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published in(发表于) 2017/1/20 2:32:02
Impossible: nano-particles in the smog can awaken the lungs a dormant virus,



Impossible: nano-particles in the smog can wake the dormant virus lung-haze-IT information

Thanks to IT the information user Thorn ° submission

Odd this article original articles (General number: geekheal_com)

Smog what? On this issue, nobody said it very clearly, because Chinese small power plants use one that air pollution caused by untreated coal; one that motor vehicle exhaust fumes are the main cause of smog formation.

How big is the hazards of smog? For that matter, nobody can say clearly at present, the reason for this is that smog components and complex and varied smog damage to the human body is a long-term process, smog damage varies. These two issues, but our smog, damage reduction are key issues of governance.

For the above two questions, there is no one really knows the truth

Recent from Germany Munich, Helmholtz centers (Helmholtz Zentrum m ü Nchen) researchers have found that, as one of the culprits of smog--motor vehicles emit exhaust, has unexpected damage to the human body, that internal combustion engines generate nanoparticles can activate a dormant virus in lung tissue cells, it starts growing again. Results of this research published on January 10, 2017, in one of the most authoritative academic journals in the field of air pollution on the Particle and Fibre Toxicology.

Smog conditions, with the significant increase in the number of chronic lung disease. Chronic lung disease and respirable particles and persistent viral infections. From Germany the researchers thought, since the two "bad guys" in the lives of people everywhere, so both of them can interact with each other to reach some sort of "agreements" and join hands to damage people's health.

In order to escape the immune system's "review", "cunning" is hidden in the host cell, the virus, and continues to lurk there, this condition is known as latent infection (latent infection). If the weakened immune systems of certain external conditions change, the latent virus be active again, it starts growing and destroy the host cell. To this end, the researchers assumed that environment may be exposed to nano-particles were reactivated by latent herpes viruses, resulting in inflammation and tissue damage.

In order to test this hypothesis, researchers use a variety of nano-particles in the experiment on mice and cells, lurk in cells and mice infected with mouse herpesvirus 68 (MHV-68), and in this way provides a small, in vivo animal models and in vitro virus pathogenesis.

Latent infection of mice mouse herpesvirus 68 (MHV-68) → 28 days after instillation of double-wall carbon nanotubes or carbon nanoparticles → lung tissues after 24 hours

Whether cells in vitro experiments are mice, researchers observe nanoparticles cause signs of potential virus outbreaks. Similarly, the researchers found that the latent infection of Human herpes virus (Epstein-Barr-Virus) in human cells exposed to nanoparticles, can also lead to human herpes virus outbreak.

Eventually, the researchers concluded that both human cells and the healthy mice, even a very small amount of latency of mouse herpesvirus, environment of continual exposure to nanoparticles, recovery in patients with acute viral infection found in the molecular characteristics to promote lysis of viral proteins, and induction of inflammatory response in the lungs, which eventually may lead to tissue damage and pathological changes.

"Previous research has shown that inhalation of nanoparticles may cause inflammation, affects the immune system," Tobias St?ger said, he is Germany Lung Institute Scientist, was one of the leaders of this study. The studies he showed that "exposure to nanoparticles can activate latent herpes viruses in the lungs."

In further studies, the research team wanted to test whether similar results can also occur in humans. "A lot of people carry the herpes virus, particularly idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis patients will be affected," Heiko Adler, Vice President of the Institute for lung repair and regeneration, "says if these humans were also confirmed by the results, study the molecular processes of particle inhalation-induced latent herpes viruses are very important. On this basis, we can try to influence this therapeutic approach. 」

At the end of the article, we have some good news and some bad news for you.

The bad news is that smog is far worse than we thought, more dangerous. In addition to the above-mentioned study, recently published in the journal Particle and Fibre Toxicology study showed that long-term exposure to PM2.5, environment can change the components of kallikrein, might affect the lungs, heart and kidneys. In mice, the researchers found that under the environment of long-term exposure to PM2.5 will not only affect the cardiovascular system in mice, mice will also lead to kidney damage, but also more prone to PM2.5 formation.

The good news is that, on January 16, by China's Dalian Institute of chemical physics, Shanghai Institute of applied physics and joint development of extreme ultraviolet free-electron lasers "Dalian light", made the world's most extreme ultraviolet free-electron laser pulses, becoming the world's light and fully adjustable wavelength of extreme ultraviolet free-electron laser light source. The advanced light source in the chemical, energy, physics, biological, environmental and other fields have a wide range of applications.

"Dalian light" 50-150 nanoparticles can detect, so there is a very practical feature, that is capable of detecting atoms and molecules in the atmosphere. It's able to detect what's fuel combustion, of biological molecules in the gas activity, and the reaction in the solid-gas interface. It will be able to better understand how matter is like toxic aerosols in the atmosphere and break down. And this substance is smog in one of objects. "Dalian light source" means, at least for "haze of what" we can further explore this issue.

防不胜防:雾霾中的纳米粒子可唤醒肺部休眠病毒 - 雾霾 - IT资讯

感谢IT资讯网友 Thorn ° 的投稿





近期,来自德国亥姆霍兹慕尼黑中心(Helmholtz Zentrum München)的研究者发现,作为雾霾产生的元凶之一——机动车排出的尾气,可能对人体有着意想不到的伤害,那就是内燃机产生的纳米粒子能够激活在肺组织细胞中休眠的病毒,重新开始增殖。这项研究成果于2017年1月10日发表在空气污染领域最权威的学术期刊之一Particle and Fibre Toxicology上。


为了躲避免疫系统的「审查」,一些「狡猾」的病毒会隐藏在宿主细胞中,并持续潜伏存在,这种情况被称为潜伏感染( latent infection)。如果免疫系统变弱后某些外部条件发生变化,这些潜伏的病毒会再次活跃,开始增殖并破坏宿主细胞。为此,研究者假设,持续暴露在纳米颗粒的环境可能会让潜伏的疱疹病毒再次激活,最终导致炎症反应和组织损伤。





「之前的研究已经表明吸入纳米粒子可能会引发炎症,影响免疫系统」 Tobias St?ger说,他是德国肺部研究所的科学家,也是本次研究的领导者之一。这次的研究中他表明「暴露于纳米颗粒可以激活潜伏在肺部的疱疹病毒」。

在进一步的研究中,研究小组想测试在人类身上是否也会出现相似的结果。「许多人携带疱疹病毒,特发性肺纤维变性病人尤其会受到影响,」肺修复与再生研究所的副校长Heiko Adler说,「如果这些结果在人体身上同样被证实了,研究颗粒吸入诱发潜伏疱疹病毒的分子过程是非常重要的。在此基础上,我们可以试图影响这一治疗途径。」


坏消息就是,雾霾要远比我们想象的更可怕,危害更大。除了上面所说的研究,最近发表在Particle and Fibre Toxicology期刊上的一项研究表明:长期暴露在PM2.5的环境下会改变血管舒缓素的成分,可能对肺部、心脏和肾造成影响。研究者在小鼠实验中发现,长期暴露在PM2.5的环境下不仅会影响小鼠的心血管系统,更会造成小鼠的肾脏损伤,同时也更容易引发相关PM2.5疾病的产生。



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