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published in(发表于) 2017/2/22 9:26:22
Revealed secret corrupt Chinese money: some money into the gas tank, it was buried in cesspool



Revealed secret corrupt Chinese money: some money into gas tanks buried money in the corrupt cesspool | | | corruption public money _ news

> Reporter Wang gang

> February 21 Edition of the procuratorial daily newspaper published an article disclosing URA village in Zhaoyuan city, Shandong province, Zhang ping, use their posts to facilitate the embezzlement of public funds, accepting bribes from others up to millions of cases.

> Is worthy of attention, bring any improvement in the lives of millions of assets did not give Zhang ping, how "money" has become a thorny issue. The beginning of 2014, worried about your bank balance too much attention, Zhang ping, batch took out the money, put it in his bathroom ceiling above.

> Mentioned in the article, back in December 2014, Zhang is suspected of acquiring money by the National Audit Office found. Subsequently, the Organization sent talk with Zhang ping, but in response to issues related to staff, and Zhang Ping did not answer truthfully, but an attempt to get away with it. After talks, Zhang Ping as if a Boulder, think twice, twice the unit back to more than 4 million Yuan.

> Sea solved reporters found that media exposure in recent years a number of corrupt officials spent money law, but more than that, no matter where they hide the money, the money eventually run out of daylight a day, officials involved could not escape justice. With real-name registration system has improved the financial system of society, combined with the corruption power has never ceased, leaving corrupt official corruption has become increasingly little space.

> Hiding: money wrapped in plastic in the cesspit

> Jiangsu provincial Department of construction, Xu Qiyao, Director of taking bribes of nearly 4 million Yuan.

> Xu Qiyao

> To not allow investigators to find evidence that he transfer the money in part to its sister Office in Beijing, part cash in Xuzhou and the books moved to his wife's hometown.

> After layers of plastic packaging, the money hidden in a hollow tree, ash heap, rice field, under the roof tiles, some even hidden in the cesspool.

> On October 12, 2001, Xu Qiyao Nanjing intermediate people's Court of first instance sentenced to death, suspended for two years and deprived of political rights for life, confiscation of personal property of 1.62 million Yuan, us $30517.98; on its 3.8055 million yuan of proceeds of crime, US $15,000 and the ill-gotten gains of RMB 902,094 Yuan, US $52,000, the sum of 10,000 yuan shall be confiscated and turned over to the State Treasury.

> Hiding: Special Golden House hidden gold, buy a House renting

> Former Vice Director of the Hebei provincial Department of foreign trade and economic cooperation Li Youcan illegally demanding and receiving of property amounted to more than 47.44 million Yuan.

> Li Youcan deliberately in a discreet location in Beijing bought villas, designed to hide the money. He also specifically request a golf car from subsidiary organs as armored car up, cash is divided into 16 suitcases, used it to "armored car" three times. Maximum enjoyment is stacks of cash on the floor, a few times, and then "silently appreciated".

> On November 29, 2004, Baoding City, Hebei province people's High Court in Hebei province, former Deputy Director of foreign trade Li Youcan corruption case publicly.

> On September 10, 2004, the Court of taking bribes while the first instance sentenced Li Youcan to death and deprived of political rights for life and confiscated all his personal property. On April 26, 2006, Li Youcan was executed.

>, Director of the Guangdong Center for disease control immunization program the original Luo Yaoxing, for taking too much money, at home already too full, so rent a luxury home to give money "live".

> Can greatly increase "storage" and avoid risks, in order to prevent money being affected with damp mould, he will tie into a bundle of money in plastic bags not only a bundle, rainy day on the floor waterproof paper, desiccant, but eventually nearly 12 million Yuan still mouldy.

> On September 1, 2006, Luo Yaoxing for accepting bribes from vaccine distributors 11.185 million Yuan, Guangzhou City intermediate people's Court of first instance sentenced to life imprisonment on charges of bribery and deprived of political rights for life and confiscated 1.5 million yuan of personal property.

> Hiding:"sugar-coated bullet" stuffed with more than 1 million Yuan

> In May 2013, Yuhua district, Changsha city, Hunan province, the procuratorate's "knowing and doing" prosecutorial performance art activities week, Yuhua district Procuratorate disclosed for the first time the original Chen Jingyuan, Deputy Director of the Hunan road transport authority details of the corruption case.

> Chen Jingyuan homes in an obscure corner on two obsolete artillery shells, no one would have thought, which is actually two shells shells "sugar-coated bullet" stuffed with Chen Jingyuan received more than 1 million yuan of stolen money. Corroborating evidence to show that eventually became his Lok Ma.

> In 2012, Chen Jingyuan of bribes and the crime of huge unidentified property, was sentenced to 9 years.

> Hiding: the universe in the normal use of gas tanks

> On April 1, 2005, called "Gannan first corruption" highway authority former director Li Guowei, Ganzhou city, Jiangxi province, for taking bribes of 1.97 million Yuan, more than 3.67 million yuan of property from unknown sources, Ganzhou city intermediate people's Court sentenced to life imprisonment.

> Li Guowei, tricks, he even made a gas tank, money corruption in the sandwich.

> In the process of investigating the case, investigators obtained an important message: Li Guowei home has a gas tank, as he please elaborate specifically to harbouring dirty money.

> In this sandwich under the gas tank, investigators seized a large amount of money. Even more surprising is that this money can still propane tank for normal use.

> Light: neighbors via home discovered the loot

> According the legal news, January 14, 2008, Nanan district of Chongqing, a well-known community owners find property, locked his keys in the room and hope property management help to open the door. Then, security man upstairs owner left keys with the decoration workers into the five-floor tenant, going through to the third floor.

> Come into this new House after security found in the bathroom of a mineral water cartons of sealed with tape. Out of curiosity, he pull the broken carton, only found 8 cartons full of hundred dollar bills. After police and Bank staff counting, with a total of 9.39 million Yuan.

> This case will soon be transferred to the Chongqing Municipal Commission for discipline inspection. Later identify master is the Transportation Bureau of wushan County, Chongqing, former Director General of Yan Dabin. Final Yan Dabin was arrested for bribery 22.26 million Yuan, was sentenced to death.

> Light: has been reported for prosecution after the carpet search

>, Tanggu District, Tianjin Chang and Yao Jianhua, former Deputy in October 1994, was sentenced to death for taking bribes.

> After the embezzlement case was reported, and experience the discipline inspection two talks but also luck and want to "sneak".

> And Yao Jianhua couple gold ring with gold necklaces and small plastic bags and bags of instant noodles inside 4 Pack, hidden in the open Chamber in the belly, put it in the freezer.

> Civil origin and Yao Jianhua also designed more hiding stolen goods. He personally dug a wooden screen door frame slot, after embedded in CDs, and good wood, PuTTY on a wipe, brush the paint looks good as new. He ripped off filled with cooking oil containers of corrugated cardboard, glued CDs hidden inside of it.

> In addition, he also cast in a concrete exchange US dollars package, put the flue at the moment and field in the cement seal; relatives of the huge cash transfers to the countries of origin, some converted into dollars in Beijing, Bank.

> Yao family, prosecutors conducted two searches took 9 hours to find all the stolen goods.

> Conclusion: financial system lock and anti-corruption corrupt "dreams"

> Why some corrupt official like hiding money at home? Institutional anti-corruption expert Li yongzhong said in media interviews that, first, the Chinese financial real-name system, corrupt officials to make a deposit you have to register, so he reveals the problem. Second, if his identity to register with family and friends, once his friends fall out, the money's relatives, the corrupt officials did not dare to take the risk. Therefore, to hide illicit money and goods at home, has become more corrupt officials preferred.

> Views sea solutions Council reporter found, China existing of cash management and large data submitted system, can in is big degree Shang forced bribe funds or other corruption funds, in financial institutions and anti-money-laundering center left trading traces: according to people's Bank of China about provides, dang single pen deposits amount reached or over 10,000 yuan cash Shi, Bank should deposits people for customer identity of recognition; Dang single pen deposit cash over 50,000 Yuan Shi, Bank should while check deposits who and account holds people of effective identity documents, as found exception situation, Banks should also further through the citizen information system for the verification of customer identity.

> For corruption, China has always been adamant punishment tough. Especially since the 18, Tiger flies with remarkable results.

> High waves, Deputy Secretary General of the independent Commission against corruption, China Academy of Social Sciences Research Center of China has said in media interviews, property of corrupt officials no place to hide, be hidden at home, it also means that anti-corruption achievements since 18.

> Both from the political and economic fields, rules and systems have knit a Dragnet for investigation of official corruption, then concealed the money was always met with light sly corrupt officials could not escape punishment by law.

> Editor: Li Peng

Article keywords:
Corrupt corruption public money

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揭秘中国贪官各种藏钱秘术:有人藏钱进煤气罐 有人埋钱在粪坑里|贪官|腐败|公款_新闻资讯

>  记者 王岗

>  2月21日出版的《检察日报》刊文披露山东省招远市住建局村镇办主任张平,利用职务便利侵吞公款、收受他人贿赂高达数百万元的案例。

>  值得注意的是,百万资产并未给张平的生活带来任何改善,如何“藏钱”反倒成了一个棘手的问题。2014年年初,因担心自己在银行的存款太多引关注,张平就分批把钱取了出来,放在自家卫生间吊顶上面。

>  文章中提到,早在2014年12月,张平就被国家审计署发现存在套取公款的嫌疑。随后,组织派人找张平谈话,但在回答相关工作人员的问题时,张平没有如实回答,而是企图蒙混过关。谈话后,张平心中仿佛被压了一块巨石,考虑再三,先后两次向单位交回400余万元。

>  观海解局记者发现,近年来媒体曝光了不少贪官的花式藏钱法,但更重要的是,无论他们把钱藏在何处,赃款终逃不出见天光的一天,所涉官员也难逃法网。随着社会金融体系实名制的日益完善,加之反腐重拳从未停歇,留给贪官腐败的空间已经越来越小。

>  藏匿:赃款裹上塑料纸 埋在粪坑中

>  江苏省建设厅原厅长徐其耀受贿近400万元。


>  为不让办案人员找到罪证,他将家中的钱财一部分转移到其在北京的妻妹处,一部分现金和存折转移到妻子在徐州的老家。

>  这些钱有的经层层塑料纸包装后藏在树洞内、灰堆内、稻田里、屋顶的瓦下,有的甚至藏在粪坑里。

>  2001年10月12日,南京中级人民法院一审判处徐其耀死刑,缓期两年执行,剥夺政治权利终身,没收个人财产人民币162万元、美元3.051798万元;对其犯罪所得人民币380.55万元、美元1.5万元、非法所得人民币90.2094万元、美元5.2万元、港币1万元,予以没收,上缴国库。

>  藏匿:专门租房、买房 金屋藏金

>  河北省外经贸厅原副厅长李友灿非法索取和收受财物共计4744万余元。

>  李友灿特意在北京一处不显眼的地段买了栋别墅,专门用来藏钱。此外他还专门向下属机关索取了一辆高尔夫轿车当作运钞车,最多时,现金分成16个行李箱,用这辆“运钞车”拉了三趟。最大的享受是把现金一摞摞铺在地上,数上几遍,然后“静静地欣赏”。


>  2004年9月10日,法院以受贿罪一审判处李友灿死刑,剥夺政治权利终身,并处没收个人全部财产。2006年4月26日,李友灿被执行死刑。

>  广东省疾控中心免疫规划所原所长罗耀星,因收受的赃款太多,放在家里已经堆不下了,于是另外租了一套豪宅来给钱”住“。

>  这样既能大大增加”库容“,又能规避风险,为了防止钞票受潮发霉,他不仅用塑料袋将钱扎成一捆一捆的,还未雨绸缪,在地板上铺上了防潮纸、干燥剂,但最终近1200万元仍然发霉。

>  2006年9月1日,罗耀星因收受疫苗经销商贿赂1118.5万元,被广州市中级人民法院以受贿罪一审判处无期徒刑,剥夺政治权利终身,并处没收个人财产150万元。

>  藏匿:“糖衣炮弹”中塞满100余万元

>  2013年5月,在湖南省长沙市雨花区检察院举办的“知与行”检察行为艺术活动周上,雨花区检察院首次披露了原湖南公路运输管理局副局长陈京元受贿案的细节。

>  在陈京元家里一个不起眼的角落放着两枚废弃炮弹,没人能想到,这两枚炮弹壳其实是两枚”糖衣炮弹”,里面塞满了陈京元收受的100余万元赃款。这最终也成为他落马的确凿证据。

>  2012年,陈京元因受贿和巨额财产来源不明罪,被判处有期徒刑9年。

>  藏匿:正常使用的煤气罐内有乾坤

>  2005年4月1日,被称为“赣南第一贪”的江西省赣州市公路局原局长李国蔚因受贿197万元、367万多元财产来源不明,被赣州市中级人民法院判处无期徒刑。


>  在侦办此案过程中,办案人员获得了一条重要信息:李国蔚家里有一个煤气罐,是他请人精心制作,专门用来窝藏赃款的。

>  在这个煤气罐底下的夹层里,办案人员起获了大量赃款。更让人惊奇的是,这个用于藏钱的煤气罐竟然还能正常使用。

>  见光:邻居借道回家 意外发现赃款

>  据《法制与新闻》报道,2008年1月14日上午,重庆南岸区某知名小区一位业主找到物管称,自己的钥匙被锁在房内,希望物管帮忙开门。随即,保安拿着楼上业主留下的钥匙带着装修工人进入五楼住户家,准备借道下到四楼。

>  进到这套新房后,保安在卫生间处发现了一堆用胶带密封着的矿泉水纸箱。出于好奇,他抠破了纸箱,不料却发现了8个纸箱里装的全是百元大钞。后经警方和银行工作人员清点,一共装了939万元。

>  这一案件很快被移送重庆市纪委。随后查明钱的主人是重庆市巫山县交通局原局长晏大彬。最终晏大彬因涉嫌受贿2226万元,被判处死刑。

>  见光:被举报后 检察机关地毯式搜查

>  天津塘沽区原副区长姚建华,1994年10月因受贿罪被判处死刑。

>  其贪污公款案被举报以后,经历了与纪检两次谈话却还心存侥幸想“瞒天过海”。

>  姚建华夫妻俩把金项链和金戒指用小塑料袋和方便面包装袋里外4层包好,藏于开了膛的鱼肚子中,放在冰箱里冻了起来。

>  搞土建出身的姚建华还精心设计施工了更多的匿赃点。他亲自在木纱门的底框里挖了个槽,把存单嵌在里面后,又钉好木板,抹上腻子,刷了漆,看起来完好如初。他撕开盛着食用油的包装箱的瓦楞纸,把存单藏进去以后又粘好。

>  此外,他还把兑换的美钞铸封在一水泥包中,放在烟道眼下部,并用水泥上下里外地封住;把巨额现金部分转移到原籍的亲属处,部分兑换成美金存在北京的银行。

>  检察机关对姚家进行了两次搜查,耗时9个多小时找出全部赃物。

>  结语:金融制度与反腐锁死贪官“发财梦”

>  为什么有的贪官喜欢在家里藏钱?制度反腐专家李永忠曾在接受媒体采访时表示,第一,中国实行金融实名制,贪官去存款就得登记,因此他的问题就会暴露。第二,如果他用亲朋好友的身份去登记,一旦他的亲朋好友翻脸,那个钱就是亲朋好友的了,贪官不敢轻易冒此风险。所以,把赃款赃物藏在家中,就成了更多贪官的首选。

>  观海解局记者发现,中国现行的现金管理和大额数据报送制度,可以在很大程度上迫使行贿资金或其他腐败资金,在金融机构和反洗钱中心留下交易痕迹:依据中国人民银行有关规定,当单笔存款金额达到或超过1万元现金时,银行应对存款人进行客户身份的识别;当单笔存入现金超过5万元时,银行应同时核对存款者和账户持有人的有效身份证件,如发现异常情况,银行还应进一步通过公民身份信息系统对客户身份进行核查。

>  对于腐败问题,中国历来态度坚决,惩戒手段强硬。特别是十八大以来,打虎拍蝇成效显著。

>  中国社科院中国廉政研究中心副秘书长高波曾在接受媒体采访时表示,贪官的财产无处藏身,只能藏在家里,这也说明十八大以来的反腐取得了成效。

>  无论从政治领域还是经济领域,规则和制度已经为官员腐败问题的查处织下天罗地网,再隐蔽的藏钱方式也终究会见光,再狡猾的贪官也难逃法律的制裁。


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