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published in(发表于) 2017/3/18 8:34:36
China’s Foreign Ministry response to contaminated food from China, Japan: don’t damage other people



China's Foreign Ministry response to contaminated food from China, Japan: don't damage other people's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, China | | | food _ Fukushima news

[Gt-World Wide Web Reporter Bai Yunyi] 15th CCTV "315" exposure of the party, has produced nuclear-contaminated areas of Japanese food products into the Chinese market, including rice, cereal, milk powder and other products. In this regard, Hua Chunying, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, 16th in response to a press-related inquiries, the global times said, the Government of Japan in the last 6 years or about Fukushima coy or evasive, concerns about Japan and abroad has not given a reassuring, comforting answers, food inspection and quarantine departments in China will be dealt with according to law, maintain the country's food security and public health.

Hua Chunying, China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs regular press conference held on the same day to the reporter for global times said the Chinese side has been concerned about Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear fallout. "I noticed that at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident anniversary comes as Japanese media widely reported comments, overall Japanese Government pollution water and soils and lack effective means for radioactive waste disposal, discharge into the oceans around nuclear waste water to the marine environment and the public health risks, information about response lag and openly opaque, food safety-related data, such as the lack of sufficient persuasive power. ”

Hua Chunying, said Fukushima is the follow-up process not only directly related to Japan's national security, also affected neighbors, including China. "It is regrettable that, the Government of Japan in the last 6 years in the Fukushima nuclear leak problems or to keep secret or dirtiness, concerns about Japan and abroad has not given a reassuring, comforting answers. We once again urge the Government of Japan in the international public interest a highly responsible attitude and effective implementation of relevant international obligations, disclosure of accurate and reliable information in a timely manner, not to endanger the ocean environment, safety and health of other people. ”

In 2011, the Chinese Foreign Ministry issued a safety reminder of Chinese citizens travel to Fukushima, according to the global times, a reporter, the reminder is still valid.

> Editors: Dong Zhang

Article keywords:
China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs of food Tokyo in Fukushima nuclear pollution

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  [环球时报-环球网报道 记者白云怡]据15日央视“315”晚会曝光,有产自核污染地区的日本食品流入中国市场,其中包括大米、麦片、奶粉等多重产品。对此,中国外交部发言人华春莹16日在回答《环球时报》记者相关问询时表示,日本政府在过去6年里对福岛核泄漏问题要么讳莫如深,要么闪烁其辞,对日本国内外的担忧始终没有给出一个令人放心、让人安心的答复,中国有关食品检验检疫部门会依法处理、维护中国食品安全和公众健康。





中国外交部 食品 福岛 日本政府 核污染


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