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The author:(作者)
published in(发表于) 2016/6/1 8:12:17
Who killed the drive? ,



Who killed the drive? -Network backup, cloud storage-IT information

Nearly two months after the Thunder, the UC network disk, kingsoft fast, micro-cloud transit, SINA weibo, announcing the end of personal storage services.

Tencent micro cloud had previously announced that it would officially closes the file transfer feature in May 27, 2016; the evening of May 3, Huawei's Web site also announced that now stores user data share service is stopped, all user data will be retained until June 30, 2016.

The reason for closing, the Web site announcement says, the personal storage services close to coincide with government departments in special drive actions.

In March this year, the national anti-pornography Office, Ministry of public security, the Ministry, the national network and five of the press and publication administration departments to carry out special rectification action. Full-scale combat using clouds to spread pornographic information special rectification action, and published 6 marketing cloud (Web site) ID and password spread obscene information for profit case.

There is news that starting in 2009 and 115 drive is also closed. But then the 115 denied this news, said only off line 115 NET disk "talk to me", "send files" module, 115 file upload backup and online management capabilities are not affected.

? Photo: vision China

Worth noting is that 115 drive is one of the 6 cases in connection with the above.

As of May 16, the campaign achieved important results, "Huang-related" issues have been effectively curbed, Yun Pan spread obscene information, deal with a large number of cases, of which 10 cases have been national "anti-pornography" Office listed for supervision.

Collective closing of this network, has fueled a wail.

According to third-party consulting firm--Thompson advisory issued by 2015 mobile Internet industry development report shows,in December 2015, moving clouds, Yun to 37.86 million monthly active users, Baidu ranked Huawei network disks with 13.71 million monthly active users, followed by 360 to a 6.87 million in third place. Thin clouds IV monthly active users to 4.17 million, SINA weibo, 115 drive and (Thunder) quickly separated from six to eight, with 2.4 million respectively, 2.05 million and 1.05 million month active households.

Cloud's function is to store, access, backup, and sharing. It can help users save hassle of carrying electronic documents, at different times, places to read data. Was meant to be a user-friendly good things. So netizens use network location to store the increasing number of electronic information, including documents, videos, photos, and more.

However, because it is a personal upload, which are not lacking in yellow, and suspected pirated content.

Because of the large number of users, and drive business to each audit, porn has become rampant in the Web site.

Insiders told reporters that they used common approaches are: company reporting and verification to delete or close the account of resources. But with the recent regulation increasingly restrictive, reports on methods of reprocessing work, enterprises need to take the initiative to prohibit storage and dissemination of inappropriate content .

However, currently the personal Web site of most are losing money, if the increase in staff to monitor prohibited content, which will increase the burden on businesses. So, who choose turn off personal Web site, is also a way to stop.

According to press reports, net profit mainly through membership fees, advertising fees, but these costs are difficult to cover costs of bandwidth and server hardware. 115 Lai Lin Feng, Chairman of science and technology said in an interview in 2011, 115 monthly server bandwidth and hardware costs reached tens .

Lai Lin Feng argue that pure share is not a healthy pattern of the chain, its closure is an inevitable trend. He said: "first of all, huge flow from outside the chain of distribution would lead to soaring bandwidth costs and, secondly, this pattern of regulatory risk caused by issues such as copyright. ”

115 Web share closing in 2012 of the chain (the spread can be shared elsewhere than at a 115) features. It is 115 staff, this line of "file sharing" function is only after you become a VIP Member can be enabled, and both sides must be a VIP Member to be able to share.

High traffic costs, regulation tougher, drive market seems to be difficult to sustain.

However, Lai Lin Feng is still optimistic about the field, he believes companies need to find a better revenue model. He said: "cloud storage model is making money, but now the mode does not. Apple iCloud according to capacity to pay and it is certainly making money. At home, under space charge not profitable, because of domestic user needs are different. Domestic users share links, downloads, actually consumed more traffic brings the loss. ”

115 found new direction is 115+, which is somewhat similar to nails and Micro-Enterprise Edition. And the difference is not only for business, can also be used for groups of 2 or more, 115+ the current price of 150 yuan a year. The project management, scheduling, document collaboration, and so on.

Lai Lin Feng said: "115 there is no profit, 115+ and will not be paid in the education market, we will find dealers to promote the advocacy mode, I believe that we will be profitable this year, could do to 10 billion. ”

Xinhua also learned, 1151 in preparation for the listing, and profits become key to its successful functioning in the domestic market.

Although the network disk to burn money and profit model of a single, but Tencent micro, Baidu is clouds, just close the sharing service does not shut down the storage business. Future space because they are still concerned about this area. According to iResearch data shows that 2015 individual net users grows 96%, obviously; also, users will be more network applications in the Office file storage, backup, remote office scenarios such as file synchronization .

However, the market for personal Web site does exist, but companies didn't find a better revenue model, and well before content regulation, short-term development situation is still not optimistic.

是谁杀死了网盘? - 网盘,云存储 - IT资讯


























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