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published in(发表于) 5/31/2016 8:46:51 AM
More Huawei and ZTE, 15,000 high-tech enterprises in Shenzhen will go,



More Huawei and ZTE, 15,000 high-tech enterprises in Shenzhen will leave Shenzhen Huawei, ZTE-IT information

Text/Shi Tianhao

In mid-May, along with the grievances of the prices are too high, rumors of Huawei would leave for maxed out your circle of friends, around the "local housing prices in taking the manufacturing industry" discussion are numerous. But at the end of May, ZTE will leave early burst, according to the southern daily said citing Heyuan high-tech zone Party Committee Secretary Li Yannan, ZTE will be in July this year relocated its production base in Shenzhen in Heyuan.

Zhihou, Mayor of Shenzhen Xu Qin has reported a larger material, disclose a data in a speech that "recent, more than 15,000 companies moving out of Shenzhen. ”

Relocation of Shenzhen prices to blame?

Some place names have been in the Internet era, science and technology, innovation and other labels are bundled together, especially in Shenzhen, Japan media and even praise from China's Silicon Valley hung in its head. Developments since it became a special economic zone of Shenzhen City for all to see, according to CICC last year issued a report on the theme of the transformation of one of the series: tenglonghuanniao, Shenzhen led display in the tide of innovation: to 2014, Shenzhen's GDP per capita GDP exceeded 24,000 US dollars, higher than that of major cities in the North Canton first. Under such a high base, Shenzhen 2015 1 GDP achieved a growth of 7.8%, faster than the overall national level. Expected in 2016, the total GDP will surpass Hong Kong in Shenzhen.

Supported Shenzhen's economic is Huawei, Tencent and ZTE, as well as driven by technology and Internet companies, as the world's top technology companies Huawei and ZTE, once moving away from Shenzhen, Shenzhen's future development is undoubtedly a heavy blow. Has the legislative power of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region City of Shenzhen was treasure enterprises of science and technology, high-tech companies would escape from the heart of the news got out, it is easy to let a person linking with Shenzhen abnormal price movements. It is reported that time Shenzhen prices over the past year since the end of 2014 29577 rose to the highest point of 56149 Yuan/square meter/square meters, or as high as 90%. Was that high prices are forcing manufacturing industries?

Although no one will admit prices drove manufacturing, but this is the monk's head lice, Foxconn's experience, from the Pearl River Delta to the Yangtze River Delta, from the East, then to the Midwest. More than 10 years ago, Foxconn has been started from Shenzhen and the Pearl River Delta to the Central and Western regions including Shanxi, Taiyuan (2003), Chongqing (2009), Chengdu (2010), Zhengzhou (2010) migration. The facts here, real estate has become a stumbling block to the development of almost no alibi.

No houses on the most representative of all is that each generation left a bitter laugh, joke:

Resolutely a man a decade ago to more than 600,000 sold his house in the ring, holding this money to go into business, after ten years of hard work hard, the company on the right track, making 4 million net profit, and he used all the profits along with some bank loans, had sold their house and bought, after all children go to school. --In XX city, get rich when you can buy a House, he must b entrepreneurship!

Manufacturing will leave at the end is just under the background of incident

ZTE has been reported after left Shenzhen, Xu Qin "is the counterpart in Shenzhen, Guangdong development plans in the eastern part of ZTE is the transfer of production and research base is located, Heyuan city, Guangdong Province. "" Recently, with more than 15,000 companies moving out of Shenzhen. "And the output of 15,000 high-tech enterprises will leave behind the largest official, Guangdong Province in recent years" double shift "context, Shenzhen began plans to relocate some manufacturing at the end. In 2014, issued in two cities of Heyuan, Shenzhen implemented the Shenzhen-Heyuan counterpart supporting working implementation programme, counterpart helping Heyuan, Shenzhen, Shenzhen Municipal Government financial stake in the way arranged the transfer parts manufacturing to Heyuan, Shenzhen. , Heyuan city, according to Deputy Secretary of economy and information technology, Zhang said, coming over 60% of large foreign enterprises from Shenzhen in Heyuan.

As can be seen from the information above, though cause of high prices is manufacturing has to move away from Shenzhen, but this is not the passive escape, but a planned action. Shenzhen now if you don't understand something, you gotta file a few years ago to find out the truth. As early as in July 2013, the Guangdong provincial party Committee, the provincial government has promulgated the decision on the further development of the revitalization in the Northwest region of Eastern Guangdong, clear to establish working mechanisms for helping their counterparts in the Pearl River Delta region of Guangdong Province in Northwest. Now Shenzhen relocation craze, it is in this context.

Said referred to the Pearl River Delta in Guangdong Province, not to three-tenths the bulk of GDP of Guangdong's land, according to the Bureau, Guangdong Province, according to the data provided, GDP in 2013 the PRD is 5,306,048,000,000 yuan, Eastern Northwest Territories GDP was only 3,899,136,000,000 yuan, a considerable difference between the two areas. So when there was a policy of helping Guangdong Pearl River Delta Northwest. Of course, this is Foxconn's departure probably brings some enlightenment, rather than allow the Inland districts plagued by cost manufacturing, rather than apportioned to the underdeveloped areas of Guangdong, on the outside, there is a saying, or else all that high prices of high-tech enterprises from Shenzhen, the pot nobody back. And secondly, it must not let opportunities go outsiders Tian, the manufacturing sector has been propping up big cities like Shenzhen development pace, but transferred to Guangdong where other backward point for their economic drives should not be underestimated.

Manufacturing will leave is a good thing in the long run, high house prices is still hidden

If you read the world is flat, the romance, and your news about manufacturing was spun off from the big city would not be surprised. Is most representative of the company, Wall Street a few months ago had announced a list of the most lucrative enterprises in fiscal 2015, Apple net profit of 39.5 billion dollars in the first. However, the company in addition to research, design and marketing in the United States outside, almost all manufacturing outsourcing, but the profits are amazing.

But starting from the 2012 United States political show on the Apple of the regression as a manufacturing issue, the year United States Republican Trump (Donald Trump) threatening to non-United States 35% taxes on manufactured products, forcing the company to move the production line to the United States, to increase employment opportunities. But this is not widely supported, and trends in the global economy today is different in urban areas take on a different position, Division into the mainstream, and duties rendered more and more segmented. If you really like what Trump said the Apple product line is moved to the United States, Apple will face the dilemma of the product several times to raise prices or do not make money. Global also really can't afford to buy iPhone or buy goods (low power low profit margins), for Apple there is bad news for consumers.

Huawei, is one of the most international of China, by the end of 2013, Huawei has 6.833 million square meters of land in the country and building, Dongguan, which retains close to 1/3, 2 million square metres, of 1.6 million square meters in Shenzhen. Shenzhen headquarters include platform support departments, such as the headquarters of the administrative, legal, customer engineering part of the business sector and research and development, and the town centre offices, r among Shenzhen, mainly branches in Shanghai, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Beijing, Chengdu, Xian, Wuhan and other cities.

The structure of modern economies, the more mature economies, the Division more clear, United States, for example financial centers on Wall Street, Technology Center Silicon Valley, film and television center in Hollywood. Major cities in China in contrast, poor broken down too much. Property prices in Shenzhen aside (really ridiculously high), only from the breakdown of the economic structure is to be encouraged, 15,000 high-tech companies such as Huawei and ZTE, manufacturing left, in the short term will make Shenzhen a significant loss of GDP figures, after all, will have a hollow in the middle period, but through this short-term pain, Shenzhen will usher in the new .

Visible, Shenzhen has begun to outstrip the low-end industries, to focus on the innovation-oriented city in March. According to Xu Qin said, "the Shenzhen Municipal Government is developing innovation driven ' development strategies, Shenzhen has 4% per cent of GDP for research and development funding, will continue to increase in the future. "This data has exceeded the level of developed countries in Europe and America, now only Israel and Korea more than 4%. Although Shenzhen flee people not to worry about, but I am more worried about other things, such as normal economic order, cost control, optimizing the living environment of these problems.

Shenzhen is a city of rich, but more than 50,000 per square meter price, Japan 30 years ago Tokyo land prices could buy the whole United States the absurd situation. Shenzhen to introduced talent 2016 launched has on promote technology innovation of several measures, and on support enterprise upgrade competitiveness of several measures, and on promote talent priority development of several measures three big policy, these talent housing guarantees "upgrade version" does can let more has to of people fell to Shenzhen, for Shenzhen of city upgrade plans contribution energy, but policy can benefit to of talent after all is minority, only by file promoted is funny of. Let manufacturing go is a correct direction, but from the land of public opinion "Huawei, ZTE will leave" a match is burning, real so that those who work in Shenzhen have hope than talent policies more effective.

不止华为和中兴,深圳1.5万家高科企业都将离开 - 深圳,华为,中兴 - IT资讯
















但从2012年开始美国政治秀就把苹果该把制造环节回归当作议题,到今年美国共和党的川普(Donald Trump)扬言要对非美国制造的产品要征收35%的税,逼迫苹果公司把生产线移到美国,借此增加就业机会。但这种言论都未得到广泛的支持,如今全球经济的大趋势是不同城市地区承担着不同的定位,分工合作成为主流,并且职责呈现越来越细分化。如果真如川普所言将苹果公司生产线移到美国,苹果将面临对产品几倍提价或不赚钱的两难选择。而全球也会因此真的买不起iPhone或买不到货(利润低生产动力就低),对苹果公司还有消费者而言都是坏消息。





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