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The author:(作者)
published in(发表于) 2016/7/5 9:50:47
China’s Smartphone the industry, are not working properly,



China's Smartphone the industry already is not normal-China-made mobile phones, smart phones, the Internet, feeling-IT information

Statement : the personal view of the author only, and does not represent the position of this website.

Probably starting around 2012, and a bunch of dumb money many people fools crazy into smart phones in China this golden place. At this point they are ambitious, have a national passion, a great year "catch up and overtake the United States" style. After a few years, Nokia and Motorola have been acquired, Sony, HTC fleeing China thinks the rise of domestic mobile phone brand.

However entered in 2016, originally marked to mimic the iPhone's large Coke announced the closure. Now came the main "youth" group of Internet phone brand IUNI defunct, website fully only English interface, a large amount of content has been taken down, IUNI OS community has been shut down.

This is just the beginning, phone is excessive investment, excessive consumption of market finally retaliate against its creator. Obsessed with mobile phone technology industry in China, ushered in the retribution of the phone.

What Internet thinking is a lie

Large Coke, IUNI fallen to shocks to the Chinese mobile phone market may not be so big, after all, they never capture the mainstream market, at best, only three or four lines the edge brand. But the "recession" this deluge has flooded the surrounding small towns, which have not flooded in the center point.

A few years ago, almost all mobile phone brands are "thinking of the Internet" as a business model, this is the biggest joke of the century. The exact words of the word is "We the Internet thinking is these entrepreneurs will have to, you do not the Internet, but your way of thinking by the progressive thinking in terms of the Internet. ”

(The Internet thinking Wikipedia page)

This sentence is actually no problem, put it very well, but somehow became a set of metaphysical theories. See Wikipedia for "Internet mentality" introduces a cult programme of action, as well as world, paradigm and epistemology, methodology and values. I was square. In terms of blowing bubbles can rival the Internet thinking, probably only "industrial 4.0".

Big Cola is dead cell phone again, who had described himself--an Internet phone and mobile Internet-oriented technology-oriented start-up companies in order to "achieve the ultimate Internet experience on a mobile phone" as the goal, true Internet phone.

This model was introduced by impracticality of the company best, sounds a lot, but think about the so-called "Internet phone" what is it, refers to Internet on mobile phone? I cannot now: Internet phone that can call on the phone. So what does this passage say, actually have nothing to say.

It is not difficult to foresee such "stream of consciousness" How could the phone company long. In Coke's final push, thinking they finally realized that the Internet is stupid, so made a large Coke with high copy iPhone 3. Thinking it was for himself and the Internet has made two loud slap you what these Chinese manufacturers do not blow the Internet thinking, changed to "Apple Dafa is good, iPhone forever". To put it bluntly, not spineless.

(You can tell, which is the iPhone, which is a large Coke for 3? )

IUNI, their introduction is: IUNI to an Internet mobile phone brands, including e-commerce platform, user participation, brand communities, its own ROM. IUNI fusion of performance and design in the first place, promoting brand and reciprocal harmony among users.

IUNI not do phone, but forums and e-commerce. Three tiers of manufacturers, but also it is not so surprising.

Here under the hammer, the hammer is one of the few companies talk about feelings without Internet. Of course their feelings is actually old, his programme of action be "craftsmen". Of the programme Smartisan T1 very thoughtful, but old hit is, after all, the fridge was born, some enterprising but didn't mind. He sought only the superb design, ignores the related issues such as technology, costs, production, eventually leading to early prices artificially high, supply is inadequate. Short had to descend after 1000, the industry joke.

Old story is a living "ideals and reality", the men of the old nature is a factional, with spirit of the present scarcity of domestic technology industries. But impetuous circle of China-made mobile phones, old is destined to be a tragic character, he was forced to give up his beautiful vision, follow Smartisan T2 has naturally become a mediocrity.

Either strong or retreat

Read the counterexamples, let us look a little success to calm down you broken heart. Blue Factory OPPO is in vivo and the green plant get moisture in recent years, VIVO development of HiFi is the main spindle, with Internet-related? And no. OPPO "charge for five minutes, calling a two-hour" advertising language popular with Internet-related? Also no.

Not rely on gimmicks, but using technology to a showdown, did not want to repeatedly emphasize the old truths, but in recent years as China's domestic mobile phone industry is crazy. In addition to the reactor and created a bunch of the "Qualcomm/JDI processor + sharp + screen + Sony camera class iPhone look" format product line, with no real change in people's lives for technology, and assembly plant and what's the difference.

That foreign brands and how to do it? While foreign manufacturers have recently fared well, but can be seen from their industrial distribution domestic producers and foreign manufacturers of gap. IPhone sales slowdown is inevitable trend, market research firm Gartner forecasts worldwide Smartphone growth from 2015 to halve this year to 7%, China, the largest market is saturated.

Apple can accept this fact and will look to Apple Pay, Apple Music software such as ecological areas, and actively explore the wearable market represented by the Apple Watch. This is because the strength of Apple's hardware and software technology, can quickly turn to new areas do go hand in hand. This strategy the Internet thinking closer to Chinese population, millet or intend to do so, but millet ecosystem that interaction with the phone is too weak.

Samsung could be too big to fail, because they realize the vertical integration of upstream and downstream supply chain, coupled with a background and deep pockets of the Government. Samsung Galaxy S5 isn't selling, but can immediately achieve reversal in the Galaxy S6 generation, showing that this company was terrible execution and response capacity.

Sony's situation is similar to HTC, is the world's laggards in the Smartphone wars. Sony as an integrated enterprise, mobile phones fail just to Hirai poured cold water the recovery strategy. Sony financial though Samsung, but can tolerate Sony move losses over the years is willful, this sort of thing if you don't live at home early, mainly because Sony has other battlefield can make up for this shortfall. Now they know to play it anymore, so I began to withdraw.

As for HTC, family is a VR companies, cell phone is what already does not know .

Mobile phone industry, is not normal

Not reported, is not yet. The past few years, the domestic mobile phone market are overexploited, brand scrimmage does not make a good circulation, produced with the international competitiveness of emerging Chinese-made brands. Instead, internal friction, attack and slander become the norm of domestic mobile phone rings. In the wake of a series of struggles, only survivors, but no winners.

This is now eager for quick success and status quo of China's science and technology industry in the world without a strong brand called, without strong technical reserves, without far-sighted planning and layout. Results by domestic manufacturers, China can only be access to markets and technology through mergers and acquisitions, is billed as the world's largest market for domestic playing playing House, they could not go out. This led to China's domestic manufacturers cannot become bigger and stronger, like Samsung's integrated enterprise. Their lack of vision, only cares about the immediate benefits.

Cell phones can make money, then go to mobile phones. Real estate can make money, then go to real estate. After a few years, the mobile phone manufacturer or mobile phone manufacturers, there is no breed other promising business. In the context of mobile phone market is saturated and began to shuffle, of course, is not to die slightly. Even the mobile phone industry has been notorious, will continue some manufacturers want to squeeze in, really do not understand what Miss Dong is the confident think gree phone can break a world, power on the picture?

Phone run rampant on this matter, I think our media is partly to blame. The media, the effect of this is to monitor the market. However since most of the media for almost all two-word assessment of the phone:

Which is very nice.

As if they are, there is no "wrong" phones, but clearly this is not the case. All sing the praises of the media manufacturers to meet also with chicken blood pouring in. At this point who can wipe the brake for them? No, he didn't. Knowing that the industry is not too normal, we pretend to ignore, that itself is a kind of indulgence. I was even embarrassed to tell people about his mobile phone to do profiling.

"Hey, do you do phone testing. ”

"You're doing phone reviews, mobile phone testing does your family do. ”

中国智能手机这个行业,已经很不正常 - 中国国产手机,智能手机,互联网,情怀 - IT资讯



然而进入2016年,原本以模仿iPhone为特点的大可乐宣布关闭。如今又传出主打“有品青年”群体的互联网手机品牌IUNI已经倒闭,官网完全只剩下英文界面,大量内容都被撤下,IUNI OS社区也被关闭。













这里要提下锤子,锤子是少数几个不谈互联网而谈情怀的公司。当然他们的情怀实际就是老罗,他的行动纲领是“工匠精神”。在这一纲领下造出的Smartisan T1确实还蛮有想法的,可惜老罗毕竟是砸冰箱出身,有的是拼劲却没心境。他追求的只有高超的设计,却忽视了与之相关的工艺、成本、产量等问题,最终导致前期价格虚高,供货又不足。短短半年后不得不直降一千,成为业界笑话。

老罗的故事就是一出活生生的“理想与现实”,老罗本质是个务正业的人,有着当下国内科技行业所稀缺的钻研精神。但在浮躁的中国国产手机圈,老罗注定是个悲剧人物,他被迫放弃了自己美好的愿景,随之而来的Smartisan T2便理所当然地变成了一款平庸之作。





苹果可以接受这一事实,并将眼光放至Apple Pay、Apple Music等软件生态领域,以及积极开拓以Apple Watch为代表的可穿戴市场。这是因为苹果的软硬件技术实力强,可以很快转向新领域做到齐头并进。这种策略更接近中国人口中的互联网思维,小米也打算这么做,但小米生态圈内的那些产品与小米手机之间的互动性实在太弱了。

三星能够做到大而不倒,是因为他们实现了上下游供应链的垂直整合,加上有政府背景与财大气粗。三星Galaxy S5虽然卖得不咋地,但能立即在Galaxy S6这一代实现大逆转,可见这家公司的执行力与反应能力之可怕。












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