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published in(发表于) 2017/4/21 3:49:01
American officials said was ready to arrest Assange,



American officials said was ready to arrest Assange-Wikileaks, Assange-IT information

Beijing morning news on April 21, well-informed official told CNN the United States revealed that the US Government was ready, hope that the arrest of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange (Julian Assange).

? Wikileaks founder Julian Assange

United States Department of Justice investigation of Assange and Wikileaks goes back at least to 2010, it was because before the disclosure of thousands of American military analyst qieerxi·Manning (Chelsea Manning) stealing thousands of documents and a wide swath.

Prosecutors have struggled to determine whether the first amendment to the Constitution of the United States he forms a protective, but they are thought to have found a way to advance in this case.

During Obama's Presidency, ailike·huoerke of the then-United States Attorney General (Eric Holder) and other Justice Department officials think so filed charges against Assange, manning paper published in Wikileaks is not the only institution, several newspapers, including the New York Times also had to disclose its contents.

American officials involved in the investigation process, the investigation is still continuing, but all the charges were put on hold.

But investigators found that Wikileaks has actively helped the "Prism" Leaker aidehua·sinuodeng (Edward Snowden), the United States on Wikileaks and Assange's attitude has changed.

Assange has been stranded in Ecuador's Embassy in London, to avoid was arrested for the rape allegations in Sweden. American officials hope that Ecuador's new Government in recent months to deport Assange, to be arrested. But left-wing presidential candidate to win the country's recent general election, and pledged to continue to provide protection for Assange.

United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director Michael Peng Peio (Mike Pompeo) last week during a speech at the Center for strategic and international studies in Washington, said Wikileaks's actions go beyond the rights granted by the first amendment to the Constitution of the United States.

He said Wikileaks "guiding manming to intercept confidential information and goals aiming mainly to the United States. ”

"It is time to Wikileaks has determined: this is often by Russia and other Nations to incite hostile intelligence agencies, non-State nature. "He said.

American intelligence agencies also concluded that Wikileaks released some of Russian intelligence aims to undermine ex-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (0Hillary Clinton) messages, take this interference in the 2016 United States presidential election.

According to us intelligence estimates, plays for Russia's intelligence agency hacker stole thousands of democratic China Committee and officials of the Clinton campaign messages, and sending it to Wikileaks over the middlemen.

Nevertheless, the move could still be viewed as a political statement, because he just stayed in the Embassy of Ecuador will not be arrested, while Ecuador has yet to change the position on this issue.

United States Attorney General jiefu·saixinsi (Jeff Sessions) said at a news conference Thursday, arresting Assange was "important matters".

"We will take action and measures had been taken to deal with leaks. "He said," this is beyond my knowledge. I security sector in the United States for many years but still shocked because the number of leaked documents and severity. So, this is really important. We have already begun to take action, as long as the time is right, we will put some people in jail. ”

"We did not communicate with the Ministry of Justice, they did not notify me to prosecute Mr Assange. "Assange lawyers Paris-Pollack (Barry Pollack) said that" despite our repeated requests, but they simply won't communicate, Assange refused to tell us the status of any pending investigation. They have no reason to Wikileaks and other publishers differently. ”

Pollack said the Wikileaks told the Washington Post and the New York Times, the two companies are also based on confidential information published news reports. He said Wikileaks release of information "in the public interest, and involves not only the United States, also relates to Governments all over the world. ”

"Quite simply, our motives, like the New York Times and the Washington Post, that publish newsworthy content. "He recently wrote in a column in the Washington Post," under the United States Constitution published facts, and does not take into account legitimate source, or is authorized to release to the media. We are working hard to address legal concerns, such as by editing the content to protect the intelligence agencies may face personal risk status. ”

Peng Peio refuted that view in a speech last week, he thought Assange are not protected by constitutional free speech rights.

"He does not enjoy the right to free speech under the first amendment, his Embassy in London, he is not an American citizen. "He said.

Senate Republican Peter King (Peter King) told CNN in an interview, said: "I am very glad that the Justice Department found the way to pursue Assange, he does not go unpunished very long. ”

Peter King says Assange "has caused huge damage to our national security and put American lives at risk. ”

美国官员透露:已做好准备逮捕阿桑奇 - 维基解密,阿桑奇 - IT资讯

北京时间4月21日早间消息,了解内情的美国官员对CNN透露,美国政府已经做好准备,希望逮捕维基解密创始人朱利安·阿桑奇(Julian Assange)。


美国司法部对阿桑奇和维基解密的调查至少可以追溯到2010年,该网站当时因为披露数千份美国军方前分析师切尔西·曼宁(Chelsea Manning)窃取的数千份文件而广受关注。


在奥巴马担任总统期间,时任美国司法部长的埃里克·霍尔克(Eric Holder)和其他司法部官员认为很难对阿桑奇提起指控,因为维基解密并非唯一一家发布曼宁文件的机构,包括《纽约时报》在内的多家报纸也都曾经披露其中的内容。


但在调查人员发现维基解密积极帮助“棱镜门”泄密者爱德华·斯诺登(Edward Snowden)后,美国对维基解密和阿桑奇的态度发生了变化。


美国中情局(CIA)局长麦克·蓬佩奥(Mike Pompeo)上周在华盛顿战略和国际研究中心发表演讲时表示,维基解密的行为超越了《美国宪法第一修正案》赋予的权利。



美国情报机构还认定,俄罗斯情报机构使用维基解密发布了一些旨在暗中破坏前国务卿希拉里·克林顿(0Hillary Clinton)的邮件,借此干涉2016年美国总统大选。



美国司法部长杰夫·赛辛斯(Jeff Sessions)在周四的新闻发布会上表示,逮捕阿桑奇是“重要事项”。


“我们没有跟司法部沟通,他们也没有通知我要起诉阿桑奇。”阿桑奇的律师巴黎·波拉克(Barry Pollack)说,“尽管我们多次提出要求,但他们根本不愿沟通,不肯告诉我们阿桑奇在任何悬而未决的调查中的状态。他们没有理由将维基解密与其他发布商区别对待。”





美国共和党参议院彼得·金(Peter King)接受CNN采访时说:“我很高兴司法部找到了追究阿桑奇的办法,他逍遥法外的时间不会太久。”


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