work done by the Cook. But Apple needs now is a can be described as "the next big thing" subversive product.

While apples Cook, Apple introduced a new category under the leadership of Watch, but this product's popularity is not high, Isaacson said, "I do not use it", he doesn't think Apple Watch called a "big thing".

In this interview, the famous writer also recalled his most satisfying achievement: not iPod not iPhone or iPad, but a have a Cook, and Jonathan Schiller, a strong team. If he is still alive, so the Cook is responsible for operations, Jonathan is responsible for design, Schiller is responsible for marketing. He believes that this team is the most reasonable and most powerful.

《乔布斯传》作者:现在的苹果缺少一个“乔布斯” - 乔布斯 - IT资讯

由于一份不如意的财报,苹果近日陷入了麻烦。如今,这家公司已经陷入一种空前怀念乔布斯的情绪里面。官方传记作品《乔布斯传》的作者沃尔特·艾萨克森(Walter Isaacson)日前在接受CNBC采访时表示,现在苹果缺少的是一个像史蒂夫·乔布斯这样有远见的人。乔布斯在世之时,没有人想要让他下台

“乔布斯是不可取代的”,艾萨克森认为,乔布斯是一个最伟大的天才,因为他总是能够打造出适合消费者需求的产品。艾萨克森还谈到了蒂姆·库克,他认为这位苹果现任CEO很优秀,而且乔布斯生前也都一直称赞库克所做的工作。只不过,如今苹果需要的是一款可以被称作是“the next big thing”的颠覆型产品。

虽然苹果在库克的领导之下推出了全新类别的Apple Watch,但是这款产品的人气并不高,艾萨克森表示“我并不经常使用它”,他也不认为Apple Watch能够称作是“big thing”。

在本次采访中,这位知名作家还回忆了乔布斯生产最满意的成就:不是 iPod 也不是iPhone 或iPad,而是建立了一个拥有库克、乔纳森和席勒的强大团队。如果乔布斯仍然在世,那么库克负责的就是运营、乔纳森负责设计、席勒则是负责营销。乔布斯认为,这样的一个团队是最合理也最强大的。

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