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published in(发表于) 2017/1/16 9:37:13
Anti-drug police in Guangxi Gan Kewei’s death: well all the way



Anti-drug police in Guangxi Gan Kewei's death: way | | | police in Guangxi Province _ against narcotics news

Miracles did not take place after all. Anti-drug police Gan Kewei, gone ... ... First heard the name Gan Kewei micro-letter from the group, along with the message is he in a coma. Guangxi Police Academy, Chang, Chen has gone to the hospital to see some of coma, and come back every time my heart remains heavy. So we are praying for this young man in the group can wake up early. "How are you today? "" Pray for Kewei "seems to be the only thing we can do that. Just now, the news is still coming.

He didn't wake up. Nanning Public Security Bureau narcotics police detachment Gan Kewei comrade, on January 15, 2017 18:46 rescue invalid unfortunately passed away. Really sad. During the coma, we thought we would launch contributions help the unfortunate civilian police, but his wife declined, she firmly believed that Wei be able to wake up, be able to assume family responsibilities, to continue to shine on anti-drug post ... ... Most do not want to see things also happened. This is an ordinary and a great policeman, salute! We see the dark, because people stopped at the sight of dark places. Comrades not to die, just quietly fade. Gan Kewei, go all the way.

[Gan Kewei] Gan Kewei 7 years NPA comrades engaged in anti-drug work, were awarded individual merit 1, second grade 1, three order of merit 4 times, and won the "excellent Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region people's police", "excellent police in Nanning city" and other honorary titles. Participated in phase II of our Bureau intelligence work judged outstanding performance. Selected China's Ministry of public security, pool of experts in Guangxi Public Security Department is an outstanding advanced typical examples on the anti-drug front.

[Previously reported] January 2, 2017, in China Ministry of public security Drug Council unified command Xia, Guangxi, and Fujian police organ success cracked "2016-320" King production business HIV items case, in, Nanning city, knocked 1 a business HIV groups, destroyed 2 a business HIV dens, captured crime suspects 12 name, seized drug methyl card West ketone and the business HIV items ephedrine finished about 2.15 tons, and semi-finished products about 3.8 tons, seized business HIV items bromide generation benzene acetone a, and large reaction Kettle 6 a, seized involved vehicles 4 car. Arrest process, surrounding the crime was committed more than 5 villages, more than 300 people take the initiative to assist the police search mountains catch the escaped criminal suspects. Case in Guangxi, the largest haul in recent years of a manufactured drug case, seizing large number of toxic substances are also rare in the country. It is 2017 Nanning police made just years of victories for the first time, civilian police are very pleased in every war. However, the tired days work, for the detection of the cases put a lot of anti-drug detachment of Public Security Bureau of Nanning City police Gan Kewei, a cerebral hemorrhage and coma, condition critical. His condition also affects every police and care for drug control of people's hearts. Gan Kewei, 36 years old in March 2004 to participate in the work of public security, is now a police anti-drug detachment of Public Security Bureau of Nanning city information. Engaged in anti-drug work in 7 years, he participated in 137 smashed all kinds of serious drug-related crime cases, and seized more than 3,000 kilograms of drugs, drug suspects arrested, 197. Once awarded individual merit, second class, three order of merit four times, and won the "excellent police district", "the city's elite police", "detection of information model" and other honorary titles, business skills, in 2013 by Guangxi Police Academy recruits as a visiting professor at the 2016 autonomous region Public Security Bureau hired as business skills: intermediate instructor, and was incorporated into the Department of public security science and technology experts. Gan Kewei is a distinguished advanced typical examples on the anti-drug front, his deeds were the South morning, Nanning Wanbao and other mainstream media reports, reviewing these reports, lines a glimpse into Gan Kewei courageous comrades, responsibility, dauntless, heroic work style and great skill. Tribute to heroes!

Source: Changan, China network

> Editors: Dong Zhang

Article keywords:
Guangxi narcotics police

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  他没有再醒过来。广西南宁公安局禁毒支队民警甘科伟同志, 于2017年1月15日18时46分抢救无效不幸离世。真的很难过。昏迷期间,我们想着要不要发动捐款,帮帮这个不幸的民警,但他的妻子婉拒了,她坚信科伟能够醒来,能够继续承担家庭的责任,能够继续在禁毒岗位上发光发热……最不愿意看到的事情,还是发生了。这是一个平凡又伟大的警察,致敬!我们看不到黑暗,是因为有人把黑暗阻挡在看不见的地方。战友不死,只是悄然隐去。甘科伟,一路走好。

  [甘科伟]甘科伟同志从事禁毒工作7年来屡破大案,曾荣立个人一等功1次,二等功1次,三等功4次,荣获“广西壮族自治区优秀人民警察”、“南宁市市优秀人民警察”等荣誉称号。曾参加我局第二期情报集中研判工作 ,表现突出。入选中国公安部、广西公安厅专家人才库 是禁毒战线上一位杰出的先进典型。

  [先前报道] 2017年1月2日,在中国公安部禁毒局统一指挥下,广西、福建公安机关成功破获“2016-320”特大生产制毒物品案,在南宁市打掉1个制毒团伙,捣毁2个制毒窝点,抓获犯罪嫌疑人12名,查获毒品甲卡西酮及制毒物品麻黄素成品约2.15吨、半成品约3.8吨,缴获制毒物品溴代苯丙酮一批、大型反应釜6个,查扣涉案车辆4辆。抓捕过程中,案发地周边5个村、300多名人民群众主动协助警方,搜山抓捕脱逃的犯罪嫌疑人。此案是广西近年来破获的最大一宗制造毒品案件,缴获的制毒物品数量之大在国内也属罕见。这是2017年刚开年南宁警方取得的第一次大捷,每一位参战民警都感到十分高兴。然而,因连日工作奔波劳累,为此次案件的侦破投入良多的南宁市公安局禁毒支队民警甘科伟,却突发脑溢血而昏迷,病情十分危急。他的病情也牵动着每一位公安民警和关心禁毒事业的人们的心。现年36岁的甘科伟于2004年3月参加公安工作,现为南宁市公安局禁毒支队情报大队民警。从事禁毒工作7年来,他参与破获各类重特大毒品犯罪案件137起,缴获各种毒品3000多公斤,抓获毒品犯罪嫌疑人197名。荣立个人一等功一次、二等功一次,三等功四次,获得“全区优秀人民警察”、“全市优秀人民警察”、“信息化破案标兵”等荣誉称号,因业务能力突出,2013年被广西警察学院聘为客座教授,2016年被自治区公安厅聘为业务技能中级教官,并被纳入公安厅科技专家库。甘科伟是禁毒战线上一位杰出的先进典型,他的先进事迹也被南国早报、南宁晚报等主流媒体报道过,重温这些报道,字里行间可以一窥甘科伟同志智勇双全、敢当重任、不畏艰险、英勇善战的工作作风和卓越能力。向英雄致敬!



禁毒 广西 警察


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