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published in(发表于) 2017/2/9 10:17:43
Former Party Secretary Xu Jianyi sentenced in bribery case of China Faw group, was sentenced to 11.5 years



China FAW Group's former Party Secretary Xu Jianyi sentenced in bribery case was sentenced to 11.5 years

On February 9, 2017, the Beijing Municipal first intermediate people's Court sentenced in public China first automobile Group Corporation formerly Party Secretary, President Xu Jianyi bribery case, Xu Jian of the accused sentenced to 11 years and six months on charges of taking bribes, and confiscation of personal property in a list annexed to the judgment; Xu Jianyi property and bribery arising from interest shall be recovered and turned over to the State Treasury.

By trial identified: 2000 to 2013, accused Xu Jianyi using served as Faw Group Deputy General Manager, and Communist Jilin provincial Standing Committee, and Jilin Municipal Secretary, and Faw Group General Manager, and Secretary of the, and Chairman, positions Shang of convenience, for Changchun Shun airlines transport limited statutory representative people Zhang Qiang, in enterprise business, and positions adjustment promotion, matters Shang provides help, directly or indirect illegal received others give of property amounted to equivalent Yuan 1218. It's $9.74 million.

The Beijing Municipal first intermediate people's Court, I think, the defendant Xu Jianyi's behavior constituted the crime of taking bribes. In view of Xu Jian case truthfully after his crimes, active account not available for handling some bribery facts; the sentence commuted, positive tuizang, all the illicit money and goods have been recovered, with statutory or discretionary punishment if the circumstances, can be lighter punishment according to law. Court made the ruling. (CCTV reporter Ji Chenghai)

(Editors: Liu Longlong UN827)
2017-02-09 15:15:30
中国一汽集团原党委书记徐建一受贿案宣判 获刑11年半


  经审理查明:2000年至2013年,被告人徐建一利用担任一汽集团副总经理、中共吉林省委常委、吉林市委书记、一汽集团总经理、党委书记、董事长等职务上的便利,为长春市顺航运输有限公司法定代表人张强等在企业经营、职务调整晋升等事项上提供帮助,直接或者间接非法收受他人给予的财物共计折合人民币1218. 974万元。

  北京市第一中级人民法院认为,被告人徐建一的行为已构成受贿罪。鉴于徐建一到案后如实供述自己罪行,主动交代办案机关尚未掌握的部分受贿事实;认罪悔罪,积极退赃,赃款赃物已全部追缴,具有法定、酌定从轻处罚情节,依法可以对其从轻处罚。法庭遂作出上述判决。 (央视记者 冀成海)

(责任编辑:柳龙龙 UN827)
2017-02-09 15:15:30

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