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published in(发表于) 2016/8/24 11:38:27
Google released, shivering pop-up ads,



Google released, shivering pop-up ads-Google, Google searches-IT information

IT information news on August 24, Google today announced a decision on the search business, that decision will be the hit Web page popup ads, and will also significantly improve the user browsing experience.

Google announced that page the user when they first browse to display intrusive advertising popups, so the Web page's ranking in the search results will be lower, the decision will be formally implemented starting January 10, 2017.

Foreign Media believes that this decision is of great significance, which would considerably change the Internet status quo, an important step is the Internet revolution. When many users browsing the Web has often been interfered by some advertising popups, and sometimes these popups, even covering the most important contents of the Web page directly, which seriously affects the browsing experience of users.

Google released a Web Manager in pop-up advertising behavior guidelines:

? Important contents page should not display pop-up ads, also rolled at the user page when it should not release popups.

? The user should not be used close to browse a Web page inserts.

? When the user when the page load is complete, their contents should not be their first sight of inserts.

But Google points out, this does not mean that all the pop-up ads are illegal and, in addition, put ads in the reasonable position of the top of the page is acceptable.

谷歌搜索放出大招,弹窗广告瑟瑟发抖 - 谷歌,谷歌搜索 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 8月24日消息,谷歌今天宣布了一项关于搜索业务的决定,这项决定将对网页弹窗广告造成沉重打击,同时也将显著提升用户浏览网页的体验。




• 网页不应该在重要内容区展示弹窗广告,同时也不应在用户进行滚页操作时放出弹窗。

• 网页不应该使用需要用户关闭才能浏览内容的插页广告。

• 当用户完成网页加载后,他们第一眼看到的内容不应该是插页广告。


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