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published in(发表于) 2017/1/16 9:37:40
Qilian mountain ecological survey: rivers into landfills, ecological water is fake



Qilian mountain ecological and investigations: River ecological water into the dump is false | EPA environmental | | qilian mountains _ news

Qilian mountains nature reserve is China Northwest most important of ecological barrier, due to ecological damage serious, September 2015 environmental Department on Zhangye city, three sector for has interviews and requirements rectification, and Central seventh environmental protection inspector group in last month end of just end on Gansu province of Inspector Hou found, qilian mountains ecological damage problem still serious, is what reasons let a national nature reserve suffered predatory development, and problem and long-term have not to solution, reporter with environmental Department ecological, and remote sensing, and Supervision in qilian mountain with a number of experts were investigating.


  CCTV reporters Chen Yuntao: where I am is in the national nature reserve of qilian mountain, next to the river of heihe River, down the River, qilian mountains of snow to moisten the entire Hexi corridor. Now, however, Black River has been reduced to only 2, 3 meters wide, a runoff of heihe water really only the traffic? Down the camera's direction can be seen, most of the water has been closure of a hydropower station.


As most major water conservation area in northwest of qilian mountain blocked the wind from the North, in qilian mountain nature reserve in Hexi corridor as a whole "life passage", its importance is obvious. And heihe is reserves within most main of water, in recent years in this article River last up has near 10 seat hydropower station, basic are is take stopped dam built library, with cave for drainage of way to power, completely change has flow of to, according to nature reserve Ordinance and ring assessment method of requirements, hydropower project in run in the are must to original River discharged must of ecological water, but to as more to water power, in reporter by survey of two seat hydropower station in the, for legal provides released State water of requirements fell on deaf ears.


--The largest hydropower enterprises in Gansu province Gan power investment under the Dragon II hydropower station, reporters noted the company require releasing water date is after the Central Inspectorate of environmental protection came to Gansu.

  Gan power Dragon II hydropower station on the day shift staff: through 2016 are not spared, mostly have not received this notification, no we can't without receiving the notice the place, opened in violation of company rules.


According to the officer on duty said, without opening the eco water, does that keep the company's requirements, in violation of State law. In xiaogushan hydropower station, the reporter saw a similar scene. Reporters to check the operation records and discovered that the so-called water "a few days" also happens to be the Central Inspectorate of environmental protection to on-site inspection day.


  Reporter: Yang Xingmin is who?

  Xiaogushan hydropower station attendants: us veterans. Notice 5 o'clock tomorrow morning to open the eco-water valve, open water, Mayor of inspection. The inspections because the Mayor drove, normally turned off.

  Reporter:14:25 Yang notification, phone the Office of environmental protection patrol officers have walked into waters off half. Is open to them, right?

  Xiaogushan hydropower station attendant: leadership asked us how we manage, people told me I'm sure I would have to close, people tell me I'm sure you have to drive.

Reform in Gansu province reports indicate without exception in the corrective action is to "strengthen supervision", but it really did strengthen the supervision?


  Reporter: as they usually open ecological water, do you inspect?

  Zhangye City Bureau of environmental protection Deputy Director Chang Feng: County Environmental Protection Department on the last to did not check?

  Reporter: ecological water right?

  Zhangye City Bureau of environmental protection Deputy Director Chang Feng: asked about on the phone, well, open.

It is clear that supervision is absent in the environmental protection sector, hydro-electric projects not required to release water serious violations of environmental regulations, and said they watched such acts can do nothing.


  Wang Youkui, Deputy Director of the national nature reserve of qilian mountains authority: responsibility is not clear, we cannot manage of hydropower station of business, should say that we have the legal responsibility, but in practice not so Flash, because the way chicken is chicken, cursory way, each tube.

  Mother River into a "sewer" of "junkyard"

This kind of "business" difficult! Obviously no excuse for many violations in the noses, the qilian mountains across the West, five, forestry, agriculture and animal husbandry, water conservancy, geology and mineral resources departments bulls management who led regardless, a 22 a management station, more than 1400 more management personnel reserve as authority on these issues difficult.


  Wang Youkui, Deputy Director of the national nature reserve of qilian mountains authority: dual management, sometimes issues found some things to check is not complete.

  Ministry investigators know of some protection station, but local governments hostage, can't say. You eat me, drink me, accuse me of, then?


From the qilian mountains, less than two miles from the edge of the reserve, reporters found a home called Dragon Ferroalloy industry completely vertical, without any treatment of flue gas directly into protected areas, Ministry of environmental protection inspectors feeling, and it happened in broad daylight has not seen for years.

  Environmental monitoring of the Department of environmental protection Bureau Director Jin Dongxia: vertical, this is vertical, its facilities did not go at all, a share a share.

  Zhangye City Bureau of environmental protection Deputy Director Chang Feng: Dragon Ferroalloy Factory recently: is your monitor? Directly to your production, you've got to send one's look, black smoke billowing, you let me your team check in the afternoon.

  Investigators of the Department of environmental protection : the Central Inspectorate are stopped some time ago, I heard that go quickly.


Reporters in qilianshan mountain nature reserve of time is 2017 January 6, close to the Central Environmental Inspectorate seventh period of less than a week from December 31, 2016, during the reform period that illegal vertical, it is shocking.


Is the biggest industrial project in hydropower station in qilian mountain, as a clean energy, hydropower projects within the protected area should protect the water source, but our passing Stone Temple hydropower station, and the duty of investigators into Stone Temple hydropower station, but found that hydroelectric power station sludge was dumped into the river maintenance above. In addition, investigators also burned trash in the river where they found the site, judging from the residue, which was prohibited by the State hazardous waste. Stone Temple hydropower station is part of Ganzhou district, Zhangye city water authority, is such a large hydropower enterprise, when dealing with industrial waste, even this moist the entire Hexi corridor, the mother River of heihe River as a "sewer" and "dump".

  Did not do torture, "ecological responsibility"

Central seventh environmental protection Inspectorate Inspector in qilianshan national nature reserve has been identified nearly 200 violations, Xinhua learned from the Inspectorate of exclusive, some of which have caused major environmental concerns the illegal approval of the Department, there is still some corrective actions are not in place.


The nature reserve management Ordinance, both core, buffer and in the experimental area, is allowed to mineral development, had to be torn down. September 2015, the Government of Zhangye city, interviewed by the Ministry of environmental protection said mineral resource development activity significantly within protected areas, reserves all industrial enterprises should be discontinued immediately banned or phased out of production. Interviewed a year later, satellite centre of the Ministry of environmental protection in Gansu qilianshan national nature reserve when the remote sensing monitoring of human activities to track changes, still uncovered industrial scale has expanded.


  Nature reserve Fang Zhi, Director of the Division for the Department of environmental protection: this is a coal mine, much much bigger December 2015 we see something like this, this is after the interview, then October 2016, obviously gets bigger.

According to the coordinates, reporters arrived in yongchang County, Gansu province, Ma Ying Spring Valley mining district under the coal mine, area, 1th facilities intact, and natural forest on the slopes of nearby coal mining conveyors, rail cars and substation facilities no sign of dismantling. Satellite remote sensing monitoring of this new construction located in the workers ' living quarters.


  Spring Valley coal mines to keep mine under people: the bottom is the miner's dormitory, cover, back in July or August 2016. Miners also want removed is not to break, he also has a lot of equipment.

Reporters found that the mine five years ago from a superior asked, phasing out production, but the miners never give up efforts to resume production, expansion of the miners ' hostel, is to wait for the opportunity to start again.

Keep mine, people on a watch list, we find the names of miners from keeping mine and miners call reporters to see the mystery.

  Spring Valley coal mines to keep mine under people: Jin mines this year authorities settle them, nor do they need to dredge, needed dredging is the cadre of top.

> Rectification and hydro-electric projects are not in place, except in some occurrences, during the seventh Central Inspectorate of environmental protection in Gansu province, inspectors also discovered parts Department has the following problems:

Aquarius hydropower station was not in accordance with the EIA requirements ensure that discharge facilities and monitoring and measuring device, environmental protection departments in Gansu province breaking through acceptance.

2015 Ministry of environmental protection on the interviews, the Government pointed out that the sea mine problems in Zhangye city, Gansu Provincial Department of land and resources is still copper prospecting licenses issued to the sea.

Violation of the forest sector in Gansu Province located in the experimental area of Tianzhu County ice rivers and in shimengou sands tourism projects with administrative permission, leading to grassland degradation.

Zhangye City Government has not interviewed in accordance with environmental protection requirements the development of mine ecological environment rehabilitation programmes are not required in the buffer sidalong banned off the second power station, 4.5 km of the river flow.

  Qilian mountains national nature reserve authority Deputy Secretary Wang Youkui: protection mountains this is good things, everyone from awareness Shang who also know, but reality of problem, bread and landscape Zhijian, can put this mutual coordination off, I not eat bread I starve to death, I see landscape on see landscape, feast for the, put landscape damage off has, may future of bread no has, but reality before, bread didn't eat attended starve to death of, on this contradictions conflict, this is maximum of problem.

  Department of environmental Ecology Center researcher at Nanjing Wang Zhi: backers are bound to eat, but how we eat, decides whether to eat, and eats last. If institutional, management is not perfect, and will certainly lead to eating problems, leaving people in qilian mountains do, generations to do. (CCTV reporters Chen Yuntao yanjiantao Wang)

>: Tang Wei chun

Article keywords:
EPA environmental protection in qilian mountains

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祁连山生态调查:河水成垃圾场 生态水是假的|环保局|环保|祁连山_新闻资讯



  央视记者 陈允涛:我现在的位置是在祁连山国家级自然保护区内,旁边这条河流叫黑河,顺着这条河,祁连山的雪水滋润了整个河西走廊。然而现在黑河已经退化成只有2、3米宽的一个径流,那么黑河水真的只有这些流量吗?顺着镜头的方向能看到,大部分水量被一个水电站截流了。
















  张掖市环保局副局长 常峰:县上环保部门上次来不是检查一次了吗?


  张掖市环保局副局长 常峰:电话里问了一下,嗯,开着。



  祁连山国家级自然保护区管理局副局长 汪有奎:责任不明确,咱们管不了水电站的闲事,法律上应该说这个我们有这个责任,但实际操作不是那么灵光的,因为之前就是鸡走鸡的路,马走马的路,各管一块。




  祁连山国家级自然保护区管理局副局长 汪有奎:双重管理,有时候有些东西发现的问题查得也不彻底。




  环保部环境监察局处长 金冬霞:直排,这绝对是直排,它这设施根本就没上,一股一股的。

  张掖市环保局副局长 常峰:巨龙铁合金厂最近是你们监管的吗?你们直接生产着呢,你们赶紧派人来看一下,黑烟滚滚,你们下午先让你们大队过来查查。











  环保部自然生态司保护区处处长 房志:这是一个煤矿,明显得变大的,2015年12月我们看的是这个样子,这是约谈以后了,然后2016年10月变大,明显变大。












  祁连山国家级自然保护区管理局副局长 汪有奎:保护青山绿水这是好事情,大家从认识上谁也知道,但是现实的问题,面包和风景之间,能把这个相互协调掉,我不吃面包我饿死,我看风景就看风景,赏心悦目,把风景破坏掉了,可能今后的面包没有了,但是现实面前,面包没吃到会饿死的,就这个矛盾冲突,这是最大的问题。

  环保部南京所生态中心研究员 王智:靠山肯定是要吃山的,但是怎么吃,决定了能否吃得下去,吃得长久。如果制度上、管理上不完善的话,肯定会产生偷吃的问题,留下祁连山老百姓怎么办,子孙后代怎么办。(央视记者 陈允涛 闫建涛 王晨)


环保局 环保 祁连山


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