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published in(发表于) 2016/4/9 7:22:46
United States Congress proposed to deal with mobile phone encryption, security experts: technical illiteracy! ,



United States Congress proposed to deal with mobile phone encryption, security experts: technical illiteracy! -The White House, iPhone hack, FBI-IT information

On April 9, according to Wired magazine, Apple decrypted with the FBI ended the controversy, both sides hope that the United States Congress to propose a compromise solution. Now, Congress gives the answer, but also "encryption expressed the most extreme positions." Chief Technologist of the Center for democracy and technology yuesefu·luolunzuo·huoer (Joseph Lorenzo Hall) as saying: " This will essentially end-to-end encryption technology illegal . ”

North Carolina Republican Senator, Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee lichade·Boer (Richard Burr) and California's Democratic Senator, Senate Intelligence Committee Vice Chairman daianna·fanshidan (Dianne Feinstein) recently introduced legislation that attempts to deal with more and more powerful encryption technology. In the case does not have the correct key, anyone (including law enforcement agencies and even technology companies in developing encryption technology) are unable to crack.

Elements of the Bill include: at the request of a court order, any technology companies need to decrypt the encrypted data, or provide technical assistance required to decrypt data. But the proposal does not provide how to decrypt data or technical support guide. Companies are forced to help will receive compensation.

Feinstein-bird's proposal before the apples with the FIB is a law enforcement agency should suspect the decrypt terrorist attacks iPhone vs. FBI tried to force Apple to develop software and equipment to help to break terrorist suspects. But Apple is firmly opposed, saying it could endanger the safety of all its users. Eventually, the FBI claimed that help the third party, have been able to crack the iPhone.

Although the FBI dropped, but leads to decrypt many important issues without a clear result in the war, including whether the Court can force companies to decrypt to decrypt data, or forced into its development tools and equipment. Feinstein-bird attempted to provide law enforcement agencies with clear legal authority allows them to require technology companies under investigation to decrypt the data.

If the proposal is passed, the recent rise in consumer products for end-to-end encryption technology a fundamental challenge. Because of this, the key is not the correct key or password, no one can decrypt data, say it is crucial to protecting user security and privacy. Apple, Google, WhatsApp and other technology companies must reduce their security mechanisms, or prepared in accordance with the required development tools into their devices.

Feinstein-primary proposal just made a hit, Reuters reported that the White House does not seem to support it . President Barack Obama had previously been publicly refuted the so-called "encryption technology threat", warns people not to "too obsessed with cell phones," claiming that completely regardless of law enforcement departments to crack encrypted data challenges encountered "is not the right approach." So far, the Obama administration has not openly support or opposition to the Feinstein-bird's proposal.

Aolin·Keer, a law professor at George Washington University (Orin Kerr), this Act of force decryption does not require technology companies to provide reasonable assistance, but must provide the necessary assistance required to decrypt. In other words, this Bill does not take into account the technical challenges faced by technology companies, such as whether the product has been designed to allow blocked or encrypted. When the FBI tried to force Apple to develop software to help decrypt the iPhone is, many people think that the FBI asked has gone beyond the "reasonable assistance" boundaries, unnecessary burden on companies.

By Mr proposals Feinstein-bird, technology companies without such protective rights. It can be foreseen that this proposal may be resisted by the security community. Security expert, head of Open Tech Institute kaiwen·bankesidun (Kevin Bankston) said: "I worked in the field of science and technology policy for 20 years, this is the most I've ever seen absurd, dangerous and motion raised by technological illiteracy. Feinstein-job proposals Silicon Valley would be embarrassing, it will undermine safety, innovation, and technical and economic. ”

Bankston and Hall pointed out that Feinstein-bird's proposal did not make it clear that any "back door" or otherwise to balance privacy and security differences and even claim that do not require any product defects design limitation. Rather, it only requires companies to provide law enforcement agencies with decrypt data or methods of law enforcement agencies to obtain data. Hall said it is very high-handed, would require technology companies must provide the decrypted data, regardless of how a technology company to do it.

Cryptography Professor at John Hopkins University maxiu·GELIN (Matthew Green) says: "is not difficult to explain why the White House refused to support Feinstein-bird's proposal. Because they tried to use a na?ve solution to a complex problem. "Journalist and policy analyst zhulian·sangqiesi (Julian Sanchez) think of the lack of technical details of the feasibility of the proposal.

Feinstein's spokesman, tangmu·men policy (Tom Mentzer) two sponsors on behalf of the sponsors, said: "we are still discussing the motion and still not commenting on legal provisions in the Bill. But our potential is very clear: when a court order issued requiring technology company providing technical assistance to law enforcement agencies or to decrypt information becomes available, a court order must be implemented. No person or company can be above the law. ”

美国国会提议案对付手机加密,安全专家:技术文盲! - 白宫,iPhone破解,FBI - IT资讯

4月9日消息,据连线杂志报道,苹果与FBI之间的解密之争草草结束,双方都希望美国国会能够提出某种妥协性解决方案。现在,国会给出了答案,也是“针对加密表达了最极端立场”。用民主与科技中心首席技术专家约瑟夫·洛伦佐·霍尔(Joseph Lorenzo Hall)的话说:“这基本上将端对端加密技术列为非法行为。”

北卡罗来纳州共和党籍参议员、参议院情报委员会主席理查德·伯尔(Richard Burr)与加州民主党籍参议员、参议院情报委员会副主席黛安娜·范士丹(Dianne Feinstein)近来提交议案,试图应对越来越强大的加密技术。在没有正确密匙的情况下,任何人(包括执法机构甚至研发加密技术的科技公司)都无法破解。






乔治-华盛顿大学法学教授奥林·科尔(Orin Kerr)表示,这部法案中的强制解密并非只要求科技公司提供合理援助,而是必须提供解密所需的必要援助。换句话说,这部法案并未考虑到科技公司面临的技术挑战,比如他们的产品是否已经设计为允许拦截或加密。当FBI试图强迫苹果开发软件帮助解密iPhone时,许多人认为FBI的要求已经超越了“合理援助”界限,给公司带来不必要的负担。

按照范士丹-伯尔提案来看,科技公司没有这种防护权利。可以预见,这部提案可能受到安全界的抵制。安全专家、Open Tech Institute负责人凯文·班克斯顿(Kevin Bankston)说:“我在科技政策领域工作了20年,这是我见过的最荒谬、危险以及由技术文盲提出的议案。范士丹-伯尔提案将令硅谷感到尴尬,它将破坏安全、创新以及技术经济。”


约翰-霍普金斯大学密码学教授马休·格林(Matthew Green)称:“不难解释白宫为何拒绝支持范士丹-伯尔提案。因为他们试图使用幼稚的方案解决复杂的问题。”记者和政策分析家朱利安·桑切斯(Julian Sanchez)认为这部提案缺少可行性的技术细节。

范士丹的发言人汤姆·门策(Tom Mentzer)代表提案两位发起人表示:“我们依然在讨论议案,还无法对议案中的法律条文进行评论。可是我们的潜在目标非常明确:当法庭令发出,要求科技公司向执法机构提供技术帮助或提供解密信息时,法庭令必须得到执行。没有任何人或公司能够凌驾于法律之上。”

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