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published in(发表于) 2017/1/16 9:37:10
Absconded corrupt officials in Yunnan province for 13 years in the rural farming, got up early this morning to do farm work



Absconded corrupt officials in Yunnan province for 13 years in a rural farm agricultural workers | |, |, Pu-Erh tea corrupt officials get up early this morning _ farm news

"I committed suicide several times without success. I just wanted to, not to the dead was a fugitive who is not on the account. I was determined to come back to surrender, purification of the mind, back to normal. ”

The afternoon of January 12, 2017, cuiyun district, Puer city procuratorates welcomes a special guest. He is none, it is pursuing the Guan Xiangming 12 years of corruption-related crime suspects. It turned out that the end of 2003, Simao District Public Prosecutor's Office in handling a case of crime found that when he was Governor of the agricultural Bank of China, Pu er city ninger County Branch of the Guan Xiangming was arrested for taking bribes of more than 300,000 yuan. After the incident, Simao District Public Prosecutor's Office quickly organized police to investigate, but Guan Xiangming had fled in haste.

Fleeing 12 years, Guan Xiangming, hard labour, away from loved ones, and escape ... ... And others were arrested as the corrupt, repeat the tragic life of absconded corrupt officials. "Fleeing the next year, my parents both passed away. Parents sick days, I was afraid of being arrested is afraid to go home, you're hurting ... ... "Guan Xiangming after fleeing, traveled several times, and finally settled in Ling Qing Hu Cun town, dianbai in Guangdong Province, to living off the land. "No money, and no legal status, only the farm do not need identity cards", Guan Xiangming in Hunan took out family and friends raised the money to rent more than more than 70 acres of land, planting corn, crops such as taro. "Each farming season, I got up at three or four o'clock in the morning, working with a torch in the ground ... ... But in the end, not only did not earn money, rent and fertilizer due to the hundreds of thousands of Yuan of money ... ... "remembering unbearable memories, Guan Xiangming cannot help but can't help weeping.

Guan Xiangming in Qidong, Hunan's rural home. On February 10, 2004 Guan Xiangming 12 years of alleged bribery case on file for investigation, Simao District Public Prosecutor's Office against Guan Xiangming develop pursuit plans every year and seriously implemented. "I've lost count of the number of Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival, national day and other holidays, we give up and enjoying my family, very cold rural Guan Xiangming in Hunan province's home outside the squat. "An anti-corruption police said.

In addition to squat down, Simao District Public Prosecutor's Office regularly to Guan Xiangming in Simao district's wife to do ideological work, let it persuade Guan Xiangming surrendered. IU, disagreeable, for hosting Guan Xiangming, the Prosecutor who has been the norm. Time passed, the case of Attorney-General and contractors trades one after another, but they are repeatedly doing the same thing--to persuade Guan Xiangming relatives, asking them to take every Guan Xiangming contacted their opportunities, and urged them to come back to surrender. Finally friends and was moved by the sincere persuaded prosecutors. "My cousin told me that my daughter was married and had children. And I'm getting old, dead outside without a home. "According to Guan Xiangming confession, he saw in the news ' red flux ' Yang Xiuzhu himself, confirmed its determination to surrender.

It is understood that since its Guan Xiangming fled, Simao District Public Prosecutor's Office has changed 5 anti corruption in the Attorney-General and Secretary Guan Xiangming files have yellowed in the bribery case, but prosecutors insist. "From today's Guan Xiangming confession case after case, we insist that it is worth it! "Involved in the handling of the case of an old anti-graft police said.

Source: Yunnan province, the people's procuratorates

>: Tang Li Weishan

Article keywords:
, Corrupt officials, Pu-Erh tea farm

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云南贪官潜逃13年在农村种地 凌晨起床干农活|普洱市|贪官|农活_新闻资讯



  出逃的12年间,管祥明远离亲人、做苦工,辗转逃亡……和其他被捕的外逃贪官们一样,重演着潜逃贪官们的悲惨生活。 “在出逃的第二年,我的父母双双故去。在父母病重的日子里,我害怕被抓捕不敢回家,心如刀割……”管祥明出逃后,几经辗转,最后落脚在广东省电白县岭门镇清湖村,以种地为生。“一没钱,二没合法身份,只有种地才不需要身份证”,管祥明拿出在湖南亲友那里筹集来的资金租了七十多亩地,种植玉米、芋头等农作物。“每到农忙时期,我凌晨三四点钟就起床,拿着手电筒到地里干活……但到了最后,不仅钱没有赚到,还欠下数十万元的地租和化肥钱……”回忆起不堪往事,管祥明不禁老泪纵横。

  管祥明的老家在湖南祁东县的农村。自2004年2月10日对管祥明涉嫌受贿一案立案侦查的12年间,思茅区检察院每年都针对管祥明制定了追逃计划并认真执行。 “我已经记不清有多少个春节、元宵节、国庆节等节假日,我们放弃和家人共享天伦,在天寒地冻的湖南农村管祥明的老家门外蹲守。”一位反贪干警说。

  除了蹲守,思茅区检察院不定期向管祥明在思茅区的妻子做思想工作,让其劝说管祥明投案自首。吃闭门羹,遭白眼,对于承办管祥明一案的检察官们而言已是家常便饭。时间一天天过去,检察长和案件承办人换了一个又一个, 但他们都重复地做着同一件事——劝说管祥明的亲友们,请他们抓住每次管祥明主动联系他们的机会,劝其回来投案自首。终于亲友们被检察官们真诚的劝说所打动。“我的堂哥告诉我,我的女儿已经结婚生子。而我也渐渐年老,死在外面也没有归宿。”据管祥明供述,他在新闻里看见 ‘红通人员’杨秀珠自首了,更加确定了投案自首的决心。




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