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published in(发表于) 2016/6/23 8:47:04
Mr Arora, President of SOFTBANK, why go? Blame the Sun of Justice,



Mr Arora, President of SOFTBANK, why go? Masayoshi Son-Softbank, Masayoshi Son-IT information

Japan CEO Masayoshi Son of SOFTBANK Group announced his resignation yesterday, hand-picked successor, Nikesh Arora post of President of SOFTBANK, soft silver will remain as consultants.

SOFTBANK said today that Arora to resign is his son disagree on the question of when to take over. Masayoshi Son said in a statement, he did not want to let the Arora for too long at the top.

Host, President of SOFTBANK hopes eventually to resign

According to Bloomberg, and Masayoshi Son conversation Arora recently resigned last month's outburst. The report said:

A month ago, Arora and Masayoshi Son is preparing in California for this year's general meeting of shareholders. At that time, a slide show on Sun's long-term plan, to control to the successor company. Previously, said Masayoshi Son, who will be 60 years old, according to plan, only 15 months of his term.

Arora now asks, are you ready? Sun's answer is no.

Arora asked, is a year or two years? Sun's answer is that five to 10 years.

Arora this conversation is very disappointed with the result, but choose to continue to maintain close relations with Sun.

Bloomberg quoted Arora says: "Sun working 18 hours a day, energetic, says he wants to continue. ”

This is no exaggeration, media have reported that Masayoshi Son in college just like Superman, tireless, and only slept 3 hours a day on average, a maximum of no more than 5 hours.

Quoted by the Wall Street Journal, now 58 years old, Masayoshi Son, said: "I had thought when I am 60 years old no longer served as CEO, but now it seems that I was still very young, so to continue momentum. ”

In addition, after was SOFTBANK shareholders questioned Arora part of investment decisions in conflicts of interest, reported today in the Wall Street Journal, also suggests this or one of the Arora's reasons for leaving. But Masayoshi Son said yesterday, Arora's resignation and investigate allegations and irrelevant.

Masayoshi Son said, not in this year's shareholders ' meeting appoints new President, Board members Ron Fisher and Baer Capital Partners founder, Alok Sama will deal with SOFTBANK's overseas investment business, Arora after the outgoing President will continue to provide consultant services to SOFTBANK.

Japanese takes charge is hard to find a successor to hot spots

Bloomberg reports that Arora abruptly left Japan company is hard to find the successor of topics again being pushed up hot spots. The report noted that many Japan company run by older entrepreneurs, for example, owns brands such as UNIQLO Japan fast retailing co (Fast Retailing) CEO, Japan's richest man, Yanai (Tadashi Yanai) is 67 years old.

Earlier media reports said 2015 according to Forbes rich list, Korea top ten list, 9 are Inheritors. By comparison, Japan top ten list, only two seem to be heir. Most of these self-made founder, mostly over the age of 60.

(Forbes, Japan rich lists in 2015)

Bloomberg quoted JP Morgan analyst Dairo Murata said, run by the founder's Japan company, 5-10 years in the future, succession planning will be the biggest problem. For investors, founder of the old risk of a successor could not be found would surfaced slowly.

Arora has not helped SOFTBANK relief debts high pressure

Before joining SOFTBANK July 2014, Arora in Google for almost 10 years, is the highest annual salary in 2012, Google executives. Upon resignation, Arora is Google's Chief business officer, CEO Larry one of the right-hand Page, Google with heads of leading Wall Street.

Arora from Google is able to catch the wave of Executive defections surges. Android in Chief Andy Rubin separated in 2013, long responsible for Google's Susan Wojcicki is also advertising in February 2014 to move on to the YouTube video site. In April, the social network services Executive Vic Gundotra also announced.

The second half of 2014, joined SOFTBANK Arora as Deputy Chairman in charge of the Japan investment strategy of the company, and in May last year, was promoted to President of the company. SOFTBANK has said publicly, Arora is expected to become his successor.

Arora is one of the world's highest-paid executives in 2014 and in 2015 to pay $ 135 million and $ 73 million, respectively.

But SOFTBANK's operations in recent years appeared to be less optimistic.

In October 2012 of $ 21.6 billion for United States after control of the fourth-largest telecommunications company Sprint, SOFTBANK's debt burden increased significantly. According to Bloomberg statistics, SOFTBANK servicing debt rose by more than twice times, staggering 11.92 trillion yen (US $ 108 billion). Barron said the 2016 fiscal year Sprint give Softbank a negative cash flow of $ 5.65 billion. Son also said in February: it may take two years to address the loss of customers and loss of time.

Wall Street stories mentioned yesterday, SOFTBANK recently because of heavy selling of the assets "albatross" Sprint's debt pressures. Within three days at the beginning of June, SOFTBANK Ali, by selling shares, cashing $ 10 billion. SOFTBANK said, hoping that reducing Ali shares more funds to improve their balance sheets, and other strategic investments to create more flexible space.

Tencent-led consortium on Tuesday announced $ 8.6 billion acquisition of Supercell84.3% shares, also means that SOFTBANK shares will be taken over by the company on a Supercell. SOFTBANK in 2013 for $ 1.53 billion for a Supercell 51% interest, additional investment in June last year, raising their holdings of 22% shares to 73%.

Coupled with the sale of shares of game developer GungHo Online Entertainment is planned, SOFTBANK's total cash volume will reach 20 billion dollars.

Comment according to Reuters, sell the quality of assets to make SOFTBANK from acquiring Sprint in the mire of the back on its feet. According to the United Kingdom by the financial times estimates, according to Masayoshi Son, currently in the United States telecommunications price war burn speeds, Sprint may run out of money until the end of 2016.

软银总裁阿罗拉为何突然下台?都怪孙正义 - 软银,孙正义 - IT资讯

日本软银集团CEO孙正义亲自挑选的接班人Nikesh Arora昨天宣布辞职软银总裁一职,此后仍将担任软银顾问。












孙正义称,不会在今次股东大会上任命新总裁,董事会成员Ron Fisher和Baer Capital Partners创始人Alok Sama将负责处理软银海外投资业务,Arora卸任总裁后则将继续为软银提供顾问服务。


彭博报道称,Arora的突然宣布离职令日本公司难寻继承者的话题再度被推上热点。该报道指出,不少日本公司都由年迈的企业家掌管,比如旗下拥有优衣库等品牌的日本迅销有限公司(Fast Retailing)CEO,日本首富柳井正(Tadashi Yanai)已经67岁高龄。



彭博援引摩根大通分析师Dairo Murata表示,对于由创始人掌管的日本公司来说,未来5-10年内,继承人计划将是最大的问题。对投资者来说,年迈的创始人找不到继任者的风险将慢慢浮出水面。


2014年7月加入软银之前,Arora在谷歌工作近10年,是2012年谷歌年薪最高的高管。辞职时,Arora是谷歌首席业务官,CEO Larry Page的得力干将之一,也是谷歌与华尔街联系的主要负责人。

Arora离开谷歌算是赶上了一波高管离职潮。安卓操作系统主管Andy Rubin在2013年离职,长期负责谷歌广告业务的Susan Wojcicki也在2014年2月跳槽至YouTube视频网站。同年4月,社交网络服务主管Vic Gundotra也宣布离职。






而周二腾讯领衔的财团宣布86亿美元收购Supercell84.3%股份,也意味着软银在Supercell上的股份将由腾讯接手。软银曾于2013年斥资15.3亿美元获得Supercell 51%的股权,去年6月又追加投资,增持22%股权至73%。

再加上出售游戏开发商GungHo Online Entertainment股票的套现计划,软银的整体套现规模将达到200亿美金。


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