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The author:(作者)aaa
published in(发表于) 2017/4/6 16:40:58
Police: these students ’ deaths in Sichuan Luzhou videos are rumors



Police: deaths of these middle school students in Sichuan Luzhou | Luzhou | Middle | death videos are rumors _ news

These days, occurred in Luzhou, Lu Fu middle school student deaths, too, raised concerns over the network. Some people who have ulterior motives, non-event video redirection, just link to it. Let us debunk these rumors.

 Rumors videos

The video being circulated on the Internet in two versions:

Is the Government hiring mafia hit

Two said was a wedding dress shop owner shot too after v was chased by triad

  The truth

Verified by the police, the event real to Luzhou Jiang Yang Zhen Xin road pond Street "hongtong-maritime Venice" disputes in the House together, Lu didn't happen in too v, not Lu Fu middle school, too.

April 2, 2017 at 14 o'clock, 110 command center instructions in Zhen Xin Lu Jiang Yang Luzhou pond Street "hongtong-maritime Venice" House for sale there was a fight. Understanding of "Tian Yu property company" Sales Department is responsible for distributing leaflets of 8-9 elderly women "hongtong maritime Venice" housing sector gathered that his colleagues were playing to beg, Tian Yu sales company owner Wang has immediately arrived at the scene, then the police will gather at "hongtong maritime Venice" 8 elderly women away at the door. 17:30 P.M., King police station received an alarm call themselves "hongtong Venice at sea" is on the road of the housing sector 7, 8 man assault, his colleague shot is played related videos. At present public security organs have been filed for investigation in the case, is under investigation in handling the case.

 Rumor video II

NET student being beaten with steel tube videos in the classroom.

 The truth

This video on December 1, 2015 mountain junior boys play the students within the classroom 24 Club, not net Luzhou, Lu Fu event, too.

 Rumor video three

NET police pulled a gun video

 The truth

This video is March 2, 2017 13:30, Cheng Wu Cheng Lu, river traffic Police Brigade in China Construction Bank in events of the traffic light junction the road traffic regulation, Luzhou was not Fu dispose of live video, too. In response, @ Jiang informed the police on March 3 on the matter.

  Rumor video four

Lu network too Volt drop dead of boys before he was beaten to the horror of dying video

  The truth

This video is not, Lu Fu event, too, has not occurred in Luzhou area. When the original video should be 1 minute 10 seconds long, and not editing into other audio. Internet time is 59 seconds after editing and score 1 minutes 10 seconds, are being edited. Original video be able to clearly distinguish the two dozen juveniles, are names mentioned in the video, not Bo Li Fu high school student Cho, too.

This video has been confirmed by careful users

Source: Luzhou police inspections of law enforcement

>: Tang Li Weishan

Article keywords:
Luzhou student death

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  真 相


  2017年4月2日14时许,接110指挥中心指令,在泸州江阳鱼塘街道振新路“鸿通—海上威尼斯”售房部有人打架。经了解系“天誉房产公司”销售部负责发传单的8-9名老年妇女在“鸿通海上威尼斯”售房部门口聚集称自己同事被打讨要说法,天誉销售公司负责人王某也随即赶到现场,随后民警将聚集在“鸿通海上威尼斯”门口的8民老年妇女劝离。 下午17时30分许,派出所接到王某报警称自己在“鸿通海上威尼斯”售房部门口的公路上被7、8名男子殴打,其同事拍摄了被打的相关视频。目前该案件公安机关已立案侦查,案件正在进一步调查办理中。



  真 相




  真 相




  真 相





泸州 中学生 死亡


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