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published in(发表于) 2016/7/22 7:55:36
Tech sex scandal: Google is said to be concubines, Chairman,



Tech sex scandal: Google is said to be concubines, Chairman-Samsung, Lee Kun-hee, Google-IT information

Today Korea Newstapa network media reported that Samsung Group Chairman Lee Kun-hee (Lee Kun-hee) has for many years been whoring at home , and a video picture, Samsung Group has not yet made a clear response. It is true or not is not clear, but the sex scandal in the science and technology circle has always been there.

In March this year, Sequoia Capital partner Michael Goguen was accused of forcing a victim of trafficking as their sex slave for 13 years, committed against the victim during a violent sexual assault, emotional torture and use of illegal drugs and other crimes. The victim said in a statement over the past 13 years, Michael Goguen forced violent sex, forcing her to call a King or Emperor, HPV virus on to her and once even forced her to anal sex for up to 6 hours at a time.

In August 2010, the former HP CEO Mark Hurd (Mark Hurd) have been accused of sexual harassment and resign. The heroine of sexual harassment is called qiaodi·feisheer (Jodie Fisher). In 2007, Fisher attended the company's temporary workers interviewing with then-CEO Hurd met for the first time. In June 2010, Fisher has hired lawyers accused Hurd had suspected her of sexual harassment. Findings do not prove that Hurd and Fisher have sex, but because of this huge negative impact of HP, Hurd decided to resign.

Actress qiaodi·feisheer (Jodie Fisher)

In March 2013, a woman named Jenn Allen on Facebook accusing her ex-boyfriend, TechCrunch founder Michael Arrington (Michael Arrington) acts of rape and violence. She claims raped her friend in Arlington. But Arlington filed a lawsuit claiming themselves from libel.

According to the daily mail of London reported, Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt (Eric Sc?? Hmidt) mistress groups media claims that Eric Schmidt, cheating on his wife, and a number of other women, Schmidt's wife to stay at Google headquarters thousands of miles of Nantucket, and he visited the State of Israel. In an article in the New York Post praised him like other women "to decorate his yacht".

In 2010, Intelius co-founder yuehan·kennisi·anuode (John Kenneth Arnold) lied to the grand jury himself is not accused of sexual relations with a strip club dancer. Arnold had previously lied to the grand jury in the investigation of strip club he was not infected with the Club's dancers. After the truth comes out, he was sentenced to 45 days in jail and a fine of $ 40000.

Former Oracle President mistress of Chake·feilipusi both the pair in New York to advertise events, two of them for 8.5 years underground love exposure.

ChaCha CEO Scott Jones's wife, Vee on Twitter and personal blogs recently claimed that her husband having an affair with a female employee of the company, but Jones has not recognized. From Vee and later updated blog content, two people had to quell it.

科技圈那些性丑闻:据说谷歌董事长妻妾成群 - 三星,李健熙,谷歌 - IT资讯

今日韩国网络媒体Newstapa报道称,三星集团董事长李健熙(Lee Kun-hee)多年来一直在家嫖娼,而且有视频有图片,目前三星集团对此还未做出明确回应。这件事是真是假还不清楚,但是性丑闻在科技圈确实一直存在。

今年三月,红杉资本合伙人Michael Goguen被指控强迫一个非法人口交易的受害者为其性奴长达13年,期间对受害者犯下了暴力性侵、情感折磨和服用非法药品等罪行。受害者声明称,在过去的13年里,Michael Goguen迫使其发生暴力性交、强迫她称呼其为King或者Emperor,还将HPV病毒传染给她,甚至一度迫使她与其肛交长达6小时之久。

2010年8月,前惠普CEO马克·赫德(Mark Hurd)因被指控性骚扰而辞职。这个性骚扰事件的女主角名为乔迪·费舍尔(Jodie Fisher)。2007年,费舍尔在参加惠普公司的临时工招聘面试时与时任CEO赫德初次相识。2010年6月,费舍尔却聘请律师控告赫德涉嫌对她进行了性骚扰。调查结果并没有证明赫德与费舍尔发生性行为,但是由于这件事给惠普带来的巨大负面影响,赫德还是决定辞职。

女主角乔迪·费舍尔(Jodie Fisher)

2013年3月,一位名叫Jenn Allen的女性在Facebook上指责前男友、TechCrunch创始人迈克尔·阿灵顿(Michael Arrington)的强奸和施暴行为。她声称,阿灵顿强奸了她的朋友。但阿灵顿提起诉讼,声称自己遭受诽谤。

根据《每日邮报》报道,谷歌执行董事长埃里克·施密特(Eric Sc??hmidt)情妇成群多家媒体声称,埃里克·施密特背叛妻子,和其他多个女人有染,施密特的妻子住在距离谷歌总部数千英里的楠塔基特,而他则造访列国。《纽约邮报》在一篇文章中称道他喜欢与其他女人“装点他的游艇”。

2010年,Intelius联合创始人约翰·肯尼思·阿诺德(John Kenneth Arnold)因向大陪审团谎称自己未与脱衣舞俱乐部舞娘发生性爱关系遭受指控。阿诺德此前在对脱衣舞俱乐部的调查中向大陪审团谎称自己并未沾染该俱乐部舞娘。真相大白之后他被判处45天监禁和40000美元罚款。


ChaCha CEO斯科特·琼斯的妻子Vee最近在Twitter和个人博客上声称,丈夫和公司一位女员工有染,但琼斯对此并未承认。从Vee后来更新的博文内容看,二人已平息此事。

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