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published in(发表于) 2016/6/23 8:46:33
Huawei mobile operating system exposure: the engineer before joining Nokia,



Huawei mobile operating system exposure: Nokia engineer before joining Huawei, Nokia, EMUI-IT information

IT information news on June 23 last year when there were rumours of Huawei is working on its own custom system Kirin OS, and now, on this operating system and a new piece of news. According to Phonearena foreign media quoted sources of explosive material, said former Nokia engineers had joined the company independent of operating system research and development team.

After years of fight, currently Huawei basically can said have Shang is global third big wisdom expert machine manufacturers has, but in future and Samsung and Apple of competition process in the, overseas market will is key of link, how more completely to will Huawei of brand penetration to Europe market is next Huawei need focuses on concern of, currently, Huawei home based on Ann Zhuo system custom of UI currently latest version for EMUI 4.1, and Huawei in system UI Shang of design Deputy President Abigail Brody was also Apple's designers, do so precisely in order to allow EMUI used more in line with an international audience. In addition, rumors Kirin show Huawei is also developing mobile operating system OS, in order to reduce the dependence on the Android, when Google is one day to recover after rights is open to Android, Huawei Kirin in the hearsay OS has also been used as an alternate system.

Not only that, but there are now rumours that Huawei has also invited former Nokia engineers joined the team autonomous mobile operating system , perhaps is what makes Kirin OS at the same time be able to cater to the tastes of users in overseas markets. According to previous rumors, a feature of the system is the processor together with the software package, at the same time, analysts said Kirin system architecture based on Android OS is expected to be developed, but added more Huawei's features and functionality. However, the latest message appears, at present the system is still in the initial stages of development , so want to really see the forming of the system, the need to wait.

华为自主移动操作系统曝光:诺基亚前工程师加盟 - 华为,诺基亚,EMUI - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 6月23日消息,去年年中的时候就有传闻称华为正在研发自家的定制系统麒麟OS,而现在,关于这套操作系统又有新的消息传来。根据外媒Phonearena援引消息人士的爆料称,前诺基亚工程师已经加盟了华为自主操作系统的研发团队。

经过几年的鏖战,目前华为基本上可以称得上是全球第三大智能手机厂商了,不过在未来和三星以及苹果的竞争过程中,海外市场将是关键的环节,如何更彻底地将华为的品牌渗透到欧美市场是接下来华为需要着重关注的,目前,华为自家基于安卓系统定制的UI目前最新版本为EMUI 4.1,而华为在系统UI上的设计副总裁Abigail Brody此前也是苹果的设计师,这么做正是为了让EMUI更加符合国际用户的使用习惯。而除此之外,传闻显示华为还在研发自主移动操作系统麒麟OS,以减少对安卓的依赖,当有一天谷歌收回对安卓系统开放的权利的是以后,华为传闻中的麒麟OS也已作为备用的系统。


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