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published in(发表于) 2016/8/4 8:08:34
“Free“ digital music, who is paying for them? ,



"Free" digital music, who is paying for them? -Sony, Apple Music-IT information

The music, we can not do without.

Black tape, cassette, CD, these changes, driving the music industry is constantly high, until digital music. Once upon a time, first saw the small MP3 player up, but copyright nightmare almost at birth: digital music piracy is easy. You listen to the song for free, and who is paying?

Digital music chain, including creators, copyright, distribution, media and consumer links.

Copyright: after shuffling, tripod

World famous big five record companies EMI, universal music, Warner Music, Sony music and BMG, have experienced a series of integration after 2004. EMI business is split, had sold to universal, Sony and Warner Bros, Sony recycling joint venture the two companies owned by BMG, in the context of music diversified market, integration is the only way. After the 2008 Sony purchased BMG, BMG set up a rights management company again, after continuous integration, new BMG Music rights the forth largest in the world, controlling 2 million songs.

Photo caption: three big music business income (in millions of dollars)

Universal Music, Sony music and Warner Music's main business is recording and copyright agent, Sony Music released a CD manufacturing business. Insofar as revenue is concerned, Universal Music accounted for 41.2% of the three record labels, ranked first, followed by Sony Music spread over 36.6%. Record revenue, universal music 15 sales revenue of 2.06 billion dollars in the first half, the largest proportion. Copyright revenue, universal music publishing companies, Warner publishing company is fully owned by universal music and Warner Music, all, but Sony Music owns 50% shares of Sony/ATV, income is only half of Sony music publishing Sony/ATV. 2015 half of Sony/ATV music publishing company for $ 663 million, accounted for more than 50%, continues the industry first. Piracy, these copyright holders and record companies first, you listen to pirate songs, is copyrighted to bear the loss.

Distribution: online music streaming becoming mainstream

Current revenue streams of music including music subscription services, CDs, vinyl, downloads and performing the right form, combination mode diversification, driven by consumers, and streaming media to be the most outstanding rookie in the transformation process. In 2014, the global music market at least 37 (including Korea, and Sweden, and Mexico) streaming revenue than download revenue, entities and downloading is slowly fading aura, and streaming media gradually rising and is expected to be the main sources of digital revenue. In these standardized operations, behind free music, is the copyright of these digital music platform at exorbitant costs.

Photo caption: top digital music App

With the development of mobile Internet, smart phone App became the mainstream of music, this music streaming directly into one of the hottest in the global music industry, according to data analysis platform for mobile apps App Annie figures, whether in the iOS system is Android system, Spotify is the world's largest number of active users of music-streaming applications, In 2015, the world's top ten ranked in the world's most popular music-streaming first.

Spotify,2008 years in Sweden Stockholm line, is currently the world's largest users of music-streaming service. In the United States, and Australia and the United Kingdom, and Germany, and Switzerland and Hong Kong up to 30 countries and regions are available, failing to get a domestic network audiovisual license, now Spotify did not enter the mainland market. Benefited from the huge music library layout, for a long time to come, Spotify firmly occupy the leading position.

Another Pandora is a music platform in 2000 and formally launched the United States radio network, in the third quarter of 2014, Pandora was once the iOS version App,2015 of the largest number of active users in third quarter reached 78.1 million active users.

In June 2015, Apple made a bombshell thrown--Apple Music, officially entered the ranks of streaming music. It contains music services, Internet radio, and music social networking platform. Apple wants to consolidate all about music with Apple Music service, Apple based on existing payment systems and user base, cultivate habits of users, gather user. Depending on hardware and systems a huge advantage, Apple Music quickly became an important pole of music distribution.

Earnings: beyond pay, required further expansion of space

Streaming income consists of paid subscription services and ad-supported services, which grew up to 38.6%, the momentum of rapid development. 2015 benefits General cable group in global 13 a leading music market by do of a items survey displayed, global music flow media free service of using rate for 35%, and paid media using rate only for 16%, has 57% of network user in past six months within through YouTube, similar video website access music or music video, Spotify, music flow media website of access proportion for 38%,iTunes, download service access proportion for 26%. Apple Music streaming music service, more than 70% of the revenues will be paid to the record companies and other music copyright holders. Apple's music service payment to the copyright owner's revenue-sharing is slightly higher than rivals such as Spotify, paid subscription share is the main way to make money now.

Piracy is a free source of consumption, this also led to the digital music business model simplification, pay models difficult. Free music download sites as well as piracy is not resolved for a long time, and squeezed the profitability of legitimate music business, which was one of the few genuine music phenomenon of the enterprise's profit is not optimistic. In addition to paid subscriptions, streaming music platform needs to explore newer business model, advertising model, in order to cover high costs of copyright and work up, on this point, the domestic platform seems to be at the forefront of music.

? Explanation: many domestic music App accounted for the vast majority of the market share

National level, music publishing and online TV licensing restrictions, foreign music still did not enter the main stream media. Apple Music and music library main American and classical music, local problems such as not enough, hard and deep for many years QQ music, shrimp Yun music competition, music, and NetEase. With respect to copyright, with the strengthening of national protection, the situation is improving, domestic streaming music provider, via released a digital album, concert ticket, social platform, pioneering music fashion for diversification attempts such as derivatives. Experience links the fight against piracy, establish payment habits, the music industry is facing new opportunities for development.

“免费”数字音乐,是谁在为它们买单? - 索尼,Apple Music - IT资讯







环球音乐、索尼音乐以及华纳唱片的主营业务为唱片和版权代理,索尼音乐公司新增了光盘制造业务。就整体收入而言,环球音乐占据了三大唱片公司总收入的41.2%,位列第一,索尼音乐占据36.6%紧随其后。唱片收入方面,环球音乐15年上半年的的销售收入达20.6亿美元,占比最大。版权代理收入方面,环球音乐出版公司、华纳出版公司是完全归环球音乐和华纳音乐所有的,但索尼音乐只持有Sony/ATV 50%的股份,收入也只有索尼音乐出版Sony/ATV一半。而Sony/ATV音乐版权公司2015年上半年收入为6.63亿美元,市占率超过50%,持续保持行业第一。盗版问题,使这些版权所有者和唱片公司首当其冲,你听的盗版歌曲,基本是版权方在承担损失。




随着移动互联网发展,智能手机App成为音乐提供的主流,这直接推动了音乐流媒体成为全球音乐行业内最热词汇之一,根据移动应用数据分析平台App Annie的数据显示,无论是在iOS系统还是安卓系统当中,Spotify都是全球活跃用户数量最多的音乐流媒体应用,在2015年全球十大全球最受欢迎音乐流媒体排行中居第一位。



2015年6月,苹果抛出了一记重磅炸弹——Apple Music,正式进入流媒体音乐行列。它包含了音乐服务、网络电台和音乐社交平台。苹果希望用Apple Music整合所有关于音乐的服务项目,依托于现有的苹果支付系统和用户基数,培养用户使用习惯,聚拢用户。依靠硬件和系统的巨大优势,Apple Music迅速成为音乐分发的重要一极。


流媒体收入主要分为付费订阅服务和广告支持服务,其中后者增速达38.6%,发展势头迅猛。2015年益普索集团在全球13个领先音乐市场所做的一项调查显示,全球音乐流媒体免费服务的使用率为35%,而付费媒体使用率仅为16%,有57%的网络用户在过去六个月内通过YouTube等类似视频网站访问音乐或音乐视频,Spotify等音乐流媒体网站的访问比例为38%,iTunes等下载服务访问比例为26%。Apple Music的流媒体音乐服务中,逾70%的营收将支付给唱片公司等音乐版权所有者。苹果音乐服务支付给版权所有者的营收分成略高于Spotify等竞争对手,付费订阅分成,是现在的主要盈利方式。



国内方面,受音乐版权和网络视听许可证的限制,国外主流流媒体音乐依然没有进入。Apple Music又因为曲库主打欧美和古典音乐、本土化远远不够等问题,很难与深耕多年的QQ音乐、虾米音乐、网易云音乐等竞争。版权方面,随着国家保护力度的加强,局面正在好转,国内的流媒体音乐提供商也通过发布数字专辑、演唱会票务、社交平台、开拓音乐衍生品等方式进行盈利多样化的尝试。经历了对抗盗版、建立付费习惯等环节,音乐产业正在面临新的发展机会。

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