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published in(发表于) 2017/4/6 16:40:35
A Chinese company copied Korean advertising was ironic, netizens in China: special lost when China faces



A Chinese company copied Korean advertising was ironic, China: China faces lost time |-enterprise in advertising | | South Korea _ news

[Gt-World Wide Web Reporter Guofang special correspondent Jin Huizhen] "restricted Korean" Korean was frozen under the cold, cultural Hallyu the largest consumer market in China today is precarious; empty Hyundai stores in Beijing, Kia March sales dropped 70% ... ... Since the end of February the Rakuten Group eventually surrendered, "Thad" sites so far, South Korean media cries constantly. Annoy the Chinese, and some pain in meat.

However, a "new ad copy South Korean women involved in mainland China" message, but was turned by some South Koreans feel salt fish. Korean netizens have recently discovered that the Mainland Idol x-nine juvenile men's team and women's SNH48 shoot for a clothing brand new ads, suspected plagiarism team TWICE in South Korea's Knock Knock album photos.

According to reports, first released in February, a special edition of this album the title track of the knock knock, top 8 South Korean music charts fire now to Japan. But for most Chinese people, know because its members, TWICE more in "apology wave" of Taiwanese artist Zhou Ziyu, she burst in South Korea for "Republic of China" Blue Sky with a White Sun.

South Korea's first album of women TWICE as


> This is Idol of China men's team x-nine cadets ads on Shanghai's Nanjing Road pedestrian street.

> TWICE in South Korea's Knock Knock album photos.

> Chinese women SNH48 photo.

ER ... ... ....

Once this message is issued, go south Korea's entertainment section on Pann's hot posts.


Because the "Sade" got fat beat Chinese public opinion, worried about no bargains out South Korean netizens take this play.


For "Sade" retaliation come "South Korea limit order" have the nerve to copy South Korean combination album cover, TM really speechless. You know why China cannot develop, because you know that copying someone else, making the cottage, I wish you a speedy subjugation.


From the perspective of land area, it is a big country. But acts like a kindergarten child, like an adult's brain is only 5 years of age the IQ of the child, really funny. Also, look at the quality of Chinese tourists to South Korea, was offensive. Thanks to no longer see the ugly Chinese person.


Wow, cottage country, shout all day what "anti-" and "anti-Korean", but secretly copying other games, TV shows and other products.

Chinese netizens expressed concern.




Reporter for global times, 5th call the beautiful Tess nation prestige Shanghai garment co., Ltd. After much internal communication, the company's public relations staff told reporters, the company didn't respond to it.

> Editor: Li Peng

Article keywords:
Commercial enterprises in Korea plagiarism

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  [环球时报-环球网报道 记者 郭芳 特约记者 金惠真]“限韩令”寒潮下韩流被封冻,文化韩流最大消费地的中国市场如今岌岌可危;位于北京的现代汽车卖场门可罗雀, 起亚3月销售量骤减70%……自2月末乐天集团最终交出“萨德”用地至今,韩国媒体上哀嚎不断。惹怒中国人,有人很肉疼。

  然而,一则“中国内地组合新广告涉抄袭韩国女团”的消息,却让一些韩国人感觉咸鱼翻了身。近日有韩国网民发现,内地偶像男团X玖少年团和女子组合SNH48为一家服饰品牌拍摄的新广告,疑似抄袭韩国女团TWICE的《Knock Knock》专辑照。

  据报道,这首2月发行的特别版专辑主打歌《knock knock》,登顶了韩国8大音乐排行榜,现在还火到日本。但对大部分中国人来说,知道TWICE更多是因为其成员、陷入“道歉风波”的台湾艺人周子瑜,她被爆曾在韩国举“中华民国”的青天白日旗。


>韩国TWICE的《Knock Knock》专辑照。















广告 中企 韩国 抄袭


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