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published in(发表于) 2017/4/6 16:40:57
Nanchang is a reservoir near the fire, fire-fighting helicopter fire



Fire fire helicopter fire near a reservoir in Nanchang Nanchang _ | | fire helicopter | news

Original title: fire helicopters near a reservoir in Nanchang fire

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China Jiangxi Web Mobile editing reporter Li Zhiqiang, Li Yunhui reported on April 4 at about 14:20, netizens call China Jiangxi Web disclosure hotline 0791-86849275, Nanchang jiaoqiao town, a reservoir burst fire, called the helicopter fire. " Wrote to China Jiangxi Web from the little video shows a rise of smoke on the mountain, looming channeling fire, with helicopters hovering in the air, and you can hear the wind whirring.

Subsequently, the network reporter, Nanchang city, Jiangxi, China forest fire brigade confirmed that fires broke out Jiao Qiao Zhen of Jiangxi agricultural University, located in nearby mountains, fire place, located in the "Jiao Qiao Zhen Guan Yin Temple 350 m".

Forest fire brigade said a head in Nanchang city, received about 14 o'clock alarm fire occurred in jiaoqiao town, Feng Jing, Nanchang numerous reservoirs in the mountains, forest fire fighting is the spot the fire, has arranged helicopters for fire fighting.

At present, the cause of the fire is under investigation.

Source: China's Jiangxi province network

> Editor: Li Peng

Article keywords:
Helicopter fire in Nanchang

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  原标题:南昌一水库附近发生火灾 消防出动直升机灭火

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