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published in(发表于) 2017/1/17 9:16:24
Samsung heir apparent, Lee Jae-in prison, Lee Kun-hee, the eldest daughter Li Fu really want at the helm,



Samsung heir apparent, Lee Jae-in prison, Lee Kun-hee, the eldest daughter Li Fu really want at the helm-Samsung, Lee Jae, Lee, Li Fuzhen-IT information

Bloomberg said Tuesday, Korea Lee family long time planning, strengthening of Samsung Group Chairman Lee Kun-hee son Lee Jae (Jay y. Lee) plan has the potential to make the latter jailed. It also sparked about who will take over from Mr LEE, as the speculation of the helm of the Samsung Group.

Korea investigates "interference in the scandal" the Special Prosecutor's Office announced on Monday that decided on suspicion of bribery and false evidence for arrest Samsung actual control, Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman Lee Jae. Mr LEE is suspected by prosecutors Korea Park Geun-Hye, former President cronies Cui Shun real set up two nonprofit foundations donations in Exchange for her support for a merger. As the heir apparent of Samsung Group, Lee Rong if found guilty, would lead him to give up the family business. After Samsung Group heir apparent might include Samsung Electronics executives in key sectors, as well as Lee Kun-hee, the eldest daughter of Li Fuzhen (Lee Boo-jin). If Li Fuzhen as head of Samsung Group, which will no doubt in a patriarchal society as the Center Korea society set off an earthquake.

In spending after years of following in his father's footsteps to become the head of Samsung Group, Lee Jae is trying not to let his father on his back that year of two counts of failure. Even if the Court ultimately found that the charges against him, Lee Jae-future could still return to the Samsung Group, even like Hyundai and SK group head, continue in the company.

Lee Kyung-mook, a professor at Seoul National University, "said Korea chaebol executives to participate in enterprise management from the prison of precedent. Whether it be through counsel or a Secretary, can do their jobs. ”

Samsung Group as to whether leader did not comment on the missing will appear. Seoul Central District Court judge says arrest warrant for Mr LEE must be approved by the Court. The official said, a hearing is scheduled for Wednesday. Regardless of whether the Court approved arrest warrants, prosecutors will continue to investigate, find Lee Jae-crime evidence.

Park Geun-Hye "girlfriends about politics" scandal is getting worse. Investigators had found that the Samsung Group in addition to her two girlfriends Cui Shunshi Foundation contributions, also suspected to have Cui Shunshi funds and family control of the company or organization. Among them, accused Cui Shunshi of Samsung Group and its daughter Chung located in Germany as a "shell companies" provide 2.8 billion won (about 16 million yuan) funds, also on behalf of contributions to a children's Sports Center, Cui Shun real niece, Zhang Shigao 1.6 billion won (about 9.3 million yuan). In order to "give back" Lee Jae, Park Geun-Hye was asked Samsung, one of the largest shareholder, Korea pension management agency "Korea national pension" supported a merger. The merger involved two of Samsung's affiliate Samsung property and the first woolen (Cheil Industries Inc), inheritance rights and access rights is essential to the plum in a solid group.

Korea special prosecutors Office, Mr LEE in December last year, made a false testimony at Congressional hearings. At that time, Korea 9 large chaebol executives attended the hearing. In this hearing, lawmakers on whether Samsung Group to benefit from Cui Shun real control of the Fund, queries on Mr LEE. Mr LEE said at the hearing, Samsung Group have been donated or the cost of financing benefits, denied that donations to the Consortium in order to protect their inheritance of Samsung Group and get right. But he confirmed that he had secret meeting with Park Geun-Hye, daughter to Cui Shunshi and Samsung Electronics presented a horse worth 1 billion won (about us $837,000) horse riding lesson for the latter.

If Mr LEE was arrested, will give the flagship subsidiary of the Samsung Group, Samsung Electronics hit again. Mr LEE is currently serving as a Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman of the Board. Samsung Electronics last year due to overheating cause spontaneous combustion, a voluntary recall and suspension of a new Galaxy Note 7 flagship Smartphone. The recall is expected to be brought to Samsung about $6 billion in losses, and rival Apple to further consolidate its dominance in the market for high-end smart phones.

Mr LEE, aged 48 in dad's Halo. Under the leadership of Lee Kun-hee, Samsung Electronics from a fake home appliances manufacturers, as the world's largest maker of smartphones, televisions and memory chips. Korea's richest man Lee Kun-hee in May 2014, hospital admissions for heart attacks, Samsung Electronics share prices began falling, and did not return until 2016 when the price.

"A person to take over a company, simply because he or she is born by a successful father, it is a dangerous practice. Korea economy's biggest problem is inexperienced people can manage the largest enterprises, "lawyer Park Yong-jin said.

Lee Kun-hee has not served as a day-to-day management role, but serve in their capacity as Joint Chief Executive, gave the work to the other Co-Chief Executive. But in making major decisions, such as important or potential acquisitions, employees and shareholders still need to rely on Lee Kun-hee for the strategic guidelines. Lee Kun-hee, after hospitalization, Samsung Electronics head of mobile operations Shen Zongjun (J.K. Shin) Executive, became responsible for day-to-day operations of Samsung Electronics.

Plum in actual control of the Samsung Group, Samsung Group has carried out a series of complex reorganization to consolidate his position. Korea prosecutors hoped that Lee Jae bribe Korea President Park Geun-Hye, in Exchange for the Government's support on this issue.

If Mr LEE were sentenced, Joint Chief Executive responsible for the semiconductor and Samsung Electronics display business Quan Wuxuan (Kwon Oh-hyun), will take his post. The success of these two business units, helping Samsung operating profit last year hit three-year high. Another successor is probably Samsung home appliances Department head Yoon Boo-keun.

Korea head of corporate research websites Chaebul.com said Chung Sun-Sup, was really to succeed Mr LEE by Lee Kun-hee, the eldest daughter of Li Fu position, is also a kind of "natural" selection. Li Fuzhen was CEO of Shilla, now 46. Bloomberg figures show, the company is going for 6 consecutive years of revenue growth. She holds 5.5% shares in Samsung C&T Samsung Electronics, one of the largest shareholders. Chung Sun-sup, said: "there is speculation that she may in fact take over. But even large shareholders did not mean that she has the ability to run large companies such as Samsung Electronics. At the operational level, Quan Wuxuan is probably the better choice. "Seoul National University Professor Lee Kyung-mook also believed that Li Fu was one of the possible successors. Although she may be only temporary roles.

By the daughter to take over Samsung Group will break the Korea tradition. In Korea, son normally inherited his father's business. However, Samsung is a company full of atmosphere, willing to break commercial tradition and actively hiring female employees. Lee Kyung-mook, "said Lee Jae's sister may temporarily take over Samsung Group, but considering that she held shares of the company fell below his brother, so permanent succession of Samsung Group is unlikely. ”

Lee Kun-hee's daughter Li Xu is currently the Samsung executives at C&T. Midas international asset management company says Heo Pil-seok, Chief Executive of Seoul, Mr LEE may miss the window of opportunity to inherited his father's estate. Korea Congress is taking measures to make it difficult for the Samsung Group using their shares to help Lee Jae to consolidate control. This can lead to share price fluctuations.

In this congressional hearing held before, when Mr LEE asked whether he would hand over control of the Samsung Group, he replied: "If someone more swimming than I am good, I am willing to hand over (control). I am ready to hand over (control). ”

三星接班人李在镕进监牢,李健熙长女李富真有希望掌舵 - 三星,李在镕,李健熙,李富真 - IT资讯

彭博社周二撰文指出,韩国李氏家族长时间策划、扶正三星集团董事长李健熙独子李在镕(Jay Y. Lee)的计划,有可能让后者锒铛入狱。这也引发了市场关于谁将会接替李在镕,出任三星集团掌舵人的揣测。

韩国专门负责调查“干政丑闻”的特别检察官办公室周一宣布,决定以涉嫌行贿和作假证提请逮捕三星集团实际控制人、三星电子董事会副主席李在镕。李在镕被检方怀疑向韩国前总统朴槿惠亲信崔顺实成立的两家非营利性基金会捐款,以换取朴槿惠对一桩并购案的支持。作为三星集团的接班人,李在镕如果被证明有罪,将促使他放弃家族企业。三星集团之后的接班人可能包括三星电子关键部门的高管,以及李健熙的长女李富真(Lee Boo-jin)。如果李富真出任三星集团的掌门人,这无疑将在以父系社会为中心韩国社会掀起一场地震。


首尔国立大学商学院教授Lee Kyung-mook表示,“韩国财阀的管理者有从监狱参与企业管理的先例。无论是通过律师还是秘书,都可以完成他们的工作。”


朴槿惠“闺蜜干政”丑闻正愈演愈烈。调查人员此前发现,三星集团除了向朴槿惠闺蜜崔顺实的两家基金会捐款外,还涉嫌向崔顺实及其亲属控制的公司或组织提供资金。其中,三星集团被指向崔顺实及其女儿郑某设在德国的一家“皮包公司”提供了28亿韩元(约合1600万元人民币)资金,还以向一家儿童体育中心捐款的名义,给崔顺实外甥女张时镐16亿韩元(约合930万元人民币)。为了“回报”李在镕,朴槿惠被指要求三星大股东之一、韩国退休金管理机构“韩国国民年金公团”支持一桩并购案。这桩并购案涉及三星两家子公司三星物产和第一毛织(Cheil Industries Inc),对李在镕稳固集团继承权和获取经营权至关重要。


如果李在镕被批捕,将会给三星集团旗下旗舰子公司三星电子再次带来重创。李在镕目前担任着三星电子的董事会副主席。三星电子在去年因过热易引发自燃,主动召回并停售了新上市的Galaxy Note 7旗舰智能手机。此次召回事件预计将给三星电子带来约60亿美元的亏损,并让竞争对手苹果进一步巩固其在高端智能手机市场的统治优势。


“一个人接管一家公司,仅仅是因为他/她是由一位成功的父亲所生,这是一种危险的做法。韩国经济的最大问题,便是毫无经验的人可以管理国内最大的企业,”律师Park Yong-jin表示。

李健熙一直未担任过日常管理者的角色,而是以联席首席执行官的身份任职,把日常工作交给了其他联席首席执行官。但是在做出重大决策,如采用重要技术或进行潜在收购时,员工和股东仍需要依赖李健熙提供战略指导方针。在李健熙住院之后,三星电子手机业务负责人申宗钧(J.K. Shin)等高管,开始负责三星电子的日常运营。


如果李在镕被判入狱,三星电子负责半导体和显示屏业务的联席首席执行官权五铉(Kwon Oh-hyun)将接替他的岗位。上述两大业务部门的成功,帮助三星电子去年的运营利润创出三年来的新高。另外一位接替者可能是三星电子家电部门负责人Yoon Boo-keun。

韩国企业研究网站Chaebul.com负责人Chung Sun-Sup表示,让李健熙的长女李富真来接替李在镕的职务,也是一种“自然而然”的选择。现年46岁的李富真是新罗酒店的首席执行官。彭博社的统计数据显示,该公司即将连续6年实现营收增长。她持有三星电子最大股东之一三星C&T的5.5%股份。Chung Sun-sup表示:“有人猜测,她可能在事实上接任。不过即使是大股东也不意味着她有能力运营三星电子这样的大公司。在实际操作层面,权五铉可能是更合适的人选。”首尔国立大学教授Lee Kyung-mook也认为,李富真是可能的继任者之一。不过她或许只能担任临时性的角色。

由女儿来接管三星集团将会打破韩国的传统。在韩国,儿子通常会继承父亲的事业。不过,三星集团是一家充满新气象的公司,愿意打破商业传统,并积极雇佣女员工。Lee Kyung-mook表示:“李在镕的妹妹可能会临时接管三星集团,但考虑到她持有公司股份的比例低于自己的兄长,因此永久继承三星集团的可能性不大。”

李健熙的小女儿李叙显目前是三星C&T的高管。首尔Midas国际资产管理公司首席执行官Heo Pil-seok认为,李在镕可能会错失继承父亲遗产的机会窗口。韩国国会正采取措施,导致三星集团很难使用自己的股份去协助李在镕巩固控制权。这可能导致公司股价的波动。


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